"Han 3000?" Magic North day suddenly a Leng, quite feel this name unusual familiar.

"Exactly." Wen replied.

"Suzerain, I heard that Han 3000 was a man from the earth, but soon after he came to the world, he thought he had fallen into the endless abyss and died. However, he turned into a mysterious man and flourished in the hall of Qishan. Later, nihilist broke the hundred thousand allied forces of the medicine God Pavilion, and the battle of the top peak of flint city was an incredible call for the disaster of scattered immortals, It's also a terrible disaster for the gathering of four gods and beasts. Han 3000 seems to have survived the disaster. " The subordinates rushed to report.

"Damn it Although he was the master of the evil way, he was always a gentle man. Swearing was rarely seen in his mouth. However, when he heard Han 3000's deeds, he couldn't help yelling at him.

No matter which one of these things is enough for anyone to die a hundred times, but Han 3000 just did everything by himself. The key is

The point is he's still alive.

Metamorphosis is not enough to describe this guy, shock is not enough to describe his inner shock.

So a standard "I do" is the most powerful expression of thousands of emotions!

"This guy's so fuckin 'sick?" Mor Beitian looks at the sky in the distance. No wonder this guy can fight with the two families. According to his qualifications, he is really qualified.

"Lao Tzu said that the sky over there was like that. It was like that." The devil north sky can't help sighing.

However, a moment later, he suddenly drew a smile from the corner of his mouth and looked at his subordinates: "it seems that the evil ancestor of the demon clan is about to reappear."

My subordinates were stunned. The ancestor of evil was the founder of the demon clan. But soon after the beginning of heaven and earth, he was killed by the original God. What do you mean by the sudden arrival of the patriarch?

See subordinate don't understand, evil North day a smile, looked at the sky over there, way: "you let the spy repeat the initial words."

Spies and subordinates immediately look at each other, do not know what the devil North day this means.

However, since the devil North day said, the spy also dare not neglect, hastily will before of words all repeat.

But when he said that Han 3000 had swallowed the blood of the magic dragon and was already mad here, he couldn't help but stare. Almost at the same time, his subordinates suddenly realized that after he was shocked, he couldn't help looking at the magic north sky and said: "Lord, what do you mean..."

"The magic dragon is the most evil thing. If Han 3000 swallows the blood of the magic dragon, it means that this guy has the blood of my demon family in his body." The evil north sky laughs a way.

"If there are such masters in our demon clan, won't they not only have to hide in all directions, but even... One day they can openly declare war with the right gang of dog thieves?" When I think about the bright future, I can't help but feel excited.

Magic North day is obviously looking forward to this beautiful future, the corner of the mouth smile never stopped.

With a slight smile, Mobei said with a smile: "silly boy, what's the point of being silly? Go to the other two halls and inform them that the plan has changed. Let them all gather here in ten minutes."

His subordinates nodded with a smile, but they seemed too happy to be offline. They were stunned and said, "master, what do you want me to do?"

The next second, he reflected himself, and the top of his ass ran back down.

Within a moment, two groups of strange people ran out of the forest quickly.

On one side, they are like people made of huge stones. They are tall and tall, but each of them has a fierce face. Their hair is very long and their skin is wrinkled constantly. They look scary and disgusting.

In front of them, however, was a child less than one meter tall.

However, although the child is small, his body decoration is also strange. He is naked, with a long silk hanging on his body. There is a sky high braid on his head. There is a green braid on the braid. There is a small gourd on the left side of his waist, and a basket on the right side. There is a black snake in the basket.

On the other side, she was much more normal, and her clothes were gorgeous. The leader was a woman. Although she was not as good as the two trapped in the fairy Valley, she was also dignified and beautiful. Some of her slightly black eyes were like the smoke makeup of the earth, which also added a bit of wildness and enchantment to her.

"Evil north sky, what are you doing? You said to ambush together. Laozi's subordinates just arranged it properly, but you asked us to gather?" The child in front of the giant has a mouth open. Although his voice is like a child, he is not so childish. On the contrary, he is somewhat treacherous and evil.

"Demon ghost, since we have discussed the cooperation between the first palace and the second palace, you can talk less nonsense." On the other side, the leading woman said coldly and impatiently.

Finish saying, that woman impatiently looked at evil north sky again, immediately displeased way: "what matter is worth you so happy?"

"Big, big!" Mobeitian exclaimed excitedly.

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