Haijin glanced at him disdainfully: "Actually, whether you agree or not is not important to us at all. Just like you can see, your loyal team members are obediently ordered by us?"

"You ate the ball, it's actually the same."

"This ball..." Huya seemed to realize something, his face full of horror.

Hai Jin nodded: "That's right, this ball not only contains a strong poison that can cause pain, but most importantly, it can control the behavior of the person being eaten. In other words, if you don't agree to us, we can still wait for you to feel pain After passing out, control your body to do what we want."

"Think about it, after you betrayed your boss at that time, would the people above you believe that you were unintentional? And, even if you believed that you were unintentional, would they let you go?"

Huya didn't answer, but there was already some fear in his heart.

The obvious answer is that an infidelity is an infidelity, no matter the reason.

If it has an impact on the war, it doesn't even have to be washed, and the above will only kill them.

"Hai Jin, you are simply despicable and shameless." Huya roared angrily.

Hai Jin smiled: "You can scold me as you like. One day, no matter how fierce you scold me, you will appreciate my strength. My leader is kind and willing to give you a chance to start a new life. If I were you, what should I know? Knowing the current affairs is called being a hero, and you should know what it means to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

"Think about those people who died innocently. If one day, they are your relatives, what should you do?!"

"That's all I'm talking about. You can all predict the ending, but if you surrender obediently, you may suffer less physical pain. In the future, like me, you can do some human affairs to atone for your sins."

After saying that, Hai Jin looked at the subordinates behind him: "Everyone feed them meatballs, let them think about it for themselves, and let me know if they need to see me."


Glancing at Huya, Haijin turned and left.

After Haijin's subordinates fed the balls into the mouths of each spies, they also evacuated, and soon, there were only a few brothers left in the basement.

"team leader."

It was very strange, although they all ate the meatballs, but luckily they did not experience the initial severe pain.

However, even so, after witnessing the power of this ball, the crowd still have lingering fears.

They all looked at their captain at the same time, hoping to get an answer from him.

Huya glanced at his brothers, for a moment he didn't know what to do.

"If we would rather die than surrender, let's lose our reputation, but that bastard Hai Jin can manipulate us into betrayal. In the end, we are afraid that we will be wronged in vain and suffer curses that we shouldn't have to bear."

"Yeah, captain, and, we still have to suffer a lot, this..."

Hearing the opinions of the team members, Huya felt even more distressed. As spies, they all knew the risk of exposure, so many of them had already made up their minds that they would die.

But there are many kinds of death.

They can die for integrity, they can do it for secrets, and they can do it for loyalty.

But Hai Jin's trick really made them die unjustly.

"Your opinion is..." Huya murmured.

"Captain, we don't seem to have much choice, but the brothers are all messing around with you, we can do whatever you say, live, we live together, die together, we die together, even if we are full of grievances We are not afraid, even if we are alive and dying, we are not afraid."

"Yes, captain, we all listen to you."

For lurking together, some camaraderie always transcends all.

But at this time, outside the cell door, Hai Jin actually didn't go far.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was waiting for something, and what he was waiting for was something he knew very well.

At this moment, a subordinate came up: "Deputy Commander, why don't you leave?"