"Han Why is Han 3000 here? " A family supporting executive was stunned, and then looked at Sanyong very nervously, and asked coldly, "master Sanyong, are you wrong?"

"You won't tell us that Han 3000 is more capable of making decisions than the leader of nihilism?" Another executive immediately agreed.

However, some people hold a different view: "there are a lot of people sitting at that table, not necessarily Han 3000, right? I've heard that one of them is hainv. "

"If there is a sea girl, it's not uncommon. If the sea girl can be the master of nihilism, it's also the blessing of nihilism."

After hearing what the executives of Fuye and Fuye said, the voices around became more and more popular. Obviously, they were also concerned about who the executives of Fuye and Fuye came out to toast.

San Yong laughs bitterly and shakes his head. He is about to go to the alley. Fu Tian and others hurry to catch up.

But as soon as Sanyong's front foot entered, Fu Tian, who ranked second, felt that a flying stone came from nowhere and hit him directly in front of his feet.

Then, the flying stone slammed on the cardboard again from the ground.

Han three thousand gently smile, with eyes to help day, pay attention to the words on the sign.

Fu Tian grits his teeth. This cardboard is definitely put by Han 3000. Previously, he made a reminder to humiliate him, but now he plans to do it again. He also makes this brand to humiliate himself. It's disgusting.

Fu Mei couldn't help trying to throw the cardboard, but before her hand touched the cardboard, a flying stone hit her hand again, which made her feel painful.

"Han 3000, what do you mean? Are you looking for something? " Fu Mei cheered coldly.

"Looking for trouble? Really? You're not allowed to be in the inner hall. We're not allowed to be in the laneway? Although Tianhu city is under the jurisdiction of your Ye family, it can't hinder people's livelihood, can it? " Fu mang sneered.

"Fu Mang, it's nothing for you here. You'd better shut up for me." Fu Tian roared angrily.

"Well, I'll shut up." Fu mang laughed, then drank a glass of wine and said to Han 3000, "I'm sorry, 3000. I've disgraced you. I'll punish myself for one."

"Fu Mang, what's wrong with you?" Bai Xiaosheng laughs.

"As 3000 of your left and right hands, I had a fight with a group of dogs there!" Fu mang reproached himself and asked.

Help a group of people in the day immediately be angry seven tricks smoke, this son of a bitch turn curving scold oneself.

"Damn it, Fu Mang, you traitor, our business is not finished yet? When the party is over, I'll see how you can laugh. "

"Shut up, or I'll be rude to you."

"And you Han 3000, did you set up this card? You're going to withdraw immediately. Damn it, we're here to find someone. You'd better not delay our work. "

A group of people criticized in unison. They were so angry that they wanted to swallow Han 3000's life.

Han 3000 was only concerned about eating. The poem said with a smile, "Uncle Fu mang scolded you for being a dog. You are really right. You can't even figure out who you're looking for, so you just scold people here?"

As soon as the words of the poem fall, Sanyong has come to the table and stands behind Han 3000.

The appearance of humility made Fu Tian's heart suddenly cold.

"Sanyong, what do you mean?"

"Where are you going? Are you old eyed? "

The senior managers of Fujia are also in a hurry.

"Head of Futian clan, Han 3000 is the highest speaker of our nihilist sect. He can do whatever master Qin Shuang can do, and he can do whatever master Qin Shuang can't do." At this time, one side of the two peak elder a smile, turned and walked toward Han 3000.

"Are you crazy? You handed over nihilism to Han 3000? Do you know who Han 3000 is? " Fu Tian was stunned and looked at elder Sanfeng and Lin Mengxi in disbelief.

"Han 3000 is just a lower creature of the earth, and your nihilism is also the sect of our world. Are you worthy of your ancestors in doing so? "

"Are you confused by nihilism? Or what did he threaten you with? Don't worry. No one can threaten you with us. "

Fu Tianyi said that a group of senior executives were impatient to say that nihilism was controlled by Han 3000, which was hard for them to accept.

How do these people know what Han 3000 paid for nihilism? Naive also attempts to use a few words to buy off nihilism.

"It's because I'm sorry for all the ancestors that nihilism let Han 3000 be the speaker." Sanfeng elder a smile, also leave them to walk toward Han 3000.

Fu Tian and others look at each other, and finally focus on Lin Mengxi and Qin Shuang.

"Elder Lin, they are confused. You can't be confused. Obviously, they are worried that your daughter is in power. That's why they collude with Han 3000 in order to raise your mother and daughter. " Fu Tian locks his last hope on Lin Mengxi.

"Yes, master Lin, you have to think about your daughter as well as yourself."Lin Mengxi said with a cool smile: "I'd rather he raised my daughter, or even married my daughter." Finish saying, pull Qin frost, Lin Mengxi also walked toward Han 3000 there.

"This Listen, is that what a mother should say? It's shameless. " I had to stamp my feet, but I couldn't help it.

Han Sanqian stops his chopsticks and chews the things in his mouth. He finally raises his head and looks at Fu Tian quietly. The whole person is calm and calm.

"Do you think the food in the inner hall is not good? Why don't you come to me? In principle, shouldn't it? The inner hall is a white jade table, gold chopsticks and jade bowls. What about me? Hehe, it's just ordinary. " Han 3000 said calmly.

"Three thousand, don't you understand? From the perspective of human logic, this should not be true. But if you think from a dog's point of view, is that easier to explain? " Fu mang looked at Fu Tian and said with a cold smile.

"After all, dogs are not the same thing. This beast will never smell good in his own bowl. Even if it's Tuo excrement in other people's bowl, he thinks it's a good thing."

As soon as Fu Mang's words came out, a group of people burst into laughter. Even many of the guests outside were amused by Fu mang.

Fu Tian and Fu Mei's faces are blue and red. Their faces are ugly. The fierce light in their eyes can kill people.

"Fu Mang, if you have guts, please repeat what you just said." Fu Tian cheered coldly.

"Look, I won't tear your mouth." Fu Mei also threatened.

"Again? How about ten more times? Do you really think you're a strong Fuye army? " Fu mang sneered. With Han 3000 in, he has nothing to worry about.

To some extent, Han 3000's war has obviously conquered him completely.

In the face of such a provocation, Fu Tian directly carried the knife on the spot and wanted to do it.

But as soon as he moved, a flying stone hit Fu Tian's knife again. Han 3000 said with a smile: "what's the matter with being so atmospheric? Who do you think anger can frighten? "

Then, Han 3000 looked at Fu Tian with disdain: "I just say, even if you are angry like a ball, don't you have to be discouraged immediately? Now, I said, you can come here like a dog. "

With that, Han 3000 looked at Fu Tian with an extremely contemptuous smile!

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