Chapter 327: Secret Incarnation

Name:Sorcerer's Handbook Author:
Chapter 327: Secret Incarnation

The conceptual Incarnation is the embodiment of an abstract concept...

Once a conceptual Incarnation dies, all related spirits will perish, and the sorcerer will be unable to summon them again until the Virtual Realm regenerates the concept...

Is this kind of dangerous item something that a two-wings sorcerer can handle!?

Ashe shuddered at the thought. In a Kingdom dominated by sorcerers, their miracles permeated every level of life. As the most crucial support for sorcerers, spirits were akin to vital energy sources like electricity and thermal energy-essentially the “lifeblood of society.”

To put it another way, if the “Electromagnetic Incarnation” concept were destroyed, the Kingdom of Gospel would collapse immediately. This is because almost all critical nodes of Gospel’s power system require maintenance and operation by the Electromancy Sect sorcerers. If the spirits of the Electromancy Sect vanished, this precise and efficient energy system would disintegrate in an instant, plunging everyone back to a primitive state.Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m

Should such a dramatic upheaval occur, it would take society decades to recover, with incalculable economic and life losses, potentially leading to years of social unrest.

And yet, the conceptual Incarnation, which is so crucial to the Kingdom’s fate, can be accessed by a two-wings sorcerer!?

This is not just like “casually buying a gun at a supermarket,” but more akin to “finding uranium on eBay.” Even a two-wings golden sorcerer, let alone a legendary sorcerer, shouldn’t have the right to possess such a perilous item that affects the fate of millions.

Yet, he casually received one from a heroic soul on the Time Continent and then exchanged it with another heroic soul!?

However, upon calming down, Ashe suddenly realized that while this seemed absurd, it might not be unreasonable after all.

From observation, it appears that only heroic soul commanders can possess such things as conceptual Incarnations, and a two-wings sorcerer is absolutely incapable of defeating a heroic soul commander. The event of Ashe’s three-person team narrowly defeating the weakest logistics commander is practically unrepeatable, not even once in a million years.

Moreover, heroic soul commanders who possess conceptual Incarnations are likely the elite of various factions, and the chances of them being ambushed by sorcerers are almost negligible.

That is to say, the transfer of a conceptual Incarnation only occurs among heroic soul commanders, who are subordinates of the Divine Sovereign. Furthermore, a commander carrying a “conceptual Incarnation” seems to greatly enhance the combat power of their corresponding troop type...

The appearance of a conceptual Incarnation on the second level of the Virtual Realm is likely intentional by the Divine Sovereign. Since the sorcerers on the Time Continent have relatively low combat power, the conceptual Incarnation remains safe.

If the conceptual Incarnation were to appear on the third or fourth levels of the Virtual Realm, where Sanctuaries are abundant and legendary sorcerers are commonplace, not only would the protection around the conceptual Incarnation increase dramatically, but the risk of losing it would also be significant. Ashe and other sorcerers who smuggled themselves into the Virtual Realm can master two or three Sects; true legendary sorcerers might integrate and innovate multiple Sects.

They wouldn’t need to engage in direct confrontation; they could easily steal the conceptual Incarnation through various Miracles.

Ashe suddenly recalled the description of the soul summoning spirit: “‘Congratulations on becoming a player in this never-ending game, although you don’t even qualify as a pawn.’”

Compared to heroic soul commanders, sorcerers indeed do not qualify as pieces in this game.

Gospel Book: “Today’s weather in Vamora will be sunny turning to cloudy, with a temperature of 28°. The reproduction success rate for Elves and Goblins has greatly increased, and the likelihood of twins has significantly risen.”

How is this useful to someone like me who can only reproduce with humans...

Ashe: “I want to improve my psychological resilience to become a decision-maker capable of bearing the lives of others. Do you have any advice?”

Gospel Book: “As expected of Your Eminence, Your Eminence’s psychological resilience is already very high, yet you still wish to improve. Gospel has an immature suggestion: Your Eminence can increase your psychological resilience by gaining more practical experience.”

Ashe: “That’s what I was thinking. But given the current constraints, I plan to become a team leader and commander in the virtual game Epic to tackle high-difficulty dungeons. What do you think?”

Gospel Book: “That’s an excellent idea and completely feasible!”

Ashe: “But I haven’t really spent much on in-game purchases, and even if I did, I can’t immediately reach the level of top players. High-difficulty dungeons have very high gear requirements. Do you have any suggestions?”

Gospel Book: “5 points.”

Ashe: “I need points for this too?”

Gospel Book: “Your Eminence, you won’t be disappointed. (5 points deducted) Account: , Password: . The account owner got married and will never touch Epic again. You can use it with confidence.”

Wait, is this considered account theft?

But since it’s from the Gospel Book, it should be...

Skeptical, Ashe arrived at the gaming floor, entered a game pod, and logged into the game. He was instantly dazzled by the fully-achieved, max-level character before him.

This wasn’t just about in-game purchases; it took years of consistent play to build such a top-tier account!

At that moment, the negative effects of the “Conceptual Secret Toxin” triggered again, turning the entire game pod into a spider cocoon.

However, this time, Ashe didn’t feel disgusted or terrified; instead, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Though I want to sternly criticize the nauseating aspect of the Gospel Miracles, it has been incredibly good to me.