Chapter 265: The Honor of Battle, All Eyes on Her!

Name:Sorcerer's Handbook Author:
Chapter 265: The Honor of Battle, All Eyes on Her!


A swift sword strike—Sonya barely had time to react, but ‘she’ had already slashed at the Enchantress.

However, ‘she’ struck only an illusion; the Enchantress had already escaped to the outside of the palace, her form quickly fading to transparency.

She looked at Sonya, her pretty, cute face filled with spiteful mockery: “Why are you so upset? Isn’t this the Battle segment you’ve been longing for? Come on, the opponent I’ve specially prepared for you is right behind you. If a raging Shadow Evil Dragon can’t satisfy your appetite, you wretched woman, then perhaps the spirits from the Tokoyo Abyss, gathered by its fury, will.”

“Is this your idea, or your master’s?”

“You can ask me that question once you climb out of the Tokoyo Abyss.”

As she spoke, the Enchantress completely dissolved into the air and vanished. But now, ‘she’ had no time to pursue this malicious woman, as the pupil-less Shadow Evil Dragon was already eager to unleash its fury.


Sonya looked at the Shadow Evil Dragon, which seemed like the incarnation of doomsday, and heard ‘herself’ laugh bitterly in extreme anger: “So, some efforts just can’t be spared after all.”

“Isn’t it just slaying through the Tokoyo Abyss? What’s so difficult about that?”

“Enchantress, I will remember this grudge!”

The Shadow Evil Dragon roared, its claws emitting dark Thunder, as boundless chaotic darkness surged forward!

“Reptile.” Sonya tightened her grip on her sword hilt: “I’ve just created a new Miracle, and it needs testing.”

“By your death, I shall prove my skill.”

“You should feel honored.”

The next second, the Shadow Evil Dragon was sliced into countless pieces.

“Sonya, if you win, drinks are on me!”

Suddenly, Sonya snapped back to reality and found herself back at the Flash Track Auditorium.

Leoni was loudly cheering her on, and Tida still sat on the shoulder of the alchemical giant bear, as if the recent adventure had been merely an illusion.

But the Red-haired Swordswoman knew, it was not an illusion, but an incredibly precious experience.

Sonya breathed a sigh of relief—it turned out that the flashback had only lasted a moment and would not affect the reality of the Chief Battle, meaning the Observer had no intention of harming her.

Even though she had wronged the Observer, the rustic girl felt no guilt, as it was his fault for not clarifying the situation beforehand.

“Were you distracted just now?” Tida raised an eyebrow. “Were you planning to surrender?”

“That’s my line,” Sonya retorted. “If you surrender now, you won’t lose too badly later.”

“You’re really stubborn, big sister,” Tida scoffed, and suddenly bit her own small hand fiercely, allowing the giant bear to lick her blood. Tasting the Bloody Scent, the bear roared, its eyes turning blood-red and its body swelling even larger as it lunged at Sonya!

Tida was shocked by the sudden Slash, and as the bear fell apart, she was thrown off the stage, tumbling twice before hurriedly getting back up. She glanced at her blood-stained clothes and, facing Sonya’s chilling gaze, instinctively took a step back.

However, this step back filled Tida with a mix of shame and rage; her face turned beet red, and Sonya thought she was about to leap up and attack her. Instead, Tida turned and walked off the stage, leaving behind only one sentence:

“See you at the league!”

Tida’s main reliance had been the alchemical giant bear, and now that it was destroyed beyond repair, staying on stage would only bring her further humiliation.

But as a Genius Alchemist of Orbit College, she vowed that the next time they met on the league stage, she would show Sonya, that old hag, what a war machine truly is!

“What just happened?”

“Did Sonya defeat the Chief of Orbit in one move?”

“No, you’re all missing the point, didn’t you see Sonya summoning the Two Wings spirit during the Battle? That’s a Two Wings spirit, the Two Wings!”

“Can someone remind me when Miss Therave became a Sorcerer?”

“Less than a month ago, to be exact, it was April 12th. You’re welcome,” Leoni said with a smile.

“Raising her Swordsmanship Faction to Gold Tier in one month? From an Apprentice Sorcerer to a Two Wings Sorcerer in one month?”

“Professor Trozan, do you still accept students? What do you think of me?”

“I’m not taking any more students,” Professor Trozan said. “Sonya will be my last student—because I’ve thought about nipping her in the bud already.”

It was only then that Sonya had time to observe her new spirit.

Seeing the Two Wings of ‘Sword Shadow’, she was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red as if she was about to burst into laughter at any second.

She had summoned a Two Wings spirit on her own!

This meant that her Swordsmanship Faction had been elevated to Gold Tier, officially making her a Two Wings Sorcerer in societal terms!

She could finally flaunt her status as a Two Wings Sorcerer openly!

Ha, those jealous folks on the Curtain are probably going to spend the night biting their handkerchiefs, unable to sleep!

And she is just a freshman now. Swordflower College would have to push her forward, throwing money, fame, and status her way. The promotional strategies would have to focus on her!

Even if Sonya wanted to star in a popular Shadow Drama, Swordflower College would likely clear the path and do their best to meet her demands! Let alone releasing a music album!

Defeating the Chief of Orbit in one move, stepping onto the Time Continent within a month!

When the Radiant Star rises tomorrow, the entire Gales will whisper my name!

Bathed in glory, the center of attention!

“The results are clear!” the host announced loudly. “The winner, the Chief of Swordflower, Sonya Therave!”