Qi Yiyun's posture of curling up on the sofa is particularly funny. She is really afraid to meet Han Sanqian now, because she is worried that Han Sanqian will mention the matter of letting her leave. Therefore, the only way to stay at home is to avoid discussing this matter with Han Sanqian. It's the best way not to meet.

But Han Sanqian has a key. If he wants to go home, he can open the door directly. How can he knock?

Qi Yiyun stepped lightly to the door and saw the visitor through the cat's eye. His expression changed in an instant, from cautious to cold.

"Why did you come?" When he opened the door and saw Dong Hao, Qi Yiyun asked coldly.

"Miss, I just want to see you." Dong Hao said.

Qi Yiyun said coldly, "I have nothing to do. You don't need to come to see me. If you have orders, I will call you."

Donghao only came because he missed Qi Yiyun. He knew that Qi Yiyun couldn't extricate himself from his feelings for Han Sanqian. He hoped that his appearance could calm Qi Yiyun.

For a long time, Dong Hao thinks Han Sanqian is not worth Qi Yiyun's doing so many things for him, and Qi Yiyun just wants to use Han Sanqian to solve the Qi family's troubles, and he should not put his feelings into it.

"Miss, I don't want you hurt because of this. He's not worth it." Dong Hao said that he liked Qi Yiyun very much, and he liked it from childhood to adulthood. However, when he got up the courage to express his feelings to Qi Yiyun, he was mercilessly rejected, but even so, Donghao did not give up.

"Does it matter whether it's worth it or not? Donghao, don't forget your identity, and no one can force you to do things like feelings. If you like me, it doesn't mean I want to like you, just as I like him and he doesn't like me. " Qi Yiyun said that Donghao had deep feelings for her, but Qi Yiyun did not feel guilty about her refusal to Donghao, because she thought that feelings should not be kidnapped. It does not mean that if one party likes it, it must be responded by the other.

Dong Hao is powerless to lower his head. Qi Yiyun is poisoning more and more deeply in this matter, but he can only watch it happen at a loss. There is no way to stop it.

"Miss, don't you think you're going to get hurt in this?" Dong Hao asked.

"Even if I'm black and blue, I won't regret it. If I haven't tried and tried hard, who will know the outcome?" Qi Yiyun said firmly, even though she knew how hopeless this hope was, she knew more clearly that giving up would make her regret more.

"Nothing else. You go. Don't come here to see me in the future. I'll let you know if there's something else." Qi Yiyun finished, closed the door and returned to the living room sofa.

Dong Hao's expression became extremely ferocious at the moment of closing the door. He wanted to end Han Sanqian's life with his own hands. Only in this way, Qi Yiyun would not be injured by him. However, he did not dare to do so. Han Sanqian is related to the safety of Qi family. Now only he can help Qi family, even if Donghao does not want to admit it.

"Han Sanqian, I will kill you sooner or later!" Donghao said reluctantly.

In a design company, before it was time to go to work, Qi ran had already started her busy work in her own work station, and she had not even had time to eat soybean milk fried dough sticks. This is her normal work. As a new person, she is under pressure everywhere. Her only way is to work hard. Only when the boss sees her value can she get rid of the status quo.

"Qi ran, it's really hard for you to come so early every day." After colleagues came to work in succession, a coquettish girl came to Qi Ran's side, with a slight smile on her face full of malice.

"Sister Ting, I'm a newcomer. Naturally, I have to make more efforts." Qi ran said that this elder sister, named Huang Tingting, is an old employee of the company, and has a lot of relations with the boss. Almost everyone knows that she has an affair with the boss. Therefore, no one is willing to provoke her in the company. If she sees anyone who is not agreeable and blows a pillow to the boss, the person will be dismissed the next day.

"By the way, the boss asked you to negotiate with the weak water real estate. How are you doing? You can't have gone yet." Huang Tingting asked, this is her intentional arrangement, from the beginning did not think that Huang Tingting will succeed, just look for such a thing, difficult Qi ran, if only can be rightfully dismissed Qi ran.

The main reason for this is that Qi Ran is good-looking, and her pure appearance is very popular with men. Huang Tingting is afraid that the soul of her boss will be caught by her and affect her position in the company.

"Sister Ting, I'm not ready yet." Qi ran said that in order to deal with this matter, she sorted out a lot of information, and hoped that when she met Zhong Liang, she could come up with more chips to discuss cooperation.

"Ready?" Huang Tingting gave a cold smile and said, "what else do you need to prepare? Change your clothes and dress sexy to meet Zhong Liang. Do you understand this truth?"

Qi Ran is stunned. She has just entered the workplace. She really doesn't understand these heresy.

At this time, the boss to the company, Huang Tingting a smile to welcome up, two people went straight to the office.

Qi ran sighed and continued to organize the documents.A colleague who was not used to Huang Tingting's style came to Qi ran and said softly: "Qi ran, I think Huang Tingting is deliberately aimed at you. Otherwise, how can you do such an important thing? And how can a company with such a large weak water house property cooperate with our company?"

Qi ran knows that Huang Tingting makes trouble for her, but because of this, she wants to prove herself.

Although the opportunity is very small, it does not mean that there is no possibility of success. For her, it is also a self challenge.

"What do you mean she made me look sexy just now?" Qi ran asked.

My colleague sighed, a little envious of Qi Ran's purity. When she left the University, she didn't know anything, but in the big dye vat of society, she had already lost her original intention.

"She wants you to seduce Zhong Liang with beauty. Don't you understand such a simple truth?" Colleagues said.

Qi ran looked at her colleagues in dismay. She would never do such dirty means.

At this time, Qi ran station on the landline rang, this is the company's internal phone, once rang, probably the boss to find her.

Pick up the phone, the boss let Qi ran to the office.

Colleagues can only look at Qi ran with pity eyes and say, "it seems that Huang Tingting has said something to the boss. You can ask for more happiness."

Qi ran took his own documents and went to the office.

Opening the door of the office, Qi ran finds that Huang Tingting is not slow to tidy up her collar, as if she had just unbuttoned.

Huang Tingting doesn't care that this matter is discovered by Qi ran. After all, her relationship with the boss is well known in the company, and she is proud of it.

"Qi ran, you haven't gone to the weak water house. What's the matter? Are you so careless about what I told you?" Ran asked in a stern tone.

Qi ran quickly took out the information and explained to the boss, "boss, I'm still sorting out the company's information. I hope to deal with this matter with complete preparation. Please rest assured that I will not let you down."

When Huang Tingting heard this, she said with a smile: "Qi ran, you really don't have any self-knowledge. Do you want to see so many useless things? I think you're just delaying time

"Qi ran, you must go to the weak water house today." The boss snapped.

Qi ran looks embarrassed. She doesn't have any confidence now. Although the man said that he used to be a weak property in the past, he could directly report the name of Lao Han, but it's true. Qi Ran is not sure. Maybe he just made a joke.

"If you can't do it, leave yourself." Huang Tingting's real purpose has finally been exposed. It is illegal to fire employees without any reason. After all, Qi Ran has a contract with the company, but if she leaves, the meaning will be different.

"I can do it." Qi ran said with gnashing teeth.

"You? How can you do it? Is it useful to say these big words? " Huang Tingting smiles contemptuously.

"I have a friend who knows Zhong Liang." Qi ran said stiffly.

Hearing Qi Ran's words, Huang Tingting was stunned for a moment and burst into laughter.

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