Chapter 275: Forbidden Spell

Name:Sovereign of the Ashes Author:
Chapter 275: Forbidden Spell

Ander, the pilot of the azure Rank Four mecha, clearly paled in comparison to a formidable engineer Lorianne had encountered in her past.

Given Ander’s mental focus and skills, it would be an achievement if he could manage to remotely control about one thousand mechas while piloting a Rank Four mecha himself.

In fact, Lorianne could tell that Ander might not even be as skillful as the engineer who piloted the Hayworth-Type unit that she had previously destroyed.

However, it was also important to know when Lorianne had taken down the Hayworth-type unit in an ambush, the mecha had already been severely damaged by a Rank Five knight from the Magus World beforehand.

At this point, Lorianne was about to fight the Rank Four azure mecha alone as a Rank Four mage.

Fortunately, she had the Divine Tower of Verdant Flame’s space fortress as her biggest ally.

The main cannon of the fortress could unleash energy beams that were as powerful as a Rank Six creature.

The battle would be over as long as the main cannon of the space fortress could land a direct hit on Ander’s mecha.

Of course, Ander was not easily intimidated. He knew that the main cannon of the space fortress was slow to charge and would not hit him so easily. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Without interference from other creatures of Rank Four or higher, it was uncertain if the cannon could achieve its intended effect.

In previous interplanar wars, the main cannon of the space fortress was never specifically used against enemy creatures of Rank Four or above.

It served more as a deterrent and was most effectively used against the planar barriers of other worlds.

Its slow energy charging rate and fixed firing trajectory made it ideally suited for stationary targets, such as planar barriers.

While the main cannon of the space fortress might not be Lorianne’s primary reliance, the numerous secondary cannons of the fortress could provide her ample support.

Despite the Magus Civilization Army’s defensive stance within the main base, both warring factions understood that a prolonged conflict favored the Magus Civilization, given its accessibility to its depth of resources.

Although the Viridian Venom Flame World had a significant number of mechas, the combined force of all four divine towers participating in this battle presented a formidable challenge to the enemy legions and native creatures of this world.

Moreover, the Magus Civilization had established substantial control over the surrounding star domains.

In a world as fragile as the Viridian Venom Flame World, the Magus Civilization did not have to resort to forbidden spells.

Yet, faced with hundreds of thousands of mechas and an even larger swarm of pyro elemental creatures converging toward the main base, Lorianne saw a forbidden spell as the optimal solution for their annihilation!

As the formidable energy of the forbidden spell and its elemental harmonies began to manifest, the Rank Four azure mecha from Neisse Civilization intervened in an attempt to thwart her efforts.

Although Ander was dismissively referred to as a “child” by Lorianne, he was far from an inexperienced engineer.

Mages were most vulnerable when during spellcasting and must not be interrupted.

It was a lesson learned at great cost by the countless mecha armies and engineers of the Neisse Civilization through numerous wars

The terrifying elemental fluctuation in the sky, coupled with the even more intense bombardment of energy rays, greatly affected Sein who was fighting on the southern part of the main base.

It was only within the scope of such a monumental conflict that one could truly comprehend their insignificance.

Sein’s thoughts drifted to the Regional Inter-Divine Tower Academy War. Compared to the brutal reality of a real interplanar war, the academy war was definitely akin to mere “child’s play”.

Yet, it was precisely these earlier, seemingly trivial academy wars that allowed Sein and the other mages to swiftly adapt to the current war.

At this point, Sein had just activated more than ten Viridescent Seeds.

The seeds instantly grew into plant creatures. Under the enhancement of Master Lorianne’s green light, they swelled into towering plant creatures, with the tallest reaching nearly fifty meters.

With these plant creatures under Sein’s command, as well as the concerted efforts of surrounding mages and enslaved creatures, the breach at the southern part of the main base was gradually sealed.

However, the crucial factor in sealing this breach was the intervention of Lorianne the Rank Four mage, whose incantations of a forbidden spell resonated across the battlefield and drew the attention of the mecha army.

Lacking direct leadership from Anridar and intimidated by the formidable presence as well as the looming threat of a forbidden spell from a Rank Four mage, the majority of the pyro elemental creatures began to retreat in fear.

It was understandable, as these creatures were akin to “wild beasts” inhabiting the Viridian Venom Flame World, not disciplined soldiers.

Such “beasts”, while capable of coordination under the command of superior pyro elemental beings, invariably revert to their primal survival instincts, descending into chaos and fleeing, when left without direction from higher-ranking beings.