Qi Yiyun could clearly feel his heart beating violently, his chest heaved violently, and his breathing sound became more and more serious.

Han Yan is a dog for him, which is impossible in Qi Yiyun's opinion. Qi Yiyun even thinks that he is still joking.

But the expression on Han Sanqian's face did not mean to joke at all.

Qi Yiyun knows that Han Sanqian doesn't express himself by saying such words for no reason. He is not the kind of person who likes to boast, which means that everything he says is true.

But But how could that be possible!

What way did Han Sanqian do it!

"Of course it is true. Is my image in your mind like a boaster?" Han Sanqian said with a smile that he knew what kind of shock this news would bring to Qi Yiyun, because she knew the South Korean family very well and the strength of Han long, so her shock was more intense than others.

"You, how did you do it, Han long? Did he not deal with you? " Qi Yiyun widens his eyes, full of doubts, waiting for Han Sanqian to explain to her.

"Han long was beaten to death by me." Han said.

Qi Yiyun's expression of astonishment can not be described in words.

One blow!

These four words are like thunder on the ground, which make Qi Yiyun's outside burnt and inside tender.

He hit Shan Qing into the hospital with a fist. Qi Yiyun didn't believe it, but after Dong Hao confirmed it, he had to believe it again.

Now, even Han long can be killed with one blow!

Qi Yiyun unconsciously stood up, went to Han Sanqian, took his hand and said, "do you have divine power with your fist?"

Han Sanqian's power is indeed very strange. He can't find any reason to explain it, but he believes that this is not the so-called divine power. Moreover, Yan Jun said that there is a mysterious level in the world. If you want to solve these doubts, you need to be qualified to enter this level.

"Han Yan will help you solve all your troubles. You can go back to the United States with her tomorrow." Han said.

Qi Yiyun was obviously stiff.

Back in the United States, then her cohabitation with Han Sanqian is over, and it is still unknown whether there will be any intersection in the future.

For Qi Yiyun, the news is full of great blow.

But she had to leave. The Qi family's troubles were still waiting for her to solve. She could not ignore the safety of the whole family and stay with Han Sanqian.

Looking at Qi Yiyun who couldn't droop his head, Han Sanqian continued: "from the beginning, you know that we can't be. So for you, going back to America is the best choice. I believe you can find the man who loves you."

Qi Yiyun shook his head and said with a sad smile: "there are many men who love me, but my love has been exhausted and it is impossible to give them any more."

The implication of this sentence is that Qi Yiyun has devoted all his love to Han Sanqian. Unfortunately, Han Sanqian will not be moved by it.

"You go to bed. I'll go back to my room and pack." With that, Han Sanqian walked back to his room.

Qi Yiyun went back to her room, buried her head under the pillow and bit the corner of the mattress. She suppressed her cry, but the sound of sobbing was particularly harsh in the silent night.

The sound insulation effect of the elevator apartment is very poor, so that Han Sanqian, who is packing his bags, can clearly hear Qi Yiyun's cry, which makes Han Sanqian sigh.

Qi Yiyun is a very good woman, and she is very beautiful. It's a pity that Han Sanqian can't enjoy this blessing in his life, and he never wants to enjoy it.

After packing up his things, Han Sanqian did not say goodbye to Qi Yiyun, but chose to leave quietly.

Qi Yiyun spent the whole night in the pain of parting.

This period of time is very beautiful for her. She enjoys the happiness of living under the same roof with Han Sanqian. But the more happy she is, the more painful the parting at this moment will be.

The next morning, Qi Yiyun's eyes red and swollen appeared in the living room. She knew that Han Sanqian had left, so she opened the door of Han Sanqian.

Familiar scene, just no longer familiar with the people and objects, he took all the things related to himself.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling the only thing left by Han 3000, the taste.

After a long time, Qi Yiyun called Donghao.

Donghao lives nearby so that when Qi Yiyun has a need, he can appear in front of Qi Yiyun at the first time.

"Buy it for me. Don't move anything in it." Qi Yiyun told Donghao.

Dong Hao looks at Qi Yiyun's red and swollen eyes, but he can't do anything, because this is what Han Sanqian brought to miss. No one is qualified to make up for it except Han Sanqian.

"Yes." Dong Hao nodded and said.

"Book a ticket back to the U.S. and we'll go back to the U.S. when you've settled the house." Qi Yiyun continued."Three?" Dong Hao asked, although he was not willing to go to the United States with Han Sanqian, he still had to ask Han Sanqian for help in the Qi family's troubles. If he was not willing, he could only accept it.



Dong Hao's expression flashed a little annoyed. Miss Han has paid so much for Han 3000. Isn't he willing to help Qi family?

"Miss, Han Sanqian has used you. Do you want to let go of the Qi family's affairs? If so, I will kill him now Donghao said with a strong sense of killing.

"By you?" Qi Yiyun looked at Dong Hao lightly and said, "he even killed Han long. What qualifications do you have to kill him? And now the Han family is just a dog beside him. Without him coming out in person, the Han family will help me solve all my problems. "

"What!" Donghao suddenly raises his head and looks at Qi Yiyun in disbelief.

Han 3000 killed Han long? How can this be possible? Han long is the first expert in the Chinese District of the United States. Dong Hao has seen Han Long's hand. Dong Hao even needs a lot of courage to stand in front of him.

"Miss, how could Han 3000 kill Han long?" Donghao said in disbelief.

, "can you kill? You didn't has the final say. He did." the trouble of Qi is no longer a trouble. Qi Yiyun said.

Donghao still refused to believe it, because it was beyond the scope of his understanding.

Dong Hao thinks he knows very well what kind of strength Han 3000 is. Even if he is ten, he is killed and played by Han long.

At this time, Qi Yiyun's phone rang, a strange number.

"I'm Han Yan. After returning to the United States, you can contact me directly, and I will solve all the problems of your family." Han Yan said.

Hearing this sentence, Han Yan's position in front of Han 3000 will be more clear, there is no doubt at all.

"I'll be back today." Qi Yiyun said.

Han Yan did not speak, but chose to hang up the phone.

Qi Yiyun said to Donghao, "Han Yan has taken the initiative to call me. Now you can believe it."

Dong Hao takes a deep breath, racking his brains, but he can't imagine how Han Sanqian killed Han long.

"Miss, I'll go to the house at once." Dong Hao said.

After Donghao left, Qi Yiyun saved Han Yan's number, which will be the most valuable number in her mobile phone.

"Han Yan is just a dog in front of you. When will you really step on the Korean family in the United States? If you want to deal with them, sooner or later you will appear in the United States. " Speaking to herself, Qi Yiyun's face showed a faint smile. As long as Han 3000 does not let go of the Korean family in the United States, then she and Han 3000 will have a chance to meet.

At this time the departure is painful, but looking forward to the next time to meet the mood, but also very good.

"If I don't get your heart, I want your people too." Qi Yiyun expression gradually became firm, as long as there is a chance, even if Han 3000 tied up in bed, she is willing to.

At the hillside villa, Han Sanqian suddenly sneezed, as if someone was talking ill of him.

"Who's thinking of me or staring at me?" Han 3000 said to himself.

At this time, Su Yingxia came to Han 3000 with her suitcase.

"Follow me."

"You haven't told me where to go yet." Han 3000 has just returned to the hillside villa, Su Yingxia began to pack his bags, so that he was in a fog.

"I'll know if I go. Let's go." Su Yingxia said with crimson cheeks.

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