In the afternoon, it was almost peaceful.

All parties are moving, all parties are still.

The overall situation has not changed in the slightest.

If anything has changed, it might be the temperature.

With the passage of time, the temperature that seemed to be rising crazily has slowed down. It is not crazy about Shang Yang, but gradually began to cool down.

In the evening, although the temperature is still muggy, it is generally much better than the one that is about to kill people at noon.

Han Sanqian got out of the hole in the rare free time.

Without him, because this time he will inevitably come out.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

Today's supper is much lighter than usual. In the past, because of the temperature, the meals in the City Lord's Mansion were mostly tonic and heat-based, but today, because of the abnormal weather, the food is light and heat-clearing and detoxifying. host.

The servants had just served the food, and Luo Jin and Luo Ying'er had just sat down. At this moment, a chuckle from outside the hall reached their ears.

"Do you two mind adding more chopsticks?"

"Although the weather is hot, the food you guys are eating is too light. I happened to bring some vegetables."

As soon as the words were spoken, two shadows flew over, and then obediently landed on the table, which turned out to be two delicacies.

In the next second, Han Sanqian's figure landed in the courtyard.

Several guards subconsciously ran towards Han Sanqian, but when they saw that it was Han Sanqian, they couldn't help but retreat a few meters consciously.

At this moment, Luo Jin and the others also found out that it was Han Sanqian, and hurriedly waved his hands to let the guards go down.

The guards couldn't wait for it, and all of them withdrew.

"I said why my room suddenly became brighter. It turns out that there are distinguished guests visiting." Luo Jin smiled and got up to greet him.

Luo Yinger followed closely behind.

Han Sanqian waved his hand, indicating that the two of them don't have to be so polite, and then walked in with big strides.

"Mr. Han, you really can't see the end of the dragon." Luo Ying'er quickly filled a glass of wine for him, and said with a smile.

Han Sanqian smiled bitterly: "Princess, if you praise Han Sanqian like this, you are not afraid of Han Sanqian's early death? After all, your life is too short."

In a word, it not only defuses the princess's praise, but also enliven the atmosphere.

Luo Ying'er smiled, feeling a little embarrassed, after all, she never thought that Han Sanqian could answer like this.

"Okay, Ying'er, Mr. Han has already said that, so stop complimenting him." Luo Jin smiled, and then raised his glass: "Mr. You drink."

Han Sanqian smiled, and quickly raised his wine glass: "It was Han who made a sudden visit, and the Lord Luo does not dislike Han."

After the words fell, Han Sanqian drank the wine in one gulp.

Luo Jin smiled: "It seems that Mr. Han's cloth has been woven."

Han Sanqian said: "Lord Luo knows that I am imitating cloth?"

Luo Jin shook his head helplessly: "Actually, the old man really didn't understand the meaning of the operation of buying ice at the beginning, and even when it came to the barter, I still didn't reflect it."

"But in the afternoon, after I saw someone recruiting textile craftsmen, if I couldn't reflect this, wouldn't this old man be too demented?"

Luo Ying'er also added with a smile: "The people who need cloth in this city can be other people or businessmen, but if they also need weaving, I'm afraid there is no other candidate besides Mr. Han. ?”

Han Sanqian smiled, he did not deny this, after all, what the princess said was indeed the truth.

However, Han Sanqian knew long ago that as long as he finds someone who weaves, his reselling will be made public.

For this, he is mentally prepared.

"It seems that Han's little tricks can't be hidden from the two vicious eyes." Han Sanqian said.

"Mr. Han, if this is considered a trivial skill of yours, then I am afraid that there are not many shrewd strategies in this world. You, please stop being humble in front of us. This trick of yours has kept all of us in the dark , even when the old man ran out of ice to sell in the afternoon, he was worried about what to do."

Luo Ying'er smiled softly: "Stop saying polite words, Mr. Han, what do you want to do when you come to the City Lord's Mansion today?"