As soon as these words came out, not only Zhou Yong and others were dumbfounded, but also Han Sanqian, Su Yingxia, and Shangguan's father and daughter were also completely dumbfounded.

These words did not seem to be said to Han Sanqian and the others, but after careful reflection, it seemed that every word and every sentence was said to Han Sanqian and the others.

However, it is obvious that this is not the point right now, the point is why the master of ceremonies said that, and why he said that.

Thinking of this, a group of people looked at the master of ceremonies again.

The master of ceremonies could feel that all the eyes of the audience were focused on him, whether it was the parties or ordinary distinguished guests, everyone's attraction was obviously attracted by him.

The master of ceremonies smiled and started to explain without talking nonsense: "I believe everyone is very confused, wondering why I said this, or even doubting whether I am boasting here."

"I can tell everyone responsibly that famous stores will never do this, and they will never do such a thing."

"The reason why I say this is because it really exists. I injured this weapon soul, which is different from ordinary weapon souls. It is a mother weapon soul.".

"I believe that many people may even laugh when they hear this word, but this is a very real situation and the truth."

"The so-called Mother Artifact Soul is actually a special type of Artifact Soul, and its existence is more of a symbol of omnipotence."

"We all know that embedding a weapon soul on a weapon can greatly improve the performance of the weapon. It can cooperate with the sword soul, and can also be added to any energy on the weapon."

"However, it cannot cooperate with the weapon soul itself."

"Even if someone happens to get a weapon soul with the same attribute and type by chance, it may not be possible for the two weapon souls to perfectly form the maximum effect of one plus one equals two."

"He will add, but the addition is quite limited. You don't object to this, right?"

Everyone nodded, and what he said was indeed true.

It is impossible for anyone to make two weapon souls exert the complete effect of one plus one equals two, because the same sex will always repel or swallow.

Then, it is absolutely impossible for them to maximize their final strength.

Matter has limits.

Seeing that no one objected, the master of ceremonies continued.

"But the mother soul is different. Its existence is not to repel or devour the same kind, it is a catalyst."

"In other words, if it is fused with other tool souls, then the effect they produce is actually one plus one greater than two."

When the mother device soul and the real device soul are fused together, the mother device soul will be like a mother, silently sacrificing everything about herself, so that the other device soul can exert super value and significance.

This is the origin of its alphabet.

"It's been a long time, and the mother's self-sacrificing motherhood is the spirit of self-sacrifice, not gender, haha." Zhou Yong couldn't help laughing at himself after hearing this.

Yes, many people at the scene, including Han Sanqian, also subconsciously thought it was gender when they heard this name.

As a result, the word mother refers to the function and meaning of others.

"So, Brother Su should really buy this thing more than anyone else."

Indeed, Han Sanqian has a weapon soul, and the natural mother weapon soul can maximize his value and strength.

Of course, for Pangu Axe, this will also be a great supplement.

So, after listening to the emcee's explanation, Han Sanqian really changed from the one who didn't need to buy to the one who had to bid the most.

Han Sanqian gave a wry smile helplessly. It seemed that it would cost him money again.

"Okay, all of you are like Tuo. Those who know know that we are in the same group, but those who don't know think that you guys are in the same group as the master of ceremonies." Han Sanqian laughed and scolded .

"Haha, we want to buy it too, but we don't even have a weapon soul." Zhou Yong laughed, looking shameless.

Han Sanqian had no choice but to raise his hand directly.

"I offer five million."

With Han Sanqian raising his hand to ask for a price, all eyes on the scene were also looking at this side...