Hangyang auction company has a huge influence in the summer. It can be said that it is the largest auction company. It has branches and auction houses in many big cities. The annual turnover of auction products reaches 10 billion yuan. Even many cultural relics and antiques flow out of the Hangyang auction company. It has an extraordinary position in the auction industry. Moreover, it has a great influence in the international arena. It is said that Hangyang auction company has great influence The boss of the selling company bought a small country because of his amazing financial resources. Of course, such rumors have not been confirmed.

"I'm looking for the person in charge of your company." Han 3000 stood at the door of the company and said to the security guard.

After strict training, the security guards of the company treat everyone with courtesy. They never look down upon others with a dog's eye. Because the tenet of Hangyang auction company is that anyone is a potential customer and can't offend them. Moreover, the more rich people are, the more low-key they are. They are not willing to take risks to offend any rich person.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" Security asked Han Sanqian.

"No Han said.

"If there is no appointment, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see the person in charge, but I can let you know." Said the security guard.

As for the attitude of the security guard, Han Sanqian was a little surprised. He opened his mouth to see the person in charge. The security guard was very polite to him. The details of large companies were really different. They were very strict with the training of ordinary employees, unlike some small companies, who thought they were superior.

"Thank you." Han also responded politely.

Shortly after the security guard left, a middle-aged man followed him back.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of bedrock Island branch, Liu Zhang. What can I do for you?" Liu Zhang asked.

"I'm very interested in your eternal necklace here, but I've never participated in an auction, so I'm not sure about the process. Maybe I need to verify what's in the assets?" Han asked.

"Follow me, sir." Liu Zhang said with a smile that those who dare to be interested in eternity must be of great strength. Such guests should naturally be taken to the VIP room for reception.

In the VIP room, Liu Zhang explained to Han Sanqian: "as for the asset verification, it can be done on site, but since you are here in person, I can tell you about the rules of the auction."

"Tell me." Han said.

"The seats in the auction venue are divided into five areas. The top VIP seats must have assets of more than one billion, and..."

Liu Zhang did not speak, Han 3000 interrupted him, took out a bank card and said: "I should be qualified to sit in the top VIP position."

After taking the bank card, Liu Zhang handed it to the beauty assistant beside him and said with a smile: "Sir, if you are interested in the eternal necklace, after verification, I can show you in advance. You have the opportunity to evaluate, which is the privilege of top VIP."

"No, I like eternity very much. I don't care what things look like." Han said.

Liu Zhang has met all kinds of rich people and people of all kinds of personalities. However, he has never heard of Han Sanqian's saying. It is only two words. Is he willing to spend a lot of money? This had to make Liu Zhang feel that he was joking.

The assistant quickly returned to the VIP room and was more cautious about Han 3000's attitude.

"Eleven digits." The assistant said to Liu Zhang.

Hearing these four words, Liu Zhang's eyes widened. He was an overweight VIP. I didn't expect that such a rich man would come to him on his own initiative!

"I apologize to you, sir, for my impertinence." Liu Zhang didn't show disdain. He just thought Han Sanqian was joking, but even so, he still sent Han Sanqian a apology. This is Hangyang's attitude towards distinguished guests.

Han Qian chuckled, took over the bank card and said, "your company is the most unassuming one I've ever seen. Otherwise, the security guard would have driven me away. There are not many companies that can see the person in charge in a word."

Liu Zhang was ashamed. Before, he thought that the company's regulations would be very troublesome. But now it seems that it is not unreasonable for the boss to set such a system. It is unthinkable for a VIP like him to offend one.

"Our company is committed to serving every guest well. This is what we should do. If you have any other needs, you can put it forward now, and I will try my best to meet them." Liu Zhang said.

"No, I've got the top VIP position. What's not satisfied with it?" Han Sanqian said with a smile.

"It should be, it should be." Liu zhanglianlian said that Han Sanqian, who is rich and does not have any airs, still appreciates it very much. Unlike some upstarts, he does not have a few money but is still a drag on the sky.

"I'll go first."

Liu Zhang and his assistant sent Han 3000 to the door of the company and watched him leave.

"Mr. Liu, you can't see that this young man is rich when he walks on the street." The assistant said to Liu Zhang.

"The richer the man is, the more low-key he is. However, he is too rich, and he is still so young. I don't know which family he is." Liu Zhang said.The assistant sighed and said, "it's a pity that he already has a favorite woman."

Liu Zhang looked at the assistant and said with a smile, "it's not that I look down on you. It's good if you can find a man with ten million assets. Don't even think about such a person."

At this time, a man and a woman came to the company. They were a couple who met with Han 3000 in the wedding dress scenic spot before.

"I want to see the person in charge." Ma Yan a pair of toe Gao Qi ang appearance says to Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang was stunned and said, "I am. What can I do for you?"

"I'm going to take part in the auction in a few days. Please arrange a better place for me." Ma said.

Before there was a low-key Han 3000, and then there was Zhang Yang Ma Yan. The sharp contrast between the two made Liu Zhang feel helpless.

A look at Ma Yan this kind of person is half irrigation, not a few money, on the contrary still a pair of arrogant and domineering appearance.

"No problem, but verify your assets first." Liu Zhang said.

"This card has more than 20 million yuan. If you don't believe it, you can take it for verification." Ma said.

More than 20 million, for ordinary people, is astronomical, but for Liu Zhang, who is dealing with rich people all day, it is nothing.

What's more, it's only a beginner. The seats we can get are the lowest.

"No need to verify. You can sit in area five." Liu Zhang said.

"District five? High or not? " Ma Yan asked.

"People with assets of less than 50 million can only be in No. 5 District." Liu explained.

"Isn't this the bottom gear position?" Ma Yan said discontentedly.

"I'm sorry, that's what the company does." Liu Zhang said apologetically.

Ma Yan didn't come here today to get the lowest position. He had to sit on the deck. He attended the auction to see Han 3000's jokes. How could he not reflect his sense of superiority in his position.

"You help me arrange a better place, and I'll give you something good, OK?" Ma said.

"If you want to sit in area 4, it's not impossible, but you have to make sure you get a lot, regardless of the value of the item." Liu Zhang said.

The Fifth District is actually a place for people to watch. Most people will not bid. The significance of these people's existence is to disclose the situation of the auction site to the outside world, because the real rich and live will not publicize these things. In order to disclose the inside information of the auction and improve the influence of the company, it is necessary to have this kind of collusion There are lively people, so the only way for Ma Yan to upgrade his seat level is to bid.

Of course, this kind of rule is set for people with insufficient assets such as Ma Yan, and those rich people, whether bidding or not, have enough potential power to sit at a higher level.

This sentence makes Ma Yan hesitant, because there is no upper limit for bidding. Even if it is to pick out the unexpected auction, it is not necessarily possible to win at a low price. This is a great risk.

"What are you still hesitating about? Don't you give me such a face?" Pan yunyun looks at Ma Yan discontentedly. She lost once in the wedding dress. She doesn't want to lose again at the auction.

"Yes, I promised. I just want to buy something. Can't I afford it?" Ma Yan see pan yunyun dissatisfied, immediately agreed to come down.

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