
Four areas.

Since the great disturbance broke out in the devil's cave, all people have decided that Han Sanqian is dead. Although it is a pity, the dead have no value for many people to miss. So gradually, the discussion of Han Sanqian subsided.

However, yilao has always been worried about this matter because he has put too much hope on Han Sanqian. Now, such a consequence is what he does not want to see and even more unacceptable to him.

Originally, Yi Lao was still hopeful, but as time went on, a few days later, he was completely desperate, because he knew very well that no one could survive under the condition that the demon king cave was busy fighting against those creatures.

The only hope turned into despair, and the next old man became confused.

He originally planned to give Han Sanqian the four gates to Han Sanqian after he was promoted to Tianzi level. He went to the second world to have a look. But now, none of the four schools can take over the important task. The plan has failed, and the next elder doesn't know what to do.

"The next day, you don't eat or drink these days. How can you go on like this? People can't be reborn after death. You can't be so decadent all the time." The assistant told Yi Laoquan that he knew that he accepted Han Sanqian's death, but it was a foregone conclusion. Even if he could not accept it, he had to face the reality.

"What about Lintong?" He asked.

"I should have gone to the Yellow character class. Since he Xiaoxiao was demoted to the Yellow character class, he often went to see he Xiaoxiao." Said the assistant.

Yilao sighed. He had never thought of handing over the four gates to Lintong. The reputation of this tianqiaozi was completely flattered by Tianqi insiders. How can a person who dares not even take part in the devil's cave test deserve the four words "Heaven's favorite".

And now Lintong has betrayed the four gates, and it is even more impossible for him to do so.

However, he is faced with a very tangled problem. The turbulence in the second world makes him have to go to the second world. He must know what kind of place the second world is. Only in this way can he find a solution to the second world.

"Lintong betrayed the four gates, and none of them could be used. Who do you think I can give the position of master of the gate?" Yi asked his assistant.

"Mr. Yi, I don't think anyone is suitable except you." The assistant did not hesitate to say, this is a very realistic question, which of the four gates has a better reputation than yilao? And even if it is not pay attention to reputation, in terms of strength, no one is suitable for it at present.

It has to be said that Han Sanqian is indeed the best choice. He broke all the previous records of Tianqi and promoted to Di Zi level at the fastest speed. This completely crushed Lintong, and I'm afraid no one can do it in the future. Unfortunately, his luck was a little worse and he fell into the devil's cave.

"Are you going to sit around like this all the time? With the strength of Apocalypse Now, if the second world is in trouble again, it is impossible to resist. I have to go to the second world. " Said the old man, biting his teeth.

The assistant sighed in his heart. It is an obvious problem that Apocalypse has no way to fight against the second world. However, he also doesn't think that the next old method can really solve the crisis. After all, in the history of apocalypse, there are not many people who go deep into the second world. They must have died in the second world, and among these people, they are skilled There are many people who are no lower than yilao.

"The next old man, the soldiers will block, all have destiny, why do you have to persevere." Said the assistant.

"But I don't want to see apocalypse in my hands." Yi Lao suddenly clenched his fist, and his face was full of reluctance.

The assistant sighed. This is the end that nobody wants to see. But what can we do? The Apocalypse is no longer the previous apocalypse, and no one can make the Apocalypse stronger in a short time.

In the final analysis, Han Sanqian was not very lucky. If he had not died in the devil's cave, maybe the Apocalypse would not have been the situation now.

Yellow field.

Since he Xiaoxiao was demoted here, Lintong has become a frequent visitor with the Yellow character. Although his love for he Xiaoxiao is hidden deeply, it has been gradually exposed in recent years.

He Xiaoxiao can also feel this, but in his eyes, Lintong is still nothing. Even if she is only the lowest yellow character member, she is still he Qingfeng's daughter after all, and her pride has never been reduced.

"Lintong, I know what you are thinking. Although I have been demoted to the Yellow character level, I am still the daughter of the Lord of the three halls. I advise you to take your heart away." He Xiaoxiao disdains Lintong said.

"Do you think you can go back?" Lintong light road.

"Hum." He Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and said, "my father is just bluffing me. He wants to teach me a lesson. After a while, he will take me back in person."

Lintong seems quite helpless to shake his head. He Xiaoxiao's self righteousness is really ridiculous. Now the whole apocalypse is staring at this matter. He Xiaoxiao's mistake is not something that can be regarded as nothing happened if she stays at the Yellow character level for a few days.Apocalypse is a place with strength as the respect. Anyone who wants to promote his or her own status must show the matching strength.

The rules of the Apocalypse should not be disobeyed even by the sect leader.

The reason why he Xiaoxiao has been able to live in the three halls for so many years is that no one has deliberately mentioned this matter. Now, she has been relegated to the Yellow character level. Even he Qingfeng dare not take her away easily.

Unless she can prove herself with her strength and win the division, otherwise, she won't be able to return to the third hall in her lifetime.

It's a pity that the eldest lady didn't seem to realize this. She thought he Qingfeng was just punishing her and would come to pick her up in person.

"He Xiaoxiao, I'm the only one who can help you return to the three halls." Lintong said.

"Cut." He Xiaoxiao looked at Lintong contemptuously, with a laugh in his eyes, and said: "Lintong, who do you think you are, and how can I possibly need you to take me back? My father will come to pick me up."

"He Xiaoxiao, even your father doesn't dare to disobey the rules of apocalypse. Otherwise, we'll make a bet that he Qingfeng will never let you go back to the third hall, unless you can win the classification contest." Lintong said.

"You fart, how could my father treat me like that." He Xiaoxiao broke a curse, if you really want to return to the three halls with strength, this is almost impossible for he Xiaoxiao to complete in his life.

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