"Mr. Turtle, you are kind to us. If you have anything to say, it's okay to say it." Su Yingxia said.

"The environment of famous stores is very complicated, and the level of hidden dragons and crouching tigers is also astonishing. You must be extremely careful when you go there."

It must be expected that famous stores can directly fight the supply of cloth in this extremely cold weather, and Han Sanqian has the ability, and Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger are naturally also under consideration.

But someone reminded me one after another that this matter seemed to have begun to become extremely abnormal.

"Old Gui, from what you said, it seems that this Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger has some deep meaning?" Han Sanqianpin couldn't help asking again after hearing the dangerous information in it.

The old turtle smiled: "The law of the jungle is prey to the strong, especially in the heart of the demons like Burning Bone City. You may walk into the land of the demons from the outside, but you don't think the rule of the law is so strong." reality, but when you arrive in Burning Bone City, you will feel that this rule is completely different."

"Let me tell you this, if you say that the experts you see in any other cities, it is very likely that they are just ordinary civilians in Burning Bones City."

"So exaggerated?" Su Yingxia wondered.

The old turtle smiled: "Exaggerated? Not at all!"

Different from the human Central Plains world, the growth of the demons relies more on killing each other, devouring each other, and practicing by absorbing some evil spirits.

And Burning Bone City, the core area of ​​the Demon Land, is the only place where a large number of evil spirits gather. Therefore, it can be said that almost every one of the Demon Race people who exist here has been eliminated and stayed behind. The best of the best.

Naturally, the people at the bottom here are very likely to be very powerful.

This is like the upgrade map in the game.

A map handed out in the form of a ladder.

If you are the top player on this map, you will naturally be promoted to the previous map, and the best person on the previous map is also promoted from the lower map. Therefore, the best person is also equivalent to the master of the previous position.

Old Gui's words seemed exaggerated, but they were actually very true.

"As for the famous store, it is based on the abilities of Burning Bone City, and it belongs to the place where dragons and tigers are hidden. So, sir, maybe you understand?"

Hearing this, Han Sanqian didn't speak any more.

Obviously, at this moment, he finally understood why he kept hearing reminders like Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

This place is very likely to be more terrifying than I imagined.

"Old Gui reminds you, and I also know that you have just completed the shocking feat of winning more with less, so I am worried that you will ignore it when the time comes, and you will suffer a big loss."

Han Sanqian nodded, grateful: "Although it is not proud, I did not think that the other party would be so strong. Thank you for reminding me, I will be careful."

The old turtle smiled: "The Ruoshui River is the rear barrier of the famous store, mainly to provide certain protection for its rear. The undercurrent in the center of this river was also created by one of their masters. Mr. Han, you have suffered once. Be on your guard."

Damn, this river was originally designed by man? And when the undercurrent attracted Han Sanqian, Han Sanqian had tried to resist before.

But Han Sanqian tried his best and couldn't resist him.

Although Han Sanqian did suffer from the fact that he didn't understand the way for the first time, he must admit that a person who is so fierce just because of a secret move in the river may really have to be dealt with absolutely. Very difficult.

Thinking of this, Han Sanqian became more vigilant: "I know, don't worry, I will definitely act carefully."

"If you want to make money, you'd better make money, don't cause trouble, otherwise, even if you are really a crazy dragon, you may not be able to swim in the crazy pool of famous stores." The old turtle said: "I will save you once, I don't want to waste money on helping you once and investing in favors twice."

After the words fell, the old turtle said again: "We are here."

The four of them looked up, only to realize that at some point, they had already reached the other side...