At the end of the game, magic wins, Orlando is in a carnival!

"The game is over! Howard held up big van Gundy high. This is the first time that the two masters and apprentices have won the eastern championship and the second time in the history of magic to reach the finals. Howard was very excited. He had a warm interaction with the audience. After 14 years, magic finally returned to the stage of the finals under the leadership of another champion center! "

"From O'Neal to Howard, this is more like a kind of inheritance. The strongest centers of the two eras meet here at this moment. Magic fans have spent 14 years of low tide. Tonight, they can finally celebrate wantonly!" Yang Yi, who explains the game, said.

Magic players on the court also do this. Compared with the Lakers, everyone, including the coach, is the first time to enter the finals. Magic is more excited. The atmosphere at home seems to be the night of winning the championship. The lights, ribbons, stage, crazy players and fanatical fans resonate at this moment!

They seem to forget that they still have a crucial round of series to play, but all this can be understood. Who could have thought that the magic team, which is still the bottom of the league in 2004, could stand out in the fierce competition of the Eastern Conference in 2009 and reach the finals. At the beginning of the season, people discussed the Revenge of the green army, the crazy James in the season, and the Cavaliers vs. the Lakers in the playoffs Who would have thought it would be magic to win?

As Su Qun said:

"14 years ago, the magic entered the finals. After 14 years, I saw the magic go back to the finals for the first time. At this moment, I was completely convinced by their calm. The blue color was like ice, which reflected the essence of team basketball. James, who did not become a legend this year, witnessed a game that could be included in the career video tape by Howard himself, The emperor becomes a supporting role, magic is proud, calm inside and outside combination, calm rotation, no matter how many points behind will not panic, such a team let me understand what a real team belonging to the finals should do

"Magic has made it to the finals, well deserved!"

Magic continued to enjoy their own moments of happiness and glory, while under the gaze of a few cameras, James, the loser, quickly returned to the dressing room with his head down and left the stadium full of bad memories.

Two years later, he fell again on the way to the championship. This time, he was attacked by the magic as the favored party. This sense of loss and blow was even stronger than that of being swept by the Spurs.

He entered the League at the age of 18 in 2003. For a guy who is determined to win the first person in the league and even the first person in history, 26 years old can be regarded as a hurdle. Although the outside world has been saying that James still has enough time to catch up with Kobe and even Jordan, because Jordan won his first championship at the age of 28.

But think, 26 is only two seasons away from 28, and if you look at the Cavaliers' current lineup, who can guarantee that he will win the championship in these two seasons?

More importantly, he needs to face the pressure from two directions. In the past, there is Kobe who keeps holding his own honor and championship, and then another teenager who entered the League at the age of 18 is constantly attacking him, and even has a tendency to surpass.

Under such circumstances, James can no longer keep calm!

"We lost, yes, we need to change, we need better people, I mean, I have the last year of my contract and I will try my best in this year." James said after the game.

Yes, he couldn't bear it. Watching the big four next door, watching Howard's company and his teammates, James felt like a dog.

Looking back on these years, since entering the NBA, although James has been cheering and surrounded by thousands of people in the regular season, he has been ravaged by the Spurs, magic and Celtic in the playoffs, and his heart has been distorted.

So he didn't pretend. He had a showdown. Either someone came or he left!

This is the most real thought in his heart at the moment!

Naturally, the outside world was in an uproar, and became the second most popular news except for the finals of the magic!

Because this is the first time James has revealed the idea of changing the court after the contract ends, which makes the whole league surging and makes the Cleveland people feel like a big enemy!

James's magnesium powder has become the symbol of the speedloan stadium and even the whole Cleveland. No Cleveland person can accept James's departure. It can be imagined that after seeing the news, Cleveland will experience twists and turns in the summer. As for the fate of James, it is up to time.

(Wade: brother, wait another year!)


The Los Angeles media unexpectedly didn't report too much about James because there was a season peak in the team, so they didn't pay attention to where James went. Anyway, they couldn't come to the Lakers.

But the Laker team is still training step by step to prepare for the upcoming finals. The outside voice belongs to next season. Only those who are fishing at home have time to pay attention to it. They just need to aim at the O'Brien cup.On June 1, after checking everything was ok, the Lakers opened their first tactical training session, where they would systematically analyze the magic.

Through the magic's two round series with the green army and the Cavaliers, what kind of team is the magic? The Laker team has been very clear for a long time.

To put it bluntly, they are a team with four shooting stars, with and without Howard. In addition to Howard, tekogru and Lewis are their engines and No.2 scoring points. Their average score per game is 55 points, accounting for more than half of the total score of the magic field. The average score of magic field is only 95 points.

This means that as long as the Lakers play a good defense against these three, it won't be too difficult to win.

So what about the Lakers?

That's of course. The third position of the Lakers has Jifeng and Ariza, and he won't be afraid of tekoglu. It's tekogru who should think about how to play. The inside, the twin towers of Bynum and Gasol can open at least 55 with Howard. With the help of Jifeng and Kobe on the outside, it's impossible to say that they can still dominate.

As for other people, the level is almost the same, it depends on the on-the-spot play.

So the Lakers are really confident about magic.

And Ji Feng is even more concerned that he finally meets magic. He has at least four opportunities to face Warcraft. Then his last skill task can be put on the agenda!

On the afternoon of the 1st, after personal training, Jifeng called Dayao! , the fastest update of the webnovel!