"By the way, did you watch the video of the game?" Asked someone to the crowd.

As soon as this topic came out, the voice of discussion became very fierce. After Han 3000 lost the game, they had already seen the video through various channels, but no one was willing to mention this humiliating thing.

"It's strange to say that Han 3000 holds such a big advantage. After going to the toilet, he suddenly changes his personality."

"I've recovered. Even if it's in my hands, I can win, and he will lose."

"Is there something shady going on while he's going to the bathroom?"

"Do you mean that Shangguan has been making small moves in black and white?"

During the discussion, Jiang Fu rapped impatiently on the table with his hand and said, "even if there is something that can't be seen, this loser is too useless. He can lose the game if he is frightened. He has not considered our face problem at all."

In Jiang Fu's opinion, since Han Sanqian is forced to participate in the game by them, his face should be considered as the first consideration. No matter what happens, he should take back the champion and let the members of Yuncheng Go Association have a long face.

"Yes, even if he died there, he had to bring the champion back to us. Even if Shangguan black and white threatened him, he should not compromise."

"Well, we shouldn't believe that this rubbish can come true. Although I haven't seen this rubbish thing in Cloud City for the past three years, I've heard a lot about him. His cowardice is in his bones."

"Or don't think about the game. The more you think about it, the more angry you get. Now only when you vent your resentment on him, can you get angry."

There was a strong dissatisfaction on their faces. It seemed that if Han Sanqian wanted to regard them as masters, everything had to care about their feelings.

"By the way, when Tian Changsheng was at the birthday party, he asked Han Sanqian to sit beside him. This time, how could he ignore Han 3000's affairs?" Some people ask questions in doubt, which is also a matter of curiosity in many people's hearts.

At the birthday party, everyone thought that Han Sanqian was the person trained by the next Tianchang grand gathering. However, at such a critical juncture as Han Sanqian, Tian Changsheng gave up his hands, which is incomprehensible.

"Hum." Jiang Fu snorted coldly and said, "tianchangsheng is a personal essence. How can he be good to people for no reason? In my opinion, Han Sanqian must have some value for him in the past, so he deliberately improved Han Sanqian's identity. But now, the value of this loser is estimated to have been drained. It is understandable that Tian Changsheng abandons him."

After listening to Jiang Fu's words, people suddenly nodded their heads. Tian Changsheng had not asked about shopping malls for many years since he handed over the company to his son-in-law. He spent time at his boxing hall and suddenly supported Han Sanan, the son-in-law of the Su family. If he was not valuable, how could it be possible.

"This coward is really pitiful. After being used by tianchangsheng, he is kicked out again."

"I think Su Yingxia was valued by Tian Changsheng because Han Sanqian was valued by him. But how could this poor woman know that Han Sanqian is useless to Tian Changsheng now."

"Maybe she still hopes Han Sanqian can come forward to solve this matter. After she knows the facts, she doesn't know what her mood will be."

They all laughed at each other and seemed to have trampled the Su family to death.

According to the current situation, there is no possibility that Sujia company will turn over, because not only all the cooperation has been unilaterally broken, but also all the employees in the company have been taken away by Su Haichao. This kind of empty shell company can't be saved even if it is Roxburgh.

On the other hand, Su Haichao can be described as ecstatic. He has recruited Su family's relatives as the core of the new company. He once again becomes a treasure in the hands of his relatives. This sense of attention has already made Su Haichao feel at ease. He even has an illusion that in the near future, Su Haichao will replace Tianjia and become the supreme figure in Cloud City.

"Haichao, you are so good that you can find a billion yuan of investment." Su Yihan finally doesn't have to work under Su Yingxia's hands. It's a great good thing for her. Su Haichao gave all this to her. She naturally wants to flatter Su Haichao.

"My ability is nothing but a billion yuan. He will invest more money for me in the future. It is only a matter of time before the Su family surpasses the Tian family." Su Haichao said.

Su Yihan nodded his head without hesitation.

In fact, Su Yihan is very clear about Su Haichao's ability. Unless he directly uses money to boost Su Haichao's status, and hopes that he can use this billion yuan to develop, so as to surpass Tianjia, it is impossible. However, based on his dislike of Su Yingxia, Su Yihan prefers to believe Su Haichao.

"Of course, only in your hands can the Su family go further. If it wasn't for the cheap guy playing tricks, how could you lose the position of chairman of the board? But now she has learned a lesson. The Su family company will soon be ruined, and she will become a lost dog. Then we can watch jokes." Su Yihan said with a happy smile that it was her greatest wish to see Su Yingxia's downfall. Because Su Yingxia not only took those betrothal gifts from her, but also had a higher position in the company than she had, which was something she could not bear for a long time.Although she has been promoted to the top of the company for many years, she has not been in charge of the company for many years I wish I could destroy everything in Su Yingxia.

"Su Yihan, I'll leave it to you about the location of the new company. I hope you don't let me down." Su Haichao said.

"Haichao, really? You are willing to leave it to me. " Su Yihan said with a flattered look.

Su Haichao smiles. He likes this feeling very much. He can be grateful to him if he gives him any sweetness. This is the superiority that power brings to him.

"Of course, what I trust most is you. Who else can you give it to? I'm not like the blind man Su Yingxia. I don't know how to use people." Su Haichao said.

"Haichao, thank you. Thank you for trusting me. Don't worry. I'll do this well." Su Yihan said.

Su Haichao flashed a cold smile in his eyes and said: "the address of the company is the place we are familiar with. I think it is OK to change the signboard of the company now."

Su Yihan looks puzzled. Although Su's company is in danger, it has not collapsed. Now it is not easy to take down the office building of the Su family, and Su Yingxia will never compromise easily.

"Haichao, do you mean..." Su also Han doubts.

"The company has a billion loans. Since it can be sold once, it can be sold for the second time. You can think of a way to contact Du Hong." Su Haichao said.

As president, if Du Hong puts pressure on Su Yingxia, Su Yingxia won't last long. But how can Du Hong agree? It's up to su.

As an adult, how could su Yihan not understand Su Haichao's meaning.

Su Yihan bit his teeth secretly and said, "OK, I'll do it right now. As long as I can let Su Yingxia finish playing quickly, I can do anything."

For this answer, Su Haichao was very satisfied, said: "as long as the future development of the Su family is strong, whether you can marry into a powerful family is not important, because you are a powerful family."

Su Yihan laughs. If this is the case, she does not have to think about marrying into a rich family. She can even find a little fresh meat to raise and become queen herself.

Once the picture of a dream is formed in his mind, it can make people have a lot of fantasies. Su Yihan feels that his status as a powerful family has even reached his fingertips.

"I just want to be better than Su Yingxia and let her know that she can't do better than me in her whole life." Su Yihan said with a smile.

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