"Grandfather, if he's so wild, he'll die ugly." Looking at Han Sanqian's back, tianling'er is in a very complicated mood.

I don't like his arrogance. I don't want him to win. But if he loses, tianlinger can't accept marrying Luo xuyao in the future.

Tianchangsheng sighed. He didn't know where the confidence of this man came from, but he could almost foresee the end of Han 3000.

This kind of arrogant young man should be well-off and never suffered setbacks, so he would be so arrogant. He did not see the strong strength shown by the other side at all. Only when he fell down, maybe he would recognize the fact.

"Ling'er, this person can't count on, but grandfather will think of other ways to solve it." Tianchangsheng said powerless, how did not expect, this time's competition, should cause such serious consequences.

Tianling'er is as pale as death, and her grandfather is dishonest. This will surely make a big joke. Luo Bin will surely publicize this event, and their whole Tian family may be humiliated by it.

"Grandfather, I can't shame the family because of me. Otherwise, I'd better make a marriage with Luo xuyao." Tianling'er admits his life and says that it is impossible to rely on him to turn the tide back. Therefore, tianling'er has not reported any hope.

Tian Changsheng didn't say anything. He was very distressed because he knew the consequences of breaking his promise, but he also knew the consequences of making tianlinger and Luo xuyao marry.

"Little brother, if you can help me win this game, no matter what you want, I will promise you." Tian Changsheng looks at Han Sanqian who has already stepped into the challenge arena and says that although there is no hope, he can only try his best.

Han Sanqian turned his head with a smile and said to Tian Changsheng, "you old man, you talk so much. I said one punch, that's one punch. Is there anything to doubt?"

Tianchangsheng sighed, high spirited, arrogant and ignorant. What kind of environment did such a young man grow up in?

At this time, Han 3000's opponent laughed: "you are such a arrogant person, I have never met, since you blatantly said one punch to me, don't blame me for being impolite. From now on, be a vegetable."

The man's voice dropped, and his old skill was repeated. His feet were on the ring, and the ring trembled and his fist speed was as fast as the wind.

Such a speed in the eyes of Han 3000, slow as a snail is not worth mentioning.

After the last 12 fists with Dao, Han Qianqian couldn't take care of himself for a week. This time, he didn't dare to play like this again. After all, Su Yingxia would not take care of him personally now.

Once his legs sank and slightly bent, he leaped for life. The height of Han 3000's jump was three meters.

Seeing this, Tian Changsheng was stunned.

Tianling'er's beautiful eyes are also inconceivable, stupidly said: "he jumps very high."

In the air, Han Sanqian twists and turns his body, taking advantage of his opponent's old strength, his gravity center sinks, and he falls rapidly, hitting the back of the man's head.

All this was just a flash of lightning and flint. After falling on the ring, Han Sanqian clapped his hands and said, "don't blame me for what you chose for yourself."

It's not as shocking as when he was kicked out of the arena before, but Han Sanqian really beat him with one punch.

There was no sound in the martial arts school. Not only the people in the martial arts school, but also Luo Bin couldn't speak.

"Why How can it be! "

Tianchang Sheng's eyes are almost falling off. The two experts in the martial arts school were all beaten down by Luo Bin's men. Such a powerful man was beaten by the young man with one punch!

Before that, Tian Changsheng felt that he was arrogant, arrogant, ignorant, and even ignorant.

But now?

"One punch! Grandfather, he really did Tianling'er was so excited that she stamped her feet and blushed.

Tianchangsheng took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "yes, I didn't expect that he did. My grandfather really looked down on him."

Luo Bin's face was extremely ugly. He had already investigated the prosperous martial arts school in advance and knew the strength of these people. So he spent a lot of money to invite an expert. Unexpectedly, he killed a Cheng Yaojin on the way, which destroyed his plan.

Luo Bin's heart is dripping, half of the Luo family's industry! But I want to give it all to Tian Changsheng.

No way!

Even if you break your promise, you can't do it.

"Luo Bin, you lost." Tian Changsheng finally raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Bin with a smile on his face.

Tianling'er secretly looked at Han 3000, with some shy expression on his face, and then turned to Luo Bin and said, "grandfather Luo, you haven't forgotten what you said before?"

Luo Bin snorted coldly and said, "the sky is prosperous, this person is not your martial arts school person?"

Hearing this, Tian Changsheng knew that Luo Bin wanted to play tricks on him and said, "you just made it very clear that as long as people in the martial arts school can win, they will win. Do you want to go back now?"

"I mean the apprentice of your martial arts school, not an outsider." Luo Bin said.

"Luo Bin, we are old. If you repent, you will not lose face?" Tian Changsheng said with a smile.Face?

For Luo Bin, face is not as important as half of the assets of the Luo family.

"Heaven is prosperous, I will come again." Luo Bin said this sentence, angrily left the martial arts school, his men also dragged the coma on the arena away.

Tianchangsheng is in a very good mood. It is a situation that must be lost. I didn't expect to be pulled back by an unknown human resource. Thank you very much.

Step by step, Tian Changsheng came to Han Sanqian with gratitude on his face and said, "little brother, thanks to you this time. I apologize for your attitude just now."

Tianling'er suddenly dare not look at Han 3000, but secretly looks at Han 3000 with her spare light.

At this time, tianling'er found that the man who was not well dressed originally had such a handsome face, which was different from those so-called idols. He was full of masculinity, and had no feminine taste of masculinity.

"The old man is serious. How can you apologize to me?" Han said humbly.

Tianchang Shengshi didn't know how to describe Han 3000. Before that, he was arrogant, but now he is very modest.

Maybe This is the real strength of the people!

"It seems that Luo Bin will break his promise. If you have any other requirements, please let me know, and I will certainly satisfy you." Tian Changsheng said.

Han Sanqian shook his head and said, "what belongs to me must be given if he doesn't give it. I'll take half of the assets of Luo's family by myself in the future. I can't tolerate his repentance."

Tian Changsheng is aware of an extremely strong taste from Han 3000's tone. It seems that he wants to take it, and Luo's family can't help it.

Who is this young man, and why does he have such an aura?

Yuncheng has never heard of a descendant of an aristocratic family who is so outstanding.

"Little brother, you and I have met each other. Can you tell me your name?" Asked Tian Changsheng.

"No, I can't, but the old man wants to keep it secret for me, OK?" Han said.

"Of course, my little brother has helped me so much. I will keep it secret for you."

"Han 3000."

With that, Han turned away.

Tian Changsheng looks puzzled. Han Sanqian, what kind of character is this? Is there such a powerful Han family in Yuncheng?

At this time, tianling'er suddenly covers her mouth, can't believe it, and now see Han 3000's back, she is a very familiar feeling.

Why do you have a deja vu?

Why do you feel so familiar!

By the way, it seems to be him!

as like as two peas in the net, he was almost the same as his little prince.

Once a young lady paid to investigate the background of the little prince of piano. This is not groundless, because tianlinger has done it!

"Ling'er, what's the matter with you?" Aware of the strange nature of tianling'er, Tian Changsheng asks curiously.

"Grandfather, he's Han 3000." Tianling'er said.

"Yes, so what." Tian Changsheng did not understand.

"Do you forget that there is a famous man named Han Sanqian in Cloud City? A waste son-in-law of the Su family. " Tianling'er said that she was not happy because he might be the little prince of piano, but the male god in the dream could be the son-in-law of the Su family!

Tianchang Shengmu gape, Su family waste son-in-law Han 3000!

No wonder No wonder he wanted to help him keep secret. He turned out to be the Han 3000 of the Su family.

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