"The subordinates are here!"

"Order the whole army to help in secret! Request, don't reveal your identity, and don't even let the enemy or Han Sanqianfang know our existence. We must help Yetian City to the maximum extent within this limit. Do you understand?"

"Miss, this..."

For a while, Chi Meng was a little dazed.

You know, helping is not a problem, but it is simply a huge problem to help when both sides in the war can't find themselves.

"What? Is there any difficulty?" Lu Ruoxin asked in a cold voice.

"Miss Hui, there is no problem."

Seeing Chi Meng's answer, the coldness on Lu Ruoxin's face eased, and he sighed: "I know it's difficult for you, but now, you should be very clear that we don't have many choices."

"If I can, I'm not even willing to help Han Sanqian."

"You also know that for some people to grow, it is best for him to grow by himself, rather than relying on human care and intervention."

"But Han Sanqian's situation is indeed too difficult. It is actually very difficult for anyone to survive in this environment. It is already a miracle that he can persist until now. Tian, ​​I have been using it to death.”

Chi Meng bit her lips lightly: "Miss, I can understand your thoughts, don't worry, I will do my best to assist and keep confidential."

Lu Ruoxin nodded: "Okay, let's execute it."


After Chi Meng finished speaking, she stepped back lightly.

Looking at the enemy base camp in the distance, Lu Ruoxin murmured, "Han Sanqian...what's the matter with you?!"


"Ah... ah... ah!"

It's a pity that someone in Lu Ruoxin's heart was screaming in pain under the gang fight.

It's not that Han Sanqian is not manly enough, but the enemy is too fierce.

This series of violent beatings can be said to be almost unbearable every time, not to mention that this is still a series...

It's just that the rain has been dripping in a certain place. After a long time, the water drops more and more, and people can't hold it...

However, Han Sanqian didn't beg for mercy. Although he cried out in pain, he still persisted.

This kind of time has been going on, and it was not until dawn that everything finally changed.

At that time, not to mention that Han Sanqian was motionless like a dead dog, even those little soldiers who lined up to beat him were all sluggish, tired and sleepy because of staying up late.


A bucket of water poured directly from Han Sanqian's head.

At that moment, Han Sanqian, who was in a coma, instantly woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at the people around him, grandma's, the injury was too serious, let alone seeing a person clearly now, even if this group of people stood in front of him, he couldn't see the individual clearly at all.

It was completely blurry in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Stop hitting." Han Sanqian said three words with difficulty.

As soon as Han Sanqian opened his mouth, the soldier who had been ordered earlier ran over immediately, and at the same time prevented the next soldier from attacking.

He leaned in front of Han Sanqian and asked in a low voice, "Han Sanqian, what did you just say?"

Because Han Sanqian's current state is really bad, and naturally his voice is too low, so Xiao Bing couldn't hear what he just said at all, only saw him open his mouth.

"I... I recruit!"

Those two simple words immediately shocked the little soldier.

"Everyone stop immediately."

He yelled, and at the same time, after glancing at a few of his colleagues, he hurried all the way towards the tent.

Huya's group at this meeting had already died down because they drank too much and quarreled for too long. No one in the group fell asleep lying on their stomachs without knowing where they were.

Anyway, when the little soldiers entered, they were lying around the tent in disorder.

Some people even made thunderous cries at this time.

Xiaobing tried to yell softly a few times, but this kind of voice obviously couldn't wake up anyone in the group.

In desperation, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "To all the commanders, Han Sanqian has made a move, Han Sanqian has made a move!"