Chapter 439: Two Shields

Name:Sovereign of the Ashes Author:
Chapter 439: Two Shields

Sein stayed in the undersea crystal palace at Sea God Bay for about a week.

For beings like Tourmaline and White Stella, who boasted extensive lifespans, a week was merely the beginning of the party.

However, driven by mounting anxiety, Sein felt compelled to leave. He apologized to the noble draconic creatures for his early departure, especially since White Stella had been a great host during his stay.

While Tourmaline understood his reasons, there was a trace of sadness in its dark, round eyes.

Before departing, Sein checked his stats:

Focus: 220.7

Mana: 230.1

Constitution: 201

The figures for Sein’s mana and constitution had not only met but vastly exceeded his expectations from over a year ago. His constitution, in particular, had seen an astonishing increase. Fôllôw new stories at

He was expecting it to reach 140 points over the next few years, but eating a single piece of translucent kelp during the banquet had boosted it by over 60 points.

At that moment, Sein was bewildered by his sudden gain—it seemed that one could really become powerful through eating alone.

As his constitution grew, so did his mental focus and mana.

However, this surge also caused his body temperature to spike alarmingly. Had White Stella not intervened by flicking a splash of hydro elemental spell to cool him down, Sein might have suffered under his newfound blessing.

This incident highlighted a crucial lesson—any gain that came without effort carried its own risks and limitations.

The sudden surge in Sein’s mental focus, mana, and constitution had temporarily inconvenienced him.

He struggled to control the unexpected increase in his constitution. Additionally, the spells that he had been reliant on were now somewhat unstable during their release.

All of these changes required time for him to adapt.

Nevertheless, the benefits far outweighed the drawbacks.

White Stella advised that sea kelp was currently the most suitable treasure for him.

Although her treasure trove held items far more valuable than sea kelp, each capable of significantly enhancing Sein’s attributes, the risks were considerable.

A burst of green light rushed out from Tourmaline’s claw and disappeared into Sein’s body, immediately forming a translucent barrier around him.

Sein was familiar with this shield. Tourmaline had previously cast the same thing on him as a protective measure when they parted at the border of the Marmett Union Alliance.

This shield could last up to two years, considering Tourmaline’s power.

With this protection in place, Sein should be able to handle encounters with Rank One and Rank Two beings. By avoiding those of Rank Three and above, he would be well-prepared to visit most locations around the world.

Tourmaline’s actions seemed to remind White Stella of something—perhaps it was part of her plan all along or a request from Tourmaline.

A similar burst of milky-white light shot from the tip of her finger and disappeared into Sein’s body.

The shield bestowed upon him by White Stella offered stronger protection and could last longer than Tourmaline’s.

Sein did not inquire about the specifics of this new shield but bowed deeply to the two draconic creatures before him.

Both of them had shown nothing but generosity toward him, asking for nothing in return, and thus solidifying their status in Sein’s heart as his true friends—the kind for whom he would willingly sacrifice his life.

“I do not wish to see another friend of my little sister perish again, especially near the Blackhaven... That’s where you’re heading, right?” White Stella asked.

Taken aback by her directness, Sein paused, staring at her for a moment before slowly nodding.

“Yes, I may indeed be heading to Blackhaven to search for someone, as well as some old friends,” he replied.

“The Blackhaven is a dangerous place, so take care of yourself out there. If you run into any formidable enemies, consider fleeing to the beach,” White Stella advised.

“Thank you for the advice!" Sein bowed again, gratitude evident in his voice.

“Hehehe, you can just call me Big Sis, like Tourmaline does. You’re friends, aren’t you?” White Stella chuckled.

“Yes, we are!” Tourmaline shouted happily from the side.

A small smile appeared on Sein’s face as he nodded to the two giant draconic creatures before stepping into the water gate.

Just as he crossed the gate, a sudden realization struck him.

“Huh? Did she just say little sister? Isn’t Tourmaline a male?” His expression froze in astonishment.

In a flash, Sein, along with the water gate, disappeared from the Sea God Bay.