Han Sanqian smiled.

He actually understood very well the reason why the elder showed up at this time, and even these things were in Han Sanqian's expectation.

After all, it would be difficult for anyone to accept the fact that a confidant he had cultivated and grown up betrayed him all at once.

Therefore, he will definitely not be reconciled and let Huya and others make sure that he is a gap. .br>

Therefore, he must act.

I have already made an agreement with Huya in advance, telling him not to take any action after confirming Tianhu's crime, for fear that the elder will definitely observe Huya's behavior.

After all, some would have thought the whole scheme had worked.

So, he might be slack on that.

Fortunately, the elder finally came here, which shows that Huya has passed the dangerous time, and I have let the elder not find anything so far, all these show that all the layout is under control.

"Now, you old man, just go home and have a headache."

"I want to know why I was beaten, I'm afraid, even if you think about it, you won't be able to figure it out."

After the words fell, Han Sanqian closed his eyes slightly, and then he entered a state of trance.

In fact, it can also be said to be completely flat.

After all, for Han Sanqian, his meridians have been completely abolished at this time, so practicing in samadhi is actually just a pretense.

It is impossible for him to obtain any effect in this way.

But Han Sanqian, who never did useless work, at least did so at this time.

Moreover, his determination is really not just a pretense, it is a direct determination, that is several hours.

If there are other people here who don't know, they must think that Han Sanqian is not a cultivator at all, but was completely beaten to death.

Soon it was daylight.

With the sound of orders, the enemy's base camp has already begun to gather at this time.

The army assembled quickly, and in just a moment, millions of lions were already lined up in front of the formation.

All the commanders also gathered at the front of the team, and even the elders were rarely present in person to lead the battle.

"Brothers, after so many days of hard work, Yetian City is about to be destroyed in an instant. It's time for you to pay for your hard work and win your own victory."

"I promise you brothers, when this battle is over, I will give all of you a good vacation. Of course, the rewards this time will not treat you badly."

All the soldiers were very excited when they heard the words, and shouted in unison: "Good!"

"Since everyone has agreed, then it's time for you to show your strength."

"All generals obey orders!"


"The army will follow me."


Accompanied by the elders riding the beasts first, the mighty army behind them also arrived.

In Yetian City.

Scar and Haijin also called all the brothers together.

"Brothers, we've been working hard for so long, and we're all tired and weary. I feel the same way. However, I believe everyone knows what Yetian City looks like now, so next..."

"Both commanders, this battle has not been fought for a day or two. The brothers actually understand it. You two don't need to say anything more. We have nothing to say about dealing with the enemy. We can just fight with them."

"That's right, you've hit this point, are you still being polite to them? I lost my head, but it's just a big scar. Let's fight them to the death."

Hai Jin and Dao Scar were very moved when they saw that although the number of brothers had decreased a lot compared to the first battle, their morale was much higher than before.

"In this life, with you brothers, death is worth it." Dao Scar smiled.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at Hai Jin, and both of them agreed with each other.

"Ministries, stick to your posts. Once the city is broken, we will fight with them to the end."

"Of course, at that time, we may no longer care about each other. I just want to say, see you in the next life."

"Listen to my orders and act!"