"Master, young master, thank you for coming."

City Lord's house, servants ran to Huang Houyi and his son in front of them.

Huang Hou Yi glared at his servants. It was not a big deal. It was worth his fluster.

Wang Xie's two families of talents to drive away, is it difficult for him to be afraid of the Chen family?

"You are also a member of the city Lord's house. A Chen family frightens you like this?" Huang Hou Yi said discontentedly.

"Master, not only is Chen Yuanhai coming, but also Chen Yanran." Said the servant.

Huang Hou Yi was stunned, and then he understood the reason why he was in a hurry.

Huang Xiaoyong likes Chen Yanran for many years, which is a well-known thing in Longyun city. When facing Huang Xiaoyong's pursuit, she is very happy to refuse, but she has never personally visited the door.

And this time, Chen Yanran took the initiative to come to the city Lord's house, can be meaningful ah.

Huang Houyi took a look at Huang Xiaoyong, then laughed up and said, "son, it seems that this woman has already looked at you with great respect. She even took the initiative to come to our city Lord's house. This is to make friends with you."

If before, Huang Xiaoyong would like to kneel on the ground to meet Chen Yanran. In front of this woman, Huang Xiaoyong had already abandoned his dignity. As long as he could make Chen Yanran happy, Huang Xiaoyong would do anything.

In the words of the earth, he is a real licking dog.

but that's the way Huang Xiaoyong used to be. He had never put Chen Yanran in his mind. To him, this woman was a nominal teacher. What she could do was only master has the final say.

"Son, this is your best chance to get her. You can do it." Huang Hou Yi said with a smile.

Huang Xiaoyong shook his head and said, "father, do you think I still need her now? In my present position, what kind of woman does not have? Even if I ask for it from the imperial court, the imperial court will select carefully for me. "

Huang Hou Yi nodded his head. Although this is a little exaggerated, there is a possibility. The imperial court will certainly attach great importance to the master of controlling the Seven Star alien beasts. Huang Xiaoyong's little request is not a matter for the imperial court.

"It's up to you to decide whether to see or not." Huang Hou Yi said.

"See you. I want to see what she's going to do." With that, Huang Xiaoyong followed his servants to the gate of the city Lord's mansion.

Chen Yanran appeared in the city Lord's house, and the Wang and Xie families received news at the same time. Because they did not even see Huang Houyi, they were very dissatisfied with the poor methods of the Chen family.

"I didn't expect that the Chen family would push Chen Yanran out. Isn't this woman married? Does the Chen family still want to use her to win over the relationship with the city Lord's house?" Wang said, gnashing his teeth.

The head of the Xie family gave a cold smile and said, "as far as I know, Chen Yanran and that garbage are just nominal couple. They have no real couple at all. Chen Yanran is still jade clean. If the Chen family wants to use her to win over the relationship between the city Lord's house and the Chen family, our two families will fall behind."

"What's the difference between Chen Yuanhai's behavior and selling his daughter? This old man is really brazen." The king said reluctantly that he did not pay attention to the city Lord's house in the past, but now, the king's house is eager to have a good relationship with the city Lord's house, because this is the foundation of the royal family's foothold in Longyun city in the future. If the estrangement between the King's house and the city Lord's house is not solved, it will eventually become a hidden danger of the royal family.

"Ah." The head of the Xie family sighed and said: "who let our family have no beautiful daughter? But in my opinion, there is another possibility for this matter. Huang Xiaoyong is not the former Huang Xiaoyong after all. Whether he still likes Chen Yanran is unknown."

Wang's master nodded. Huang Xiaoyong is not the same as before. Maybe he doesn't like Chen Yanran.

"Keep an eye on the situation of the city Lord's house, and report as soon as you have the latest information." The king said to his servant.

Outside the gate of the city Lord's house.

When Chen Yanran saw Huang Xiaoyong show up, her face showed a proud smile, because Wang Xie's two families were directly driven away without seeing anyone, and Huang Xiaoyong appeared to see her, which was enough to show that the city Lord's house treated her differently.

In Huang Xiaoyong's heart, there is still her, otherwise, how can you come out personally.

"As the saying goes," Huang Xiaoyong, I haven't seen you for a while. Now you are different. You are the best in the four lights and the master of the Seven Star beast control. I didn't think of it. " Chen Yanran said with a smile to Huang Xiaoyong that it was absolutely impossible before. Chen Yanran would be upset as long as he saw Huang Xiaoyong, and how could he show a smile to him.

"For so many years, I have never seen you smile at me, but today the sun comes out in the west?" Huang Xiaoyong said lightly.

Chen Yanran show eyebrows slightly wrinkled, the tone of this sentence, let Chen Yanran feel that Huang Xiaoyong's attitude towards himself seems to have changed, but Chen Yanran guessed that he was just deliberately playing with airs in front of himself.

"Huang Xiaoyong, don't you invite me in Chen Yanran said.

"I have invited you to the city Lord's house for countless times. I can't remember clearly myself, but every time you refuse very happily. In my opinion, it's OK to forget this time. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly." Huang Xiaoyong said.Chen Yuanhai didn't interrupt, because since Chen Yanran was here, it would be best for her to solve the matter. However, he clearly felt that Huang Xiaoyong's attitude towards Chen Yanran had a feeling of rejecting thousands of miles, which was not the attitude that should be taken towards his sweetheart.

The only explanation is that in Huang Xiaoyong's heart, there is no Chen Yanran any more, so he will have such an attitude change.

Unknown premonition in Chen Yuanhai heart spread, but he did not stop Chen Yanran, after all, his heart, or holding a glimmer of hope.

"Yes, I'll say it here." After a pause, Chen Yanran continued: "my relationship with Han 3000, you should know, we are just nominal couple, I did not let him touch me."

"So what do you mean by telling me these words?" Huang Xiaoyong asked.

"I've driven him out of the Chen family. If you want to marry me, you just need to choose a good day." Chen Yanran said very directly, without a bit of obscurity, clearly told Huang Xiaoyong that I would like to marry you.

But after listening to this sentence, Huang Xiaoyong was angry. What he cared about was not to marry Chen Yanran, but that his master had been expelled from the Chen family by Chen Yanran!

This stupid woman is so stupid that she doesn't know the truth in front of her eyes. If she wants to make the Chen family strong, she just needs to take good care of Han Sanqian. Even the realm of Chen Tiexin can be improved by Han 3000. However, she rejects the best opportunity. It's ridiculous.

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