Chen Zian shouted at the people outside: “Stop making trouble, CEO Shen is just asking me about the latest events, you guys go back to work.”

Only then did the employees outside dispersed.

This company had changed hands several times, and the also boss kept changing. Only Chen Zian remained the constant. Most of the people in the company were mentored by him. Everyone had feelings and after getting along for so long, in addition to the fact that he always helped them, the employees would definitely stand by Chen Zian’s side.

Shen Zhen could also understand.

For example, if Qin Xing had a conflict with someone now, he would definitely stand on Qin Xing’s side first.

People were always more willing to believe in their feelings.

Shen Zhen asked Chen Zian: “Who is the boss of the company who plagiarized us, do you know?”

Chen Zian glanced at Shen Zhen’s face, and said, “It’s Honghe Network Company.”

Shen Zhen: “I’m asking who is the boss.”

Chen Zian asked: “Why do you ask about the boss? Now that things have happened, what we have to do now is to minimize the loss. It is useless to say anything else. You don’t understand this industry, but I do. Just ask me if you don’t understand, I also said that I will bear the responsibility, if you want to deduct money as punishment, you can just deduct it from me alone.”

“Are you educating me?” Shen Zhen asked with a smile.

Chen Zian also seemed to be a little angry, he turned his head and said: “You are the boss, how can I educate you, I am just reasoning with you.”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I will deal with this matter.”

Chen Zian: “How do you want to deal with it?”

Shen Zhen: “Of course it’s to reason with others, do you think I would go and have a fight with them?”

Chen Zian quickly smiled and said, “Yes, we should reason.”

Chen Zian smiled on the surface, and also smiled in his heart. He really was a rich second generation, actually talking about reason?

Would others reason with you?

It was ridiculous to think that the world was black and white.

These rich second generations were just relying on their family’s wealth, they couldn’t do practical things, they could only brag.

“It just so happens I can speak with the employees, so that they can be at ease.” Shen Zhen stood up and walked straight out of the door.

Li Xiaolin glared at Chen Zian and followed Shen Zhen out. Chen Zian touched his nose and smiled behind them, but quickly recovered his expression and left the office as well.

The employees were absent-minded about their work. When they saw Shen Zhen and the others coming out, they immediately looked up and stared at them.

“Isn’t this the handsome guy just now? I thought he went to the lounge inside. Why did he come out of the boss’s office?”

“Could it be that he was chatting with Brother Chen in the office just now?”

“Wasn’t the boss chatting with Brother Chen?”

“I thought it was Brother Chen chatting with the boss on the phone…..Then what we said just now…..”

Oh no!

They just let the blood rush to their head for a moment, and let their emotions run off, but if asked to leave this company they really were reluctant to.

Not any company could give such good employee benefits.

They really like Brother Chen, but they were not ready to lose their jobs because of Brother Chen.

Now they were all incredibly embarrassed, because they were afraid that the boss would settle accounts with them.

Shen Zhen stood at the forefront, and he said to the employees: “As for the leak of our APP, I will find someone to investigate, and I will also get in touch with Honghe Network. It will not be so easy to just take away your hard work for such a long period of time.”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot to introduce myself.”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I’m Shen Zhen, and I’m also your boss. I haven’t been to the company much, so it’s normal if you don’t know me.”

The group of people below looked dumbfounded.

Although they knew that the boss was young, this guy was too young, right?! And not just young! He was also so handsome!

“CEO Shen, Brother Chen didn’t cause this. We are all responsible. If you want to deduct wages, don’t just deduct Brother Chen’s.”

“That’s right, CEO Shen, Brother Chen does not have it easy. After spending so many nights with us, the APP also has his own hard work in it. He definitely doesn’t want to see this to happen either.”

Standing behind Shen Zhen, Chen Zian lowered his head and smiled.

This boss was still too young.

But Shen Zhen said at this time: “I didn’t say I will be deducting whose salary. I just want to know how the source code was leaked? I will contact the boss of Honghe first. He should know who leaked it.”

“This APP is made up of your painstaking effort. It took so long to get it out. If I don’t ask someone to find out, wouldn’t your hard work for so long really be in vain?”

“We are also angry, but they will definitely not tell us the truth.”

“That’s right, they’ve already used such dirty means, how can it be that if we just try to reason and they will listen?”

“CEO Shen, you have a solution, right?”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “What should we do if the source code was leaked by our own people?”

“Who is so heartless? He took the money from the other side? This kind of person should definitely be fired!”

“Sue him! Leaking the company’s confidential documents, the contract must definitely have this written down, they must go to jail, and lose money!”

“That’s right!”

Shen Zhen turned to Chen Zian and said, “Brother Chen, did you hear that?”

Chen Zian raised his head and asked blankly, “Hear what?”

“Hear that the one who leaked the company’s confidential documents will be going to jail and losing money?”

Chen Zian almost laughed out loud.

These legal illiterates.

This was not the National Security Agency. Leaking documents was nothing more than apologizing and losing money.

Losing money was only between 10,000 and 200,000 yuan.

The money he got was more than that.

He really hoped that Shen Zhen would tear down all niceties with him at this moment and fire him from the company, so that he would not only get three months extra salary, but also have a way to convince the employees that Shen Zhen wronged him, and then lead the few most capable people under him away and go out to set up his own business.

He was forty this year, and how could it be possible that he would work for others for the rest of his life?

He now had connections, ability, and money, so of course he wanted to go out and start his own business.

If it wasn’t for him, what use would this group of young people be? How could the company make money? Wasn’t it all thanks to him?

Shen Zhen suddenly said: “It seems that they don’t need to go to jail, they only need to lose money, right?”

Chen Zian lowered his head and said, “I don’t know, why don’t you ask a lawyer?”

Shen Zhen sneered and said: “There’s no need to ask, but I can guarantee that even if they don’t have to go to jail, the consequences facing that person who leaked the documents would not be much better than going to jail, maybe it will even be worse.”

Chen Zian didn’t speak, but lowered his head, wanting to laugh.

The rich second generations were always like this, thinking that they were the king of the world. But what could they say when that time truly came?

The employees were very angry. After all, it was their achievements that were stolen, and it was as if they had been injected with chicken blood right now.

At the beginning, they thought that this loss could only be suffered in silence, maybe their salary would even be deducted, and if it was serious, they would even be fired.

Now that the boss himself came out and said that he would find out the truth, their hearts were relieved.

Many people even felt embarrassed.

“CEO Shen, wwe didn’t mean what we just said outside the office.”

“We just don’t want you to misunderstand Brother Chen. Brother Chen also put a lot of thought into the project and spent many nights on it.”

“Yes, CEO Shen, don’t be angry.”

“CEO Shen, we are also anxious. After all, no one wants to see this kind of thing happen. It was our hard work that was stolen. We are more angry and anxious than anyone else.”

Shen Zhen also smiled at them: “I’m not angry, I’m only angry at the person who leaked the documents, you guys can go back to work. I also happened to have invited the boss of Honghe to come over for a meeting, so if you have any questions, we can just ask him directly.”

Everyone was stunned:

“Will he really come?”

“Impossible, he dares to come here after doing such a thing?”

Shen Zhen just smiled, but said nothing.

He turned around and glanced at Chen Zian, who was still pretending to be dumb.

He was probably sure that he could find nothing, and even if he could find out something, he would not find any evidence.

Practically the model of “until all is over one’s ambition never dies.”

When Shen Zhen left, he said to Li Xiaolin: “Have someone investigate the boss of Honghe. Money is not a problem. The key is to check his taxes.”

Li Xiaolin finally had a smile on her face: “Understood.”

The boss of Honghe also thought so when he received the call from Shen Zhen.

He paid a high price to buy the source code from Chen Zian, would he admit his crime so easily? Wasn’t that simply ridiculous?

“I won’t say much else.” Shen Zhen said, “I don’t intend for you to remove the app. What I want is for you to come and explain the matter clearly. You don’t want the evidence of tax evasion on your side to be reported, right?”

Honghe CEO: “Ai, don’t talk nonsense, who evaded taxes? As a…..”

Shen Zhen said coldly: “Don’t pretend, do you want me to send you the information?”

“I won’t send it out, I’ll just read it to you.” Shen Zhen took the document handed over by Li Xiaolin and recited the words on it.

The other side finally panicked: “Brother, don’t be so ruthless, I’ll come, I’ll come right away, can I bring two bodyguards?”

Shen Zhen: “I have no objection to you bringing bodyguards. My main purpose is not to mess with you. Also, you come up with the compensation yourself.”

The boss of Honghe felt that he was really unlucky.

He said, “I have something to do today, can I come tomorrow?”

He needed a day to prepare himself mentally. How did his income and expenditure leak out?

Sitting next to him, Li Xiaolin said, “These materials cost a lot of money.”

There was no information that money could not buy, only the question of whether there was enough or not.

It was too common for large companies to find ways to avoid taxes, but most of them took legal ways to avoid taxes.

However, there were also those who were rather daring. There were not many legal tax avoidance methods, but there were many illegal ones.

Shen Zhen took a sip of tea: “The result is worth it.”

Li Xiaolin said: “That surnamed Chen is really good at buying people’s hearts.”

Shen Zhen: “This can be regarded as talent and personal ability.”

Some people were a natural at buying people’s hearts.

Even if they did something wrong, they could make others stand by him.

Always taking the moral high ground.

Such people were uncommon, but they do exist.

If they also happened to be immoral, it was a recipe for trouble.

Shen Zhen felt a little pity, if Chen Zian didn’t cause such a thing to happen, he felt that he should even give Chen Zian a raise.