"He... He's laughing!"

"He's laughing! He's laughing! "

Several elders grabbed their hair on the spot and felt the numbness of their scalp.

Are you crazy? Is this crazy?

In the face of such a powerful destructive blow from the enemy, it's just that you don't hide or flash. Unexpectedly... You still laugh?!

Even the true God dare not be so big!

"Is it true that under the confrontation just now, he has been injured, but... He has been pretending to be all right?" Shengran also felt strange.

However, Pei Hu at this time has shown a proud smile, because he is only three feet away from Han 3000.

It's almost impossible to dodge at this distance!

Once hit by himself, the one waiting for Han 3000 is death!

Yes, even death without residue!

"Can you still laugh now? Silly! " As soon as he drank his anger, Pei Hu had increased his strength.

But suddenly, just when he thought he was holding the winning ticket, Han 3000, who was getting closer and closer, suddenly disappeared.

"Taixu SHENBU!"

"Beiming four soul array, open!"



Han 3000 didn't disappear, or he disappeared, but the next second he appeared again.

And what is terrible is that there are not one Han 3000, but eight!

"This......" the saint burns a gang of people directly silly eye.

"How possible!" The five elders of Taowu clan also raised a fierce voice.


Obviously, Pei Hu's palm did not take any strength at all. His strong inertia and just now psychology had made him relax from belittling the enemy. At this time, he found that it was wrong and it was difficult to recover.

His back was completely exposed to Han 3000.


With Han 3000's cold drink, he directly raised his palm around the eight golden bodies behind Peihu.

He couldn't defend when he couldn't take it back almost completely, but the magic saint was always the magic saint. He strengthened his Qi and suddenly gathered on his back to block seven real body attacks in a row.

But in the eighth way, Han 3000 hit his back straight.


A mouthful of golden blood immediately spewed out directly, and Wei'an's body fell suddenly!


With an explosion, Pei Hu's body fell from the sky and hit a hillside on Xianshan heavily.

"What, that's ok?" Holy flame was stunned.

Just now, he even couldn't bear to see Han 3000 killed alive, but the situation changed in an instant!

Han 3000 stood proudly in the air and looked coldly at Pei Hu who was photographed on the ground.

He was strong, but too aggressive, so he was impetuous, and he was strong in attack and weak in defense, so Han 3000 decided to repeat his old skill.

Compared with the previous time, he thought he was fighting with him because he wanted to fight with his life, sacrifice himself and let him hang the lottery at the same time.

Now that he comes back, he will have a relative reaction to his thinking. At the same time, he has been completely angered by himself in the war of attrition just now and wants to kill himself.

So at this time, he won't think too much, but will kill all the way out!

And he saw this, and then used the speed to kill him by surprise.


When he got up from the ground, Pei Hu's eyes were red.

The next second, he flew directly to the ferocious face with his hair down.

He is the son of the Taowu family and the future power holder. He is high above all. Why has he ever suffered such a big loss? Have you ever been bullied by others? At this time, the intention to kill Han 3000 has reached the extreme.

Han 3000 frowned slightly. He knew that Peihu had been completely angry.

"Qi breaks the eight wastelands!"


As he continued to fly to Han 3000, the black gas around him also continued to spread. Finally, with a sudden explosion, a huge Taowu beast appeared in the sky over him, opened a big mouth of blood and roared angrily at Han 3000.

"Tao Wu's blood!" The holy flame drank urgently, and his eyes were afraid.

"Pei Hu..."

"He even inherited the ambition of Tao Wu, which..."

"Han 3000 is in trouble." Several elders also looked frightened.

Han sanning's eyebrows receded slightly. Although he was strong, he was by no means a big man. The eight golden bodies suddenly flashed and prepared to resist the enemy at any time!


Tao Wu suddenly hit, and his body suddenly became bigger.

"No." Han 3000's heart sank.

Almost at the same time, Tao Wu has changed to the size of a giant beast swallowing the sky. With a roar, it emits strong Qi directly

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