"Leader, are you planning to fight?"

As soon as he entered the room, before Han Sanqian could speak, Hai Jin who was beside him spoke first.

Han Sanqian nodded: "That's right. The war has reached this stage. In fact, there are not many loopholes to take advantage of. After suffering a lot, the opponent is now trying every means to prevent us from taking advantage of loopholes."

"So, doing the opposite, cutting off food is indeed a more appropriate strategy, what do you think?"

Hai Jin nodded: "Judging from the current situation, we are indeed cutting off food, the most conventional tactic, which can be effective, and I must also say, it's really amazing that you can think of this move, leader. "

"It's just that Huya is a newcomer after all, and the question of trust is questionable. He can help us make a contribution, and he can also help the opponent make a contribution to atone for his sin."

"Secondly, even if Huya has sincerely joined us, but he is not even sure about the basic position, we have to fight for it. If we fail, let alone the loss, we will not be able to use this strategy alone in the future ,so……"

Han Sanqian patted him on the shoulder: "I am very aware of your concerns, if we can push back the issue of food shortage, it is best to push it down until we are fully confident, and then do it again. But, Haijin, you have to be clear, we don't have time."

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In fact, not only the enemy knew it well, but Han Sanqian himself also knew that the entire formation had a threshold. If the enemy continued to attack like this, in the end the formation would be forcibly broken by others.

What should we do then?

Sitting still?

Obviously, that is definitely not Han Sanqian's style of acting.

For Han Sanqian, taking the initiative is the only way to survive.

"Whether it's life or death, this is an opportunity. Instead of wasting it in vain, it's better to take a gamble. What if it succeeds?" Han Sanqian said with a smile.

Seeing what Han Sanqian said, Hai Jin also knew the difficulty of his leader, and nodded: "Okay, since the leader has decided, then the subordinates have nothing to say, just support them with all their strength."

"Actually, we're going to run out of food this time. I'm not worried about other things. I'm only worried about Yetian City."

Once the action starts, the other party will definitely know, and it is certain that the other party will send troops to encircle and suppress him at that time.

However, the terrain was huge enough that Han Sanqian didn't think it would be a huge threat.

Moreover, Han Sanqian also believed that as long as the other party did not lose their wits, they would actually not send too many troops to encircle and suppress him. Instead, they would attack Yetian City like crazy.

After defeating Yetian City, the battle is almost over, and the rest is just Qingye.

Moreover, that was the only choice the enemy had to make when they had no food and grass to support them.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to imagine how violent it is.

After such a long period of continuous attacks, and the opponent still has such a fierce attack at that time, it is a huge unknown whether the formation can hold up.

The defense of Yetian City will encounter an unprecedented crisis.

"It's not good for us if we steal someone's home and someone else steals our home."

"Of course, if we didn't steal someone else's house, and someone else stole our house, it would be even more unfortunate that we lost our pants."

"So, this time, we must ensure that neither of us has any problems."

Hai Jin nodded: "You want me and Scar to support Yetian City?"

Han Sanqian nodded: "Yes, that's why I only need ten people to leave with me. I want to leave most of the main force to you."

Hai Jin said: "Don't worry, leader, I dare not say anything else, but as long as Hai Jin is still alive, there will be people guarding Yetian City."

Han Sanqian smiled: "Although Scar is an orthodox commander, his IQ and temperament are not as good as yours, but Scar is extremely brave. The two of you cooperate with each other, combining strength and softness. It is a match made in heaven. However, relying on these alone is far from being able to defend yourself." city."

"What tricks does the leader have?"

Han Sanqian pondered for a while: "I have a clever plan, which is..."

"What is it?"

"It's just ridiculous!"

"Absurd? Leader, what do you mean by this? Subordinate, why can't you understand?"

Han Sanqian smiled wryly: "It's an outrageous way, don't tell you to do it, maybe I just say it, and you think this... This is really ridiculous."

Hai Jin frowned, what kind of strange scheme would even a shameless and adventurous person like Han Sanqian call it ridiculous? !