At this moment, even the monster himself held his breath, completely waiting for Han Sanqian's key action.


But just as Han Sanqian was about to open his eyes, he took another long breath, and after that, his eyes were finally tightly closed.

Seeing this, the monster knew very well that Han Sanqian had completely controlled himself without any influence from the outside world.

"So you human bugs, with so many emotions in this world, are fetters."

The hallucinations produced by illusions are terrifying. They will dig out what you are most afraid of from the depths of your heart, and then attack you in images.

For example, you may not be afraid of anything except snakes, even ghosts, you don’t have to be afraid, but once you encounter phantoms, their methods of messing with you will become extremely targeted.

The first thing he does is definitely a bunch of dense snakes hanging on your body, or falling under your feet, and hovering over your head.

Use the most realistic but most exaggerated pictures to touch your heart, so that you have to reflect.

And once you reflect something, you will be touched by people in the illusion, and naturally, you will relax your mind.

Then, if you dare to relax your mind in the illusion, it will naturally mean that you have lost completely.

This is the scary part of the illusion.

A monster has no emotion, so what he encounters is naturally the things he is afraid of, but humans still have a very fatal weakness, that is emotion.

Emotion is the scariest of all, it is the most beautiful, so it is the most fragile, and naturally the easier it is to be targeted.

But the reason why people are human

, itself is because of the feeling of being different from other things.

In any case, Han Sanqian kept his guard, and his mind was re-steady on the Concentration Art, and all the dangers were melted away at once.

The monster hid itself, and Han Sanqian continued to struggle with the illusion.

About ten minutes later, Han Sanqian suddenly opened his eyes, but this time he opened his eyes, not because Han Sanqian was affected in any way, but because the illusion had completely disappeared.

At some point in the surrounding area, it was already the torrential sea of ​​blood washing over Han Sanqian again.

Not only did Han Sanqian not panic at all, but he showed a meaningful smile. He knew very well that he had passed the first level safely.

Han Sanqian didn't move at all, and still maintained the original posture. He just got rid of the Concentration Technique just now, and chose to absorb energy from the sea of ​​​​blood by means of cultivation.

With Han Sanqian's absorption, when those extremely vigorous blood seas passed by Han Sanqian, a small part of them began to stop obviously when passing through Han Sanqian's body.

They began to slowly flow around Han Sanqian's skin, which means that Han Sanqian's movements of absorbing energy in the sea of ​​blood have become bigger and bigger.

Han Sanqian knew very well that he didn't need to do anything next, all he needed was to absorb energy continuously.

Either, the power of the sea of ​​blood got bored and rushed out to attack him, or it let him slowly absorb it until he was completely full.

Anyway, for Han Sanqian, no matter what the outcome is, he doesn't need to move.

Time began to pass, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Another half hour passed.


The impact of the water flow facing Sanqian has become smaller and smaller, but at this time around him, because of his body's absorption, the sea water began to form a small vortex along his body.

These water flows not only blocked the crazy impact of the external blood sea for Han Sanqian, but at the same time, they were constantly greedy for the surrounding blood, forcing them to join in the process of turning around Han Sanqian.

The monster was very satisfied: "Although he is a low-level bug, he has enough brains to know what he should do and what he should not do."

"Boy, keep sucking, count as much as you can." The monster urged loudly.

Hearing this, Han Sanqian didn't dare to be sloppy in the slightest, and obeyed obediently.

He knew very well that when the monster said this, it meant that something was wrong.

Because this must mean that the monster's power is 100% coming out, so the monster made itself prepared in advance to deal with the crisis.

call! ! ! !
