at the same time.

The Fire Phoenix Women's Special Forces Team was already lurking in the woods. Tang Xiaoxiao controlled the drone and explored the flat map here.

He Lu held up her cell phone and said, "Okay, I understand, thank you!" After hanging up the phone, He Lu looked at everyone with a heavy face and said, "There should be hostages inside. I checked with the local police station and there are five of them left behind. The migrant workers taking care of the villa should have been controlled by the gangsters now!"

An Ran pointed to the laptop screen and said: "This is the satellite floor plan of the villa."

Shen Lanni came over to take a look, pointed at a building in the villa and said: "If I were a gangster, I would definitely control the hostages in this area!"

 “Reason?” He Lu looked at her.

Shen Lanni said: "Look, there is no place suitable for hiding hostages around. It is all vegetation. This waterside pavilion is too close to a kilometer away and is not suitable for hiding hostages."

Tian Guo interrupted: "Have they already killed the hostages?"

"It's possible." He Lu said in a deep voice: "But we can't make this assumption. Before we see the hostage's body, we can only assume that the hostage is still alive. Didn't Team Lin say that the most important thing is always to do the best in combat? Plan for the bad, but try for the best!”

An Ran said: "It seems we are going to work in groups. You see - this side is the highway, and only one sniper can completely block it. Our troops are divided into three groups, from here, here, and here. Penetrate in the direction. This area is full of nurseries, which is the best cover!"

"I agree!"

He Lu nodded, then pointed at the waterside pavilion and said, "I, Tang Xiaoxiao, will be responsible for this direction!"


He Lu continued to order: "Ouyang Qian, Tian Guo, you two infiltrate from the water! - Instructor, you take Qu Biazhuo and Jiang Xue and infiltrate from the flank!"

 An Ran nodded and said: "Received!"

"Remember, after the battle starts, you must quickly deal with the enemy and don't give them a chance to struggle! And pay special attention to the protection of Captain Lin and Ye Cunxin. They only have pistols on them!" He Lu warned again.

The Fire Phoenix girls roared: "Understood!"


On the other side, Lin Shu and Ye Cunxin were still acting and arguing as they moved forward.

In the darkness, a lurking sniper locked onto the two people and whispered into the headset: "Boss, I only need one quick shot and they will be dead!"

Their bald leader just walked out of the villa and whispered: "I told you! Don't shoot! Before the operation starts, we try not to be exposed. Listen, this place is different from the outside. We managed to infiltrate. As long as we are exposed, , will be annihilated by China’s special departments soon, we can’t take this risk! Do you understand?!”

"Roger, boss, I will continue to monitor." The sniper continued to aim.

At this moment, Lin Shu and Ye Cunxin were still walking forward. Suddenly, Lin Shu keenly noticed a tiny reflection flashing past. This kind of reflection was difficult to detect, but he still captured it keenly. More than that. , Ye Cunxin also frowned.

She squinted her eyes calmly, "Nine o'clock direction, the top of the mountain."

Lin Shu hummed and whispered: "I saw it. It's a sniper, but he looks like an idiot. He doesn't even understand the most basic sniper tactics."

In fact, before the sniper was exposed to the reflection of the sniper scope, Lin Shu had already noticed that there should be a sniper lurking in that direction, because he felt the killing intent. As a combat-level sniper, Huajin Grandmaster, and combined with the blessing of tiger skill card and terrifying combat consciousness, Lin Shu is extremely sensitive and sharp to this kind of murderous intention.

 Ye Cunxin smiled and said nothing, he is indeed an idiot!

She still remembered the first lesson she learned about sniper tactics, which was how to disguise yourself. Exposing the reflection of a sniper scope was the stupidest thing to do.

At this time, Lin Shu noticed a bald man walking towards them. Lin Shu shouted at Ye Cunxin:

“I said you’re not done yet?! I didn’t want the car to break down, so why are you nagging me so much?!”

As he was speaking, a bald man in a black open shirt came over with a smile, "What's wrong, you two? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Ye Cunxin rolled her eyes at Lin Shu, "Look! I just said there is someone here?!"

"Are there really people in this ghost place?" Lin Shu pretended to be surprised, but he looked at the bald head calmly from the corner of his eye. There were thick calluses on the tiger's mouth and index finger, and there was a bulge on the lower back. Having a pistol doesn't pose much of a threat.

Sweeping behind the bald head, although the windows in the villa were covered, Lin Shu could still feel the unusual atmosphere inside.

Baldhead laughed and said: "How can it be a ghost place? This villa has closed down. I just took it over and haven't had time to take care of it yet!"

Ye Cunxin smiled and asked, "Oh? Are you the boss?"

The bald man said with a flattering face: "Yes, I am the new boss. I happened to come here today. I didn't expect that before I had time to clean up, the business was about to start! You are the first batch of customers, welcome! Welcome!"

Lin Shu looked around and said, "If this place is tidied up, it should be pretty good!"

Ye Cunxin took a few steps forward and said, "Boss, I think your place is quite big. Can you show us around?"

The bald man was stunned when he heard this.

“That’s right, we are out to play anyway, so let’s take a look here!” Lin Shu interjected with a smile.

Baldhead said: "Sorry, it's not open for business yet!"

Lin Shu frowned and said: "Didn't you just say that we are your first guests? You also expressed your welcome! What's the matter, are you starting to hide now? We have just stayed in the city for a long time and are ready to get close to nature. , what? Are you afraid that we will steal your things?"

Bald head glanced at the Land Rover parked not far away by Lin Shu. He secretly thought to himself that they were probably just two young lovers from well-off families, just hanging around. It was impossible for the special department to drive a Land Rover, right? I never heard they were that rich!

Thinking of this, the bald man shook his head and laughed: "Where are you talking? These are all a pile of rags. What's there to steal? Come on, I'll show you around!"

“Thank you, boss!” Ye Cunxin said with a smile, and immediately took Lin Shu’s arm and walked forward, while Lin Shu took out his mobile phone.

The bald man was stunned for a moment when he saw this, but he didn't say anything. He smiled and said, "Come on, come this way."


In the mountain forest, the special forces members of the Fire Phoenix Commando quickly passed through the forest, and each team arrived at the designated location.

He Lu and her special forces lurked quietly by a waterside pavilion not far from the villa. She whispered into the headset: "We have arrived. Please pay attention to each team and wait for Team Lin's action signal!"


They wore camouflage uniforms, turned on the safety switches of their weapons, and lurked each other, staring at the villas in the villa, each one with eager eyes.

As he said that, He Lu lowered her voice and said to Lin Shu: "Team Lin, we have arrived at the designated location! We are waiting for your action signal, over!"

At this moment, the bald head was leading Lin Shu and Ye Cunxin towards the main building. Ye Cunxin looked excited on the way and suggested that he want to go inside the villa to have a look, but the bald head refused because it was too dirty and messy.

 In the room of the villa, the gunmen were hiding behind the windows, extremely vigilant and nervous.

 The hostages squatting in the corner were too scared to move.

 Outside the villa.

Lin Shu saw that the time was almost up. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to the bald head: "Boss, would you like to have a cigarette?"

The bald man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Thank you."

He took the cigarette from Lin Shu's hand and held it in his mouth. He only heard a "click" sound. Lin Shu held the lighter and moved closer. His bald head undoubtedly had his hand protecting the flame. At this moment, he suddenly Noticed, Lin Shu's eyes flashed with a stern look!

 And that’s just this second.

 After receiving the signal, Fire Phoenix took action immediately!


 Shen Lanni held a CS/LR4 high-precision sniper rifle and pulled the trigger decisively. With a pop, the sniper on the hilltop at nine o'clock was hit by a headshot and tilted his head to the side.

The sudden gunshot shocked the bald man. He punched Lin Shu with a punch and quickly touched his lower back with his other hand.

However, before he could take out the gun, Lin Shu's **** wrist was already caught by Lin Shu's electric light and flint. With Lin Shu's force, there was a "click" and the bald man's wrist was broken!

Not only that, Lin Shu had already noticed the gun on his waist. The moment he broke his wrist, a cold light suddenly appeared.

"Ah!!" The bald man roared in great pain. Blood dripped from his wrist to the ground, and there was a broken palm on the grass.

 His hand was cut off by Lin Shushengsheng!

at the same time.

Lin Shu had quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist. Because of the quick-draw holster, the gun was loaded and the safety was turned off. Holding a Colt M1911 pistol, Lin Shu quickly turned around and turned the gun. The window of the quasi-villa, decisively pull the trigger!

 “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The gangsters who had just poked their heads out of the window had not even raised their guns when clouds of blood mist exploded from their chests!

Ye Cunxin was not to be outdone. As soon as Lin Shu took action, she pulled out her 92 pistol and fired rapidly at the gunmen who were pouring out!

At the same time, the windows of the waterside pavilion were opened, and the gangsters raised their micro-charges and shot at Lin Shu and Ye Cunxin.

Lin Shu was the first to react. He knocked Ye Cunxin away in one step and fired four shots "bang bang bang bang" with extremely accurate shooting. The gunmen immediately fell into a pool of blood.

The magazine capacity of Colt M1911 is only 7 rounds. After Lin Shu fired the gun, he decisively threw it aside, pulled out two 92 pistols from his waist, and suppressed the fire with a platoon gun!

 The gunmen saw that Lin Shu's shooting skills were so fierce. For a moment, they didn't dare to show their heads with their micro-charges in hand.

When He Lu and Tang Xiaoxiao, who were hiding in the water, saw this, they immediately exposed their heads and rushed forward while shooting. The gangsters were shot one after another and fell into the water, exploding into clouds of water!

The other two groups of Fire Phoenix troops also immediately pounced in from two different directions.

Facing well-trained special operations team members, how can these gunmen be their opponents? The casualties suffered were extremely heavy. There is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out, and it won't be long.

Seeing this situation, the bald head knew that they were certain to die. Thinking of this, the bald head's eyes turned cold, his heart became fierce, and he was about to bite out the poison hidden in his teeth and commit suicide.

However, in this second, before he could make a move, Lin Shu quickly stepped forward and took action like lightning.

There was only a "click" sound, and his jaw was directly dislocated. Lin Shu kicked him to the ground, stepped on his neck, and coldly snorted: "You bastard, you want to do this under my nose." A little trick?!"

The bald man stared at Lin Shu fiercely without saying a word!

 When An Ran led Qu Bia Zhuo and Jiang Xue to fight along the corridor, the female soldiers came ashore one after another and took off their diving masks and flippers.

An Ran waved his hand: "Push in!"

Lin Shu and Ye Cunxin immediately took the bulletproof vests and spears thrown by the team members and rushed inside.

At this time, there was loud gunfire all around the villa. The Fire Phoenix Commando attacked the villa from different directions with thunderous momentum. They cooperated tacitly. The assault team took the lead and rushed into the villa under the cover of the fire team.

in the room.

A militant was busy manipulating the keyboard and destroying the data in the computer. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue kicked the door open. Before the gangster could react, she shot him and sent him to see the King of Hell!

 Ye Cunxin rushed into the computer and immediately typed on the keyboard.

Lin Shu asked: "How is it? Can the data be restored?"

 Ye Cunxin's fingers were flying and he said without raising his head: "I'm working hard!"

In another room, An Ran led the team and rushed in, raising their guns and shooting. The gangsters twitched and fell to the ground. The hostages squatting in the corner watched this scene in fear.

Ye Cunxin was still working hard to restore the data in the computer. Her white forehead was covered with beads of sweat. The other special forces members were watching anxiously. He Lu stared at the computer screen without saying a word.

At this moment, a set of numbers appeared on the dark computer screen, which was extremely messy. Ye Cunxin typed on the keyboard, but exhaled a long breath:


He Lu patted her shoulder: "Good job! Let me see if there is any useful information in the computer!" As she said that, He Lu clicked to see what the gangsters were doing just now. However, it was only for this second.

 A photo suddenly popped up on the computer screen.

When He Lu saw it, her bright eyes shrank hard, and she was dumbfounded! ! could it be him? !

How could it be him? ! ! !

 Lin Shu was stunned when he saw this photo, but he was not surprised by it. The photo on the computer turned out to be the missing deputy captain of the Thunder Commando - Sirius!


 The operation is over.

The bright red sunset falls on the open space of the Langya Special Warfare Base training ground, so that the ground is blood red. He Lu sits quietly beside it, staring at the distance in a daze.

 Tap tap tap…

There was a sound of footsteps, and Lin Shu's voice rang in He Lu's ears: "What are you thinking about?"

“Captain Lin!” He Lu heard Lin Shu’s voice and quickly wiped her tears, but she didn’t notice that her tears had dried up.

Lin Shu sat down casually next to her, "You feel very complicated, don't you?" (End of chapter)