Chapter 211: The Uniqueness of A Divine Artifact

Chapter 211: The Uniqueness of A Divine Artifact

Silently gathering his spiritual power, Tang San slowly infused it into Sky Shatterer. Instantly, he felt as if his spiritual power had entered a warm spring, and it was enveloped by a warmth that seemed to make it slowly turn brighter and more powerful.

This was one of the characteristics of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron. Its intense heat could melt and burn everything around it, but it actually nourished spiritual power and could be controlled using spiritual power.

The warm sensation gradually became scalding, yet it was still far from fierce. Tang San silently experienced the changes in his spiritual power, continuously infusing the hammer with it.

The first spiritual fusion with the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron required a long time. Tang San estimated that at least seventy-two hours were needed to complete the fusion. This was why the secret of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron had remained undiscovered by the demon and nymph races.

They had unquestionably used spiritual power to probe the material, but they would have never maintained such prolonged spiritual immersion. Even spiritual power at the level of divine consciousness required a long time, and the larger the piece of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron, the more time it needed.

Molding the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron must have taken great effort from the demon race's blacksmiths, and it was unknown how they did it. What Tang San needed was this continuous immersion of spiritual power. Once the first spiritual fusion was complete, the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron would recognize him as its master, and in the future, even if it fell into someone else's hands, it could not be used. This was another rare feature of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron; once imbued with someone’s spiritual power, it could only be used by that one person. If the original master died, then the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron would become nothing more than a hard piece of metal.

Tang San's spiritual power had now wholly liquefied, and sustaining a consistent output for seventy-two hours to nurture the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron was no issue. Moreover, this was also a form of refinement of his spiritual power, which was highly beneficial. When he could sustain the heart-refinement, the effect that this piece of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron would bring him would be truly immense.

Holding Sky Shatterer, Tang San sat cross-legged on the bed, silently infusing spiritual power and feeling the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron changes. Between breaths, he gradually entered a meditative state.

After an unknown amount of time, when he awoke from his meditative state, he found another person in the room. He was startled; even with his spiritual sensitivity, he hadn't noticed when this person had entered.

However, he understood why in the next moment. At this time, he felt that his sea of consciousness had warmed up throughout. The original golden sea now had a layer of crimson. The liquid spiritual power continuously flowed out, infusing into Sky Shatterer in his hand, and then flowed back into his sea of spirituality.

Furthermore, Sky Shatterer flickered with a red light, in perfect synchronization with his breathing. When he inhaled, the light on the hammer would dim, and when he exhaled, it would brighten. It was very peculiar.

To Tang San's surprise and delight, he discovered that the volume of spiritual power in his sea of consciousness had shrunk by more than one-third, even though the quantity was the same. This meant his spiritual power had become more concentrated, allowing his sea of consciousness to accommodate more—a great boon indeed!

When Zhang Haoxuan tried to imbue it with his spiritual power, he was immediately repelled. His spiritual power could not penetrate the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron; instead, it was pushed back by a shield of intense heat. Sky Shatterer glowed red-hot, bursting with fiery intensity.

Zhang Haoxuan's whole body lit up with a red glow, as if even his spiritual power was about to be ignited.

He quickly released his grip, and Sky Shatterer slipped from his hand. Tang San swiftly waved his right hand, using Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon to snatch the hammer back.

To Zhang Haoxuan’s shock, when Sky Shatterer landed in Tang San’s hand, the redness instantly receded, and the hammer returned to its dark appearance.

“The weapon recognizing its master? Isn't that a characteristic only divine artifacts possess?" Zhang Haoxuan's jaw dropped, and he looked at Tang San with disbelief.

Indeed, in his understanding, only legendary divine artifacts were able to recognize a master. The way Sky Shatterer behaved in Tang San's hands and in his was worlds apart—not to mention that only divine artifacts were able to behave in any way. This clearly indicated that the hammer had in fact recognized a master.

Did this kid just buy a fucking divine artifact for that handful of coins?!?!

Tang San silently felt the changes in Sky Shatterer. Once back in his hands, it immediately conveyed a sense of joy and exhilaration, like a child returning to its father.

This Heavenly Fire Essence Iron might be even more powerful than he had imagined! In his past life, Tang San had seen pieces of Heavenly Fire Essence Iron and artifacts made of it, but either they had already recognized a master or they were very small in size, quite different from this piece.

What an absolute treasure!

By infusing his spiritual power, he could manipulate the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron's internal power to some extent. Next, he needed to improve the arrays on it, which was bound to be a grueling task that required meticulous spiritual polishing. Right now, aside from the Heavenly Fire he triggered, Sky Shatterer only had its original pulverization ability.

"It's not a divine artifact, but it is indeed very wondrous. It seems my spiritual power can connect with it," Tang San said.

Zhang Haoxuan's head tilted to one side, as if he was questioning his own life choices. Could this boy be some kind of legendary Chosen One? Why had he been undergoing such rapid transformations ever since he arrived? It hadn't been long, yet he had already made such ridiculous progress.