Chapter 442 Lin Shu vs Ye Cunxin!

 At this moment, Shen Lanni has forgotten the human instinct - to avoid!

 In other words...she can no longer escape!

 In fact, when the silenced sniper sound reached her ears, Shen Lanni already knew her end, she would definitely die! !

She was completely unaware of the sniper's shooting in advance, but it was at the moment when the sniper fired that she suddenly realized where the Blue Army's dark spot lurked. This meant that if it were to happen in real life, On the battlefield, she was hopeless.

 And this is indeed the case.

 In the blink of an eye.

Shen Lanni felt as if the helmet on her head had been hit by a stone. This was because the blank warhead hit the preset switch.

 The next second.

Bursts of acrid smoke rose up along her helmet!

"Destroy the evil spirit!!" Ye Cunxin, who was hiding in the dark, exclaimed after seeing this. The anger and hatred in her heart were suddenly ignited at this moment, and her eyes turned red, even though she knew it was just Exercise, but in the end, it was she who witnessed her comrades, partners, and sisters fall to the enemy's gun! !

Angry Ye Cunxin suddenly turned the muzzle of the gun, without even aiming, and suddenly pulled the trigger directly in the direction of the gunshot.


It's a pity that although Lin Shu didn't know where Ye Cunxin was lurking, he had already predicted that Ye Cunxin would shoot him from the moment he killed Shen Lanni. Therefore, it was destined that Ye Cunxin could only shoot him. Feeling lonely.

The first time Ye Cunxin fired, Gong Jian determined her position and immediately said to Lin Shu: "Your 4 o'clock direction is on the hillside!"

"Copy that! Instructor, you immediately move your current position and lurk. We will switch between light and dark. You will be the dark spot. I will compete with Ye Cunxin! Over!" Lin Shu ordered Gong Jian through the intercom. .

Gong Jian said: "Understood!"

With Gong Jian's retreat, Lin Shu was not in a hurry to move his sniper position. Although he was now exposed, Ye Cunxin's sniper position was also exposed. In this case, there was no need to rush to move.

Lin Shu, who was lurking behind a tree on the hillside, carefully leaned out and looked through the optical scope of the sniper rifle at the hill in the 4 o'clock direction.


at the same time.

Ye Cunxin crawled on the ground, moved to a position that was not too far away, and carefully prepared to show her head, looking for the enemy sniper again, but just as she missed her head.


The gunfire rang out suddenly, and the soil in front of her was thrown up. Ye Cunxin was so frightened that she quickly shrank back.

"The opponent is a master..." Ye Cunxin's heart sank, and she made a judgment immediately. Not everyone can think of the moment of exposure, not to move the existing sniper position, but to counterattack, especially since she just missed the point, the opponent Just shoot quickly, this reaction is quite terrifying.

Thinking of this, Ye Cunxin couldn't help but feel a little lucky: "Fortunately, instructor Lin said that in a sniper duel, every time you dodge, you should assume that you have been exposed. Otherwise, I would have been dead just now."

She once again used practical actions to confirm what Lin Shu said.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Cunxin secretly thought: "Instructor Lin said that usually in this situation, either... the test is absolute patience, lean against the enemy sniper, and judge the opponent's position by repeatedly dodging and changing, and use Regain the time difference and move out, looking for opportunities to counterattack; or... move the position, but in this case, you will lose the judgment of the enemy's position..."

At the moment, the enemy has two snipers left, and Ye Cunxin speculates that they are likely to adopt a tactical layout of light and dark points again, alternating light and dark. Fire Phoenix's remaining comrades are here now. If they re-implement the alternating light and dark sniper tactics, she and her comrades will be in danger.

 So the top priority now is to deal with the enemy's snipers as quickly as possible. It is best to prevent them from forming a tactical layout and break up the one-on-two into two one-on-one.

 In this way, the first method of consuming time with enemy snipers is obviously unusable.

Thinking of this, Ye Cunxin immediately used the walkie-talkie to say to He Lu: "Captain, you all immediately look for safe bases and opportunities to move. I will find a way to kill these two snipers! Over!"

 “Copy that! You have to be careful, over!”

Ye Cunxin hummed and silenced the radio. Then she crawled back cautiously and looked around. Her bright eyes finally focused on a high hillside about 500 to 600 meters away. This was the new sniper position...

 The distance of five to six hundred meters meant that Ye Cunxin, who needed to be careful about being discovered by Blue Army snipers, would need to move for a while.

But fortunately, she was cautious and was not discovered by the Blue Army snipers. After she ran all the way to the commanding heights of the selected hillside, she turned her gun and looked around. After confirming that it was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then he took a prone position, picked up the CS/LR4 sniper rifle, and prepared to wait quietly for the Blue Army sniper to be exposed.

It’s just that Ye Cunxin didn’t notice that on the tree about thirty or forty meters away behind her, a pair of eyes were staring at her playfully...

“This girl is quite smart, and her sniper position selection is pretty good, but... she’s still too young!” The figure on the tree muttered secretly in his heart.

Who else could it be if not Lin Shu?

 There is one thing to say, Ye Cunxin's choice is really right, and she was vigilant enough after arriving at the new sniper position. It's a pity that she met Lin Shu!

 An ordinary sniper, even a strategic one, might be killed by Ye Cunxin's new sniper position.

The line of sight here is very good, and it can completely block 70% of the area of ​​​​Baima Cave. Moreover, she chose it based on her original position. It is far away from her original position and can be absolutely blocked. If she chooses to snipe If the position had a perfect score of 10, Lin Shu could give Ye Cunxin 8 points, and the remaining two points were for fear of her being proud.


at the same time.

Ye Cunxin, who had set up the sniper rifle, was already concentrating on scanning the vast area under the hillside through the optical sight. There is no doubt that if there is any slightest movement in the area blocked by her, she will never escape her sniper kill. .

 Ye Cunxin thought that he was stable this time.

 However, it was just at this second.

"The sniper position was chosen well!" An extremely familiar and playful voice suddenly sounded to the left of Ye Cunxin's ear.

When Ye Cunxin heard the sound, she was almost frightened to death. She almost instinctively prepared to pull out the dagger on her leg and stab her left side behind her. However, as soon as she turned around, she was hit by something cold and cold on her neck. superior.

Ye Cunxin's delicate body was startled, and when she glanced subconsciously, she saw that it was a short knife... attached to her neck.

"Lin...Instructor Lin?!!" When Ye Cunxin saw the face of the knife holder clearly, her beautiful eyes shrank hard and she was shocked...! !

 (End of this chapter)