This is by no means a random cover. Although several people know the strength and power of this congenital Liuhe, they know it better than others because they know it well.

Although the Six Harmonies are fierce, such a dazzling light is like the falling of the divine sun. The golden divine light of the congenital Six Harmonies is not so strong as to be right!

No, no!

At the thought of this, relying on his high cultivation, old Mr. Chai forcibly turned around and suddenly looked into the golden sky. The whole person was numb.

Even though he has been wandering in the Jianghu, I don't know how many spring and autumn, and has seen all kinds of immortals, he can't help being like a child at this moment!

Fang Biao and Liu Tao took the second place. After Chai was old, he also noticed that it was wrong and looked into the air, but when he looked at it, he was stunned.

Su Yan Lvzhu and others followed, and then

Then there were more people on the scene.

In the corner of the stone hall in ruins, Fang Kun struggled to climb out with his teeth. When he looked up, even though the golden light had already stained his face, he still couldn't hide the pallor on his face!

He stumbled to the ground, looked at the sky, and his eyes were full of nothingness.

Far away in the desert, a delicate flower boat is slowly moving. On the flower boat, the white curtain is gently shaking. In the white curtain, a peerless beauty is lying in bed.

At the bow of the boat, a woman in black held an inexplicable wooden box in her hand. At this time, she carefully glanced at the mechanism on the box, and then walked slowly into the flower boat.

"Miss, the pointer of the wooden box has just moved." the woman in black knelt down slightly and said respectfully.

Hearing this, the gorgeous woman nodded slightly, but her eyes still stayed on the scenery of the desert. Although for anyone, the desert had no scenery at all, she was very distracted.

"Miss, the big movement of the pointer also means that there is a huge energy fluctuation over Fang Kun, which shows that Han 3000 may..." speaking of this, the woman in black dared not continue.

"Go on," whispered the peerless beauty.

"Chi Meng dare not." the woman in black was Chi Meng. Obviously, the person sitting in front of her was Miss Lu Jiada, the first beauty in the world, Lu Ruoxin.

However, the voice just fell. Chi Meng raised his eyes and saw Lu Ruoxin suddenly withdraw his eyes and look at himself. The desert knelt lower: "the slave girl means that Han 3000 is very likely to have reached the desert city, and even... Even conflict with the Fang family."

When Lu Ruoxin heard this, a faint smile appeared on his beautiful face: "expected."

Chi Meng frowned: "I don't understand. You forced Su Yingxia to marry the founder's son, but why do you have to let Han 3000 meet Su Yingxia again in the desert city? Now Han 3000 has entered the desert city, you don't care. What I said is ugly. If Han 3000 rescued Su Yingxia, what you had done before would be useless?"

With that, Chi Meng looked at Lu Ruoxin strangely and followed Lu Ruoxin for so long, but she still couldn't guess what Lu Ruoxin was thinking.

Lu Ruoxin smiled softly and got up slightly: "chimeng, don't look at the surface when looking at things, and never look at the outside when looking at people. The most important thing is here."

While talking, Lu Ruoxin slightly compared his hand to his chest.

"Heart?" Chi Meng said.

Lu Ruoxin smiled gently: "if a person's heart is different from the past, it will naturally be different. Is it important to take it away?"

Hearing this, Chi Meng looked at Lu Ruoxin more strangely. She didn't understand what kind of ecstasy Lu Ruoxin had given Su Yingxia and why she was so confident.

"Although I don't understand all the details, wouldn't it be better if my heart changes without me? Besides, without Su Yingxia, our relationship with the Fang family is... Not in vain?" Chi Meng still couldn't understand.

Lu Ruoxin smiled gently, but he was not as impatient as Chi Meng imagined: "Chi Meng, have you heard a word?"

Chi Meng raised his head slightly and confirmed that Lu Ruoxin was really happy and smiled. Then he dared to answer softly: "I don't know, I don't know. Please make it clear."

Lu Ruoxin walked gently to the window, looked out through the white curtain, and opened his mouth leisurely, the fastest update of the webnovel!