Chapter 325: Listening to the Gospel

Name:Sorcerer's Handbook Author:
Chapter 325: Listening to the Gospel

Ashe was unaware that the working conditions for his substitute had worsened; he had more pressing matters to attend to.

After relieving some psychological pressure with Igor, the cult leader also quickly clarified his most urgent task at hand—

A card draw!

He needed to draw an item that could heal the soul immediately. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to enter the Virtual Realm to fulfill his pact with the Empress’s heroic soul, and the operators’ strength enhancement would come to a halt!

Although his points hadn’t reached the threshold for triggering the first purchase double bonus, now was clearly not the time for maximizing benefits. If he didn’t make an in-game purchase when needed, he wouldn’t be able to pass the “Empress’s Challenge” event!

In the past, Ashe would usually ask Igor to “soften the blow” to improve his luck before making an in-game purchase.

But now he had a better option—the Gospel Book!

It’s worth mentioning that there were no gambling activities in the Kingdom of Gospel. After all, under the observation of the Gospel Book, all gambling equated to giving money away. Those who listened to the Gospel were like students educated in materialism; they didn’t believe in luck, which they considered feudal superstition. The difference was that the latter believed in human potential, while the former believed in the inevitability of the Gospel.

Initially, Ashe had worried about not having Gospel points. Unexpectedly, he stumbled upon the Empress’s lap pillow, and 500 Gospel points came as a timely rain!

Returning to his room, Ashe lay on his bed and summoned the Gospel Book: “Gospel, Gospel, how can I improve my winning rate in ‘Aurora’s Sorcerer Handbook’ search?”

“Honorable Ashe Heath,” the Gospel Book responded, “I cannot comprehend your request.”


The Gospel Book was this polite?

Because Ashe didn’t use the Gospel Book often, he wasn’t very familiar with its customer service attitude. However, he remembered that the last time he used the Gospel Book, it didn’t have this level of service.

Could it be that now he had 500 Gospel points, the Gospel Book immediately put on a money-grubbing face?

Even the Gospel Book knew how to use tiered services to satisfy customer superiority?

Ashe repeated his question, and the Gospel Book responded with some difficulty: “Your Excellency, the Gospel cannot recognize the ‘Aurora’s Sorcerer Handbook’ mentioned in your speech. However, based on your description, is it correct to understand that you wish to obtain desired items in a random draw event?”

“That’s right.”

“Then the Gospel proposes two immature solutions: 1 Increase your luck; 2 Amplify your intent.”

Ashe was a bit puzzled: “I understand increasing luck, but what does amplifying intent mean?”

Gospel Book: “Intent is the most powerful force of a sorcerer. This intent is not the ‘mind’ of the Mental Sect, but specifically refers to the sum of a sorcerer’s will, concept, and soul. The most powerful sorcerers do not need to deliberately urge the spirit; spellforce is merely auxiliary. The true Miracle is when the spirit actively aligns with the sorcerer’s intent, cooperating and soaring together.”

“When a sorcerer engages in any random draw, it is equivalent to the sorcerer using their intent to interfere with the draw mechanism. As long as the sorcerer’s intent is strong enough, it is possible for the draw mechanism to actively offer the prize they need.”

Oh!?Finnd new chapters on nove/lbin(.)com

Although it can’t directly increase my winning rate, it can amplify my intent, making it easier for me to draw what I want... It sounds unscientific, but it seems to make some sense. Just like in card games, a true duelist has a Bond with their deck. When they need a miraculous draw, they will pull the card they desire!

Ashe: “What are the prices for increasing luck and amplifying intent?”

“Pure Luminescence Elixir” ×9, “energy potion” ×1!

Ashe was stunned. By the time he came back to his senses, the ten seconds had passed. The Gospel Book reminded him: “Your Excellency has exited the amplified intent state. Are you satisfied with this service?”

“Very satisfied.” Ashe sniffed, almost moved to tears. “I’m extremely satisfied!”

No wonder everyone prefers living within the weave of the Gospel. Is this the joy of the Gospel?

It’s incredibly joyful!

Although people should cherish their dignity, if you can cheat, dignity doesn’t seem that important!

A wonderful day starts with listening to the Gospel!



Meanwhile, the necromancer was also using the Gospel Book.

He had designed two advanced modification plans for Alice but couldn’t decide which to choose. In the past, he would collect a bunch of corpses, perform necromancy modifications on all of them, and see who adapted best to the new environment. But now, he couldn’t recruit new employees and had to carefully cultivate his only key member.

Harvey: “Of the two plans, which one is more suitable for Alice?”

Gospel Book: “50 Gospel points.”

Harvey thought for a moment and decided to ask separately, thinking it might be cheaper: “Is Alice suitable for the wraith modification plan?”

Gospel Book: “Not suitable (cost 25 points).”

Harvey then asked: “Is Alice suitable for the ghoul modification plan?”

Gospel Book: “Also not suitable (cost 25 points).”

The necromancer’s almost cold heart felt a bit of warmth—charging me 50 points just to tell me neither is suitable?

He took a drag of catnip to calm down and continued to ask: “How should Alice be strengthened next?”

Gospel Book: “100 Gospel points.”

Although the necromancer already had a few ideas, based on the lesson just learned, he decided to pay honestly.

Gospel Book: “Based on your current resources, you should perform ghoul enhancements on Alice’s limbs and wraith enhancements on her body.”

His heart burned with frustration!

Isn’t this just a combination of the two plans I made? Why didn’t you say earlier that the ghoul enhancements are only suitable for limbs and the wraith enhancements only for the body? You could’ve saved me some points!

A wonderful day ends with listening to the Gospel.