Chi Meng didn't speak, and after observing the other party for a while, he also silently hid in the grass.

As time went by, the special envoys in white had slowly spread towards the periphery with their troops.

They were getting closer to the team where Chi Meng and others hid for the second time.

"Special envoy, if we don't act, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Taking advantage of the charging distance ahead, if the charging effect is good and the enemies are scattered, then they can charge into the encirclement again.

Then, after a wave of internal destruction with the help of the terrain inside, choose to break out from a certain direction.

In this way, once successful, they can continue to deal with it in this way, smashing the enemy's well-targeted defensive and offensive formations.

If it was later, the distance was very close, and it was difficult to launch a charge, then their situation would be even more miserable.

Although there are still some bushes and woods behind, but the terrain is already relatively flat, which is not conducive to hiding at all. Once it fails, it will be...

"Don't worry, hold your breath." Chi Meng ordered softly, but didn't speak any more.

However, his subordinates were already in a hurry. He was well aware of the importance of the battle situation, and even more so, the time left for them was running out.


"Hey!" He sighed heavily, for a while, he really didn't know what to say.

He was annoying and anxious, but he had been trained to obey orders, so even though he knew he would die if he continued like this, he could only bite the bullet and wait for death.

It was getting closer, getting closer, and the enemy was almost twenty meters in front of him.

He didn't understand why the attack was not launched at this time.

"Could it be that we really have to wait for the enemy to step on our heads before we move?"

Chi Meng can empathize with her subordinates, but it doesn't mean that her bottom line can be touched again and again.

Especially at this critical moment, this subordinate kept nagging, which really annoyed her.

"I don't want to punish my subordinates when I'm in battle, but after I go back, I don't want you to be the team leader anymore."

"Special envoy, I..." The subordinate was very aggrieved. He was clearly dedicated to the team and everyone, but why did he become a sinner all of a sudden.

"Obeying orders not only requires your heart to be convinced, but also your mouth. If you keep repeating this, if you don't bother me, I will."

After receiving Chi Meng's angry reprimand, although he was wronged, that person didn't dare to say another word.

Although what he himself said was justifiable, but what Chi Meng said was indeed reasonable.

He was indeed too nervous and anxious, and he didn't know what to do.

The subordinates stopped making a sound, and Chi Meng was finally at peace, his eyes were like eagles, staring straight ahead.

Fifteen meters, ten meters!

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and Chi Meng knew very well that even if they were a little bit away, the enemy could easily find them.

"There are all of them, kill me!"


All the men in black who were hiding in the ground suddenly jumped out, and then, according to the original deployment, directly launched a counter charge


The opponent has also been prepared for a long time, and it can even be said that the offensive and defensive teams formed from the beginning were prepared for this moment.

Therefore, as soon as Chi Meng rushed out, the other party responded immediately after being slightly startled.

And the team closest to them also came to this side for support immediately.

"One?" The subordinate was taken aback for a moment, and in the next second, he suddenly understood why Chi Meng made the team retreat a long distance of 800 meters.

Moreover, we have to wait until the enemy has reached the present to fight.

"Your subordinate is stupid. When I go back, not only do I ask you to revoke my position as captain, but you also ask me to severely punish me." After the man yelled at Chi Meng, he followed his attacking team without looking back. Aiming at the enemy in front is a one-shot kill.

Chi Meng glanced back at that person, she was rarely angry, but she showed a slight smile, although it was so faint that she knew that her subordinates were enlightened.

There is no one who does not want his subordinates to be smart enough, and Chi Meng is no exception.

And the best way for a person to become smarter is not to be taught by others, but to realize the truth of it himself, so that he can remember it more deeply.