Chapter 140: Wait for the opportunity!

  Chapter 140 Waiting for an opportunity!

However, before the blood-handed mercenaries found their target, there was another "bang" gunshot, and the black mercenary who was driving just now among them fell straight back on the ground in an instant, with the area between his eyebrows Suddenly there was a **** hole, the facial features were frozen, the pupils collapsed, and the eyes were full of horror and despair!

   This scene scared the **** hand's mercenaries into horror, they poured fire in the direction of the source of the gunfire like crazy!

"Da da da…!"

  The dense rain of bullets, the splash of sawdust, the flying of mud, and the shattering of stones.

Lin Shu knew that there was nothing going on in this place, so he turned over decisively and moved to the next shooting location. Right now, there were still nine **** mercenaries left. Their firepower, no matter how many skills Lin Shu had, the system, or even The master of Anjin martial arts can't play a role at all if he stays here.

   "Cease fire!!"

  The leader of the Bloody Hand, Viper, roared: "The opponent is an elite special force, but there is only one person! Save ammunition! Look for bunkers, we can't give him an opportunity, look for an opportunity, and kill him!"

  Viper knew very well that they were in big trouble—the strength of this special operator is simply terrifying!

   Being able to catch up with them in less than 20 minutes, it is very... very likely that the guy who hit their helicopter fuel tank with a single shot!

  Facing such a special fighter with precise marksmanship and terrifying strength, it is impossible for them to retreat while fighting.

   And once they flee in a hurry, the enemy special forces will report to them, and they will be chasing and intercepting God knows how many special forces are waiting for them.

  Thinking of this, Viper quickly said:

   "David and Jack, you two should protect Mr. Ma and control that Chinese woman! Don't let her run away. If necessary, we will point her to leave here!"

  As the leader of the Bloody Hand organization, Viper has also dealt with special forces before, and knows that they have a rule—

  The sky and the earth are big, and the hostages are the biggest!

  As long as this Chinese woman is still in their hands, they are equivalent to an extra guarantee. These **** special forces will definitely throw a mouse, and as Viper said, this may be their only chance to leave this forbidden area alive!

   "Black Hawk, immediately find your sniper position and provide us with long-range fire support!

   "The rest, two people in a group, spread out, use a circular tactical formation, and be ready to meet more enemies at any time!!"

  ... Viper, who has rich combat experience, is getting clearer and clearer. He speaks English and gives various combat orders very quickly.

Heiying, a sniper from the Bloody Hand organization, heard the order and immediately picked up his MK13 sniper rifle. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the hills 500 meters away to the southwest. Covered sniper.

  At that moment, like a poisonous snake, he quickly arrived at the sniper position, opened the tripod, put the gun on his shoulder, and the cross of the sniper mirror quickly searched for the **** special soldier.

   At the same time, the other mercenaries of the **** hand have already settled down, their nerves are tense, and they are always waiting for the trigger of the war.

  However, to their horror—

  The special forces member seemed to have disappeared after a shot pierced Ma Yunfei's wrist, and there was no more movement.

  In the jungle, there was an eerie silence for an instant.

   Except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds, the silence was terrifying!

   The more this happened, the more frightened the **** mercenaries were. Obviously, the special forces member would not leave with just one shot, so he was either looking for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow to them!

   Either, they are waiting for the arrival of the big troops.

   These two possibilities, no matter which one they are, are not what they want to see.

   "Black Hawk, have you found the enemy?!" Viper anxiously asked through the walkie-talkie.

  Towards the southwest, Hei Ying, who was in the sniper position 500 meters away, immediately said: "Boss, I'm still looking for it. I don't know where this **** thing is hiding. I can't find him...!"

   "Damn it!"

  Viper couldn't help cursing fiercely: "Keep looking!"


  So what is Lin Shu doing at this moment?

  I saw him lying in a bush, the camouflage on his body was in perfect harmony with the surroundings, and complemented each other perfectly. Even if a high-definition camera passed by him, he couldn't be found.

  In an 85 sniper cross with a camouflage bandage, it is constantly looking for the enemy's target.

  Lin Shu knew very well that in the face of an entire mercenary tactical team, he couldn't do it mindlessly, otherwise, not only would he not be able to rescue the hostages, but he would even lead himself into a dangerous situation.

   The hired mercenary did not settle the money all at once. They always paid a certain deposit first, and then made up the balance after the mission was over.

  Because of this, Lin Shu didn't kill Ma Yunfei with a single shot, but pierced his wrist!

   As for why...

It's also very simple. These guys are all working for money. Ma Yunfei was shot in the wrist and bled profusely. Although he could temporarily stop the bleeding through first aid, it would definitely not work after a long time. Therefore, the **** man definitely didn't want Ma Yunfei to die. After all, once Ma Yunfei died, their money would be gone!

  So now they are the ones who are in a hurry.

   As for the blood-handed mercenaries, the only thing they can rely on is the girl as a hostage.

  They knew very well that the longer they wait here, the more dangerous they will be. Therefore, what Lin Shu has to do now is to wait for them to worry, and then show their flaws, and cooperate with the lone wolf to wipe them all out in one fell swoop!

  Lin Shu wasn't crazy or too big to want to kill all the mercenaries by himself.

   That's unrealistic!

  War is never a game for one person!

  Unless he was at that point of isolation and helplessness, Lin Shu would not covet any credit or act recklessly.


  The lone wolf's speed is not slow. After hearing the gunshots, they arrived within three to five minutes. After seeing the **** mercenaries, they immediately started a fierce exchange of fire in the jungle!

  The moment the gunshots rang out, Lin Shu immediately raised his vigilance, waiting for the killing opportunity...

finally reached! !

   While fighting against the Lone Wolf mercenaries, the **** hand's mercenaries quickly changed their tactical formations and defensive configurations according to the leader's orders.

   But at this moment.

   With a "bang" sniper gunshot, one of Viper's subordinates was instantly headshot and fell into a pool of blood!

   is Deng Zhenhua's masterpiece!

  Viper's pupils contracted fiercely, and he roared: "Nine o'clock, sniper! Black Eagle, what are you doing?!"

  ... At this moment, in the sniper position in the southwest direction, Black Hawk also quickly turned its gun and aimed at the nine o'clock position in Viper's mouth, looking for the sniper, but it was only at this second.

  The other side.

  Lin Shu, who possesses the SS-level eagle vision skill, the moment the black hawk moved, the sniper scope quickly locked on to him.

   "Finally found you, sniper?... Hehe, it's a long way to hell, don't let it go!" Lin Shu's sharp eyes under his sword-like eyebrows shot a icy cold, and then decisively pulled the trigger...!

  (end of this chapter)