Chapter 204: Fortunately in misfortune!

  Chapter 204 Fortunately in misfortune!

the other side.

  In the pitch-black jungle, no one would have thought that there was a special unit quietly passing through. They advanced in a tactical formation, always on guard around them, and any disturbance around them could not hide from their eyes.

  Xu Tianlong, who was leading the battle, suddenly raised his hand, and the next second the whole team followed him, squatting down to be vigilant.

   "What's wrong?" asked Chen Shanming who was beside him.

  Xu Tianlong said: "There are only two kilometers left to the target!"

  Chen Shanming nodded when he heard the words, then looked at Lin Shu, and nodded slightly.

  Lin Shu immediately said: "Everyone pay attention! Entering the first level of combat preparation, the instructor and I will lead the battle, and Lao Chen will lead the battle, take action!"

  After the order was issued, everyone immediately set off in a triangular formation.

  After daybreak, the first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the ground through the branches. By a river, drinking water sparkled under the sunshine.

  Red blood cells gathered near the target location.

  Lin Shu said in a deep voice: "We are close to the target, the second sniper team, immediately look for and occupy the sniper position, wait for my order, and shoot simultaneously! The rest of the teams pay attention and move forward in cover!"

   They formed groups of two and two, and each acted separately.

The instructor Gong Jian was in the group with Lin Shu. It wasn't that he was worried about Lin Shu's sniper skills, but that Lin Shu also served as the military chief officer during the operation. Sometimes it is easy to be busy alone, and Gong Arrows should also be used to support Lin Shu at any time.

  The groups moved quickly.

  The camouflage uniforms on them are natural protective colors in this jungle, but they don't know yet that Scorpion has brought his shadow team and set a big gift for the red blood cells!

   And this gift, they can't do it if they don't accept it!

  When Lin Shu and Gong Jian were quietly advancing through the jungle, looking for a sniper position.

  Suddenly, Gong Jian stopped in his tracks!

   "What's the matter?" Lin Shu asked with a gun on guard.

  Gong Jian's face was a little ugly: "Mine!"

  Lin Shu's complexion changed.

   "Anti-personnel landmines should be of the loose-haired type. They have already been triggered. As long as I move my feet, they will explode! I was too careless. The soil around here has been re-camouflaged..." Gong Jian said in a deep voice.

  Lin Shu quickly used the skill 'Listening to the Wind' to perceive the dangerous situation around him.

After confirming that there was no danger warning nearby, Lin Shu threw the gun behind his back, drew out the dagger, squatted down at Gong Jian's feet, and carefully pushed aside the nearby soil and grass, and then saw a dark green defense weapon. Infantry mines.

   "Type 69 anti-infantry loose-fire mine, with a jump height of 1.5 meters, a killing radius of up to 11 meters, a cast iron shell, and roughly 240 killing fragments after the explosion..."

  Lin Shu's face was a little dignified, "Fortunately, it's a loose hair style, not a pressed hair style..."

  The so-called loose hair style and pressure hair style are two different ways to detonate landmines. The loose hair style means that after stepping on the ground, you need to move the stress point to cause the landmine to explode.

   And the pressing hair style is to explode when you step on it! !

  Generally speaking, anti-personnel landmines are basically of the pressure-fired type, which rarely give special forces a chance to respond, but I don’t know if the scorpion and the others didn’t get that kind of mine, this mine still uses the loose-fired type.

  This... should be regarded as a blessing in misfortune!

  Lin Shu whispered through the walkie-talkie: "Attention all groups, Scorpion has set up a minefield in this forest, be careful, don't be careless!"

   "Sniper team received."

   "Assault Team Received."

   "Support team received."


  Lin Shu ignored them, but chose to remove the landmine under Gong Jian's feet. He first used a dagger to dig up all the soil around the mine, forming a relatively large pit around the mine.

  The reason for doing this is to minimize the lateral lethality caused by the splash of shrapnel after the mine explodes!

   "Lin Shu, can you do it?" Gong Jian looked at Lin Shu worriedly, "It's really not possible, you go and act first, I will stay here and wait for President Wen to send a bomb disposal team to rescue him?"

  Lin Shu resolutely said: "If you can't do it, you have to! This forest is too dangerous, I can't leave you alone!"

   "But the landmine has been triggered, how do you dismantle it?" Gong Jian is a veteran who has fought in the war. He knows very well that it is almost impossible to dismantle such a landmine without professional tools!

  The loose hair mine and the pressed hair, it seems that the loose hair has one more link, and the operability is more, but in fact it is not the case at all!

   Without professional bomb disposal tools, it is... almost impossible to successfully dismantle a triggered mine with just a dagger!

   "Shanren has his own tricks, instructor, give me your dagger."

  As Lin Shu said, he pulled out another dagger from Gong Jian's armed belt, and he concentrated on passing the two daggers through the soles of Gong Jian's military boots bit by bit.

  After passing through, Lin Shu raised his head and asked, "Instructor, how much do you weigh?"

   "What do you want to do?! Lin Shu, let me tell you! This is absolutely not possible! Loose hair mines are not as simple as you think. Just a slight change in power is enough to detonate them! Don't act recklessly!!"

  Gong Jian seemed to have thought of what Lin Shu was going to do, and immediately lowered his voice and shouted.

  Imagine, like in the movie, using your own strength to suppress the landmine from exploding, and then find a rock to suppress it. This is only theoretically possible, but in fact it is completely **** nonsense!

   You know, if he hits a landmine with one foot, it means that at least half of his own weight is pressing on the landmine.

  In order for Lin Shu to suppress the landmine without exploding, he had to keep his arms and one leg on the ground. The three sources of strength combined had to reach the weight of Gong Jian himself.

   But the most difficult thing here is that he doesn't even know how much power is on the mines.

  How could Lin Shu grasp it accurately? !

"I can figure out how much you weigh on landmines, you just need to tell me how much you weigh now!" Lin Shu's voice sounded unquestionably, he really wasn't bragging. I have been trained to dismantle various landmines, including anti-personnel mines, loose-fire, pressure-fire, induced-fire, etc...!

   I remember the blasting experts of Langya at that time, and told them specifically.

  Once encountering a pressure mine on the battlefield, how to dismantle it, the most difficult part is to calculate the weight. Of course, the instructor of the demolition expert also said that this is a last resort. To put it bluntly, it is a gamble!

   Coincidentally, in this subject, Lin Shu's calculation of strength is - full marks!

  Gong Jian took a deep look at Lin Shu, and finally sighed: "65 kg! Lin Shu, you are too risky!"

"Is there any special soldier who doesn't take risks?" Lin Shu smiled, then closed his eyes slightly, quickly calculated something in his mind, then opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Instructor, I will count three two one later, When I count to one, you quickly move your feet and evacuate to a safe place, you know?"

  Gong Jian stared: "How can you be sure that you can control your strength at about 65 kilograms?"

   "I'm sure! All right, don't blot, I'm the military chief, this is an order!" Lin Shu didn't bother to say anymore, he took a deep breath, and said in a solemn voice:

   "Three... two... one... loose feet!!"

  Gong Jian immediately let go of his feet.

   At the same second, he closed his eyes, ready for the mine to explode!


One second...two seconds...five seconds...ten seconds passed, and the expected explosion sound did not appear. Gong Jian couldn't help being stunned. When he looked down, he suddenly found Lin Shu's arms pressing down on the mine, and the sweat on his forehead 'Patta Pata' Don't just drop money out...!

   The first step in bomb disposal, success! !

  (end of this chapter)