In the team, there was laughter all the way.

"By the way, alliance leader, you are so good at playing the skill of virtual and real. Ye Gucheng's mind is dizzy, isn't it? One moment, we said to hit them, but we didn't go at all. Another moment, we said to hit them, but we shot them in vain. When they relaxed their vigilance, they suddenly hit hard. It's estimated that ye Gucheng's mind is buzzing now. " The poem says with a smile.

The whole process, even they were kept in the dark, did not know what happened. Only know the final result, one is ambush Fu family elite troops were raided, two is the foot of the mountain medicine God Pavilion troops were also raided.

Autumn water Wu mouth a smile: "they don't know which is true which is false."

Han Sanqian smiles gently. Sometimes having an undercover is equivalent to having a pair of eyes, which can see the enemy's movements in time. However, once the information from these eyes is not clear enough, or even cheated by the eyes, the result is also extremely tragic.

Han 3000 know there is a traitor, so deliberately keep confusing, let Ye Gucheng see the clouds, can't tell the truth. It's like people, subconsciously, may know it's wrong, but because the eyes see it's true, subconsciously they will think it's true.

Ye Gucheng is bound to be very cautious after he gets into a double intrigue. He will not easily believe the information from the undercover. After all, he will gain wisdom by eating a little.

Han Sanqian also made use of this point to spread the news for the second time to attack him.

From a certain point of view, he is more inclined to disbelieve. However, Han 3000 knows that if ye Gucheng's elite troops blocking the help home reinforcements are destroyed, Wang Jianzhi will surely scold him and ask him to strengthen the defense at the foot of the mountain.

Therefore, even if he does not believe that he will fight, he will be patient and keep on. If you do, Han 3000 won't get any advantage.

What Han 3000 has to do is consume.

Until ye Gucheng's patience completely disappeared.

"So you let the disciples of nihilism gather for such a long time, and suddenly go to the garden to pick vegetables and herbs in the middle of the night, just to dispel Ye Gucheng's doubts?" Fuli said with a smile.

"Yes, but I really need herbs, and I can't get help." Han 3000.

When the words came out, a group of people were stunned. They could understand Fuli's explanation, but Han 3000 really needed so many vegetables and herbs, which made them really confused.

Su Yingxia has no choice but to smile. What are these things for? Others don't know, but she knows best.

That's the base material Han 3000 used to cure those strange beasts who had been released from the contract in the eight wild books. As for higher-level materials, Han 3000 flew around this night for this.

His main purpose is to buy several auction houses nearby. As a senior VIP of the auction house, he could have bought some good things in advance. Secondly, the purpose is Xianling island.

In the corpse valley of Xianling Island, Han 3000 planted many good things before, and went back to harvest them one by one.

Then, according to the method recorded in the ancient books of Xianling Island, a kind of special pill for healing and protecting the spirit was refined by using these things.

In fact, he was busy with his own business, but he made a group of people in Yaoshen Pavilion dizzy. Finally, he was wrongly judged to be deliberately harassing.

Although, this is what Han 3000 expected.

Han 3000 made a lot of pills by using the time difference of the eight wild books. To deal with the drug God Pavilion, when the time comes to tear up the contract, resulting in the signing of the contract that a large number of strange animals died.

Although Han 3000 made a lot of pills in the time of the eight wild books, it was only a drop in the bucket compared with the huge number of contract animals.

But at least Han 3000 has found a way, which is a good start.

What's more, Han Sanqian not only used the time to do his own business, but also achieved his goal, making the whole Yaoshen Pavilion dizzy.

Later, Han 3000 quietly touched the mountain at dawn.

The reason why we chose this time is that it's about dawn. In fact, it's the most sleepy day for people from 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning. The people of Yaoshen Pavilion also stayed all night. They are in a bad mental state for a long time. It's the best time to raid at this time.

Another reason for the success of the raid is that Han 3000 can approach the enemy quietly, and then suddenly release the strange beast in the book, which can't be reflected by the enemy at all.

"But, 3000, are you sure we're going to be ok? You don't want Ye Gucheng to try every means to cheat Wang xuanzhi into setting up an ambush on the path. Do you really believe him? " Su Yingxia asked strangely.

Han three thousand dumb smile: "Ye Gucheng that kind of person, I believe it?"

Su Yingxia's father-in-law and the second monk couldn't figure it out. Since he couldn't believe it, why did he go by the main road? Once Ye Gucheng betrays them, it's a trap.

So, what is Han 3000 playing?

A group of people looked at each other, but looking at Han 3000's appearance, it seemed that it was really like that?"Do you want to know why?" Han 3000 smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!