Chapter 641: Sneak in stealth! Choose!

 M country abroad.

This place is located in the Golden Triangle, full of black businesses, and very chaotic. In the following years, Country M was even more talked about. People lifted the veil of terror here, allowing the people to see the peaceful world on the surface. It turns out that there is such a dark place in the world.

 In the lush green mountains.

 A helicopter is flying at high altitude and is quickly heading towards the target area.

 In the cabin.

 The special operations team members were wearing camouflage uniforms and their faces were painted with oil paint. They checked the weapons and firearms in their hands. Everyone's face was full of murderous aura.

“Comrades.” Lin Shu put down the mission briefing, looked around at the soldiers, and said in a deep voice:

"According to the information we have so far, our country's three special agents and the local special service team are controlled in the stockade in the southwest of the mountain forest. This is the topography map of the stockade. Let's take a look at it first."

With that said, Lin Shu handed several photos to He Chenguang, and the soldiers circulated them one by one and looked at them carefully.

He Chenguang said solemnly: "The terrain is very complicated! The village is built on the water, and the surrounding terrain is very empty. The only commanding height is the mountain in the north, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of our rescue!"

"That's right. The difficulty of the rescue this time is very high. Otherwise, the superior leaders would not send us out with sharp swords!" Lin Shu nodded, and then said: "Judging from the current situation, the number of enemies in the village It’s unknown, but according to intelligence, the enemy possesses RPGs, heavy machine guns and other weapons. As the vanguard, our first task is to rescue the hostages and attack the enemy as much as possible, laying a good foundation for the follow-up troops to clear the drug stronghold.”

Deng Jiuguang said: "It seems we have to find a way to sneak in."

Lin Shuen said: "Yes! In addition to a sniper team, the others need to be divided into four teams and sneak into the village from different directions. When the time comes, we will cooperate and fight in all directions. In this way, the enemy will be caught off guard! "

"There are nine of us, four teams..." He Chenguang looked at Lin Shu, "Team Lin, it seems that you have to complete the sniper mission alone this time!"

This sniper position must belong to Lin Shu. You must know that when there is only one sniper, it is necessary to provide sufficient long-range fire support for the team to frighten the enemy. Except for Lin Shu, there is no one in the Blade Squadron. It can be done.

"Okay, then I'll be the sniper!" Lin Shu nodded.

Ye Cunxin said: "There is another question. We currently don't know where the hostages are being held. How to rescue them?"

“We can only observe slowly and confirm.” Lin Shu said.

Xu Tianlong said: "The pilot and I can operate the drone to observe, but we are afraid that the enemy has a signal jammer. Let's take a look at it then!"

Lin Shu nodded and said: "Okay!"

At this moment.

The pilot's voice entered Lin Shu's headset: "Captain Lin, I can only send you here. The enemy's water village is 4 kilometers ahead. If you fly further, you will be discovered by the enemy. You are needed for the rest of the way. My legs are broken!"

 “Copy that!” Lin Shu said, looking around at the special forces members: “One minute to prepare!”

 The helicopter began to land slowly, hovering in mid-air. The propellers rotated very fast, and the weeds on the ground were blown around. Xu Tianlong opened the door of the cabin, threw down the bundle of ropes, then threw the gun behind him, put on his gloves as a spearhead, quickly slid to the ground, immediately squatted tactically, raised the assault rifle in his hand, and alertly Be alert all around!

Song Kaifei followed closely behind, and after landing, he alerted in another direction. Soon, all the special operations team members raped down.

“Team Lin, I wish you good luck!” the helicopter pilot’s voice reached Lin Shu’s ears.

Lin Shu gave him a thumbs up, and the helicopter nodded lightly, turned around and flew away. Lin Shu also greeted the soldiers and immediately headed towards the mission area. The nine special forces members entered the dense forest and ran quickly through the mountains.


 Go down the mountain along the path.

Halfway up the mountain, Lin Shu, who was charging forward, instantly raised his right fist and made a stop gesture. The special operations team members squatted down one after another, raising their guns and looking around.

Lin Shu picked up his high-precision sniper and looked down the mountain through the optical microscope. At this moment, they could see the village built on the water, so he said:

“There are currently a total of 16 gunmen exposed. We are not sure how many more are inside. No hostages have been found. We continue to move forward!”

Continuing to move forward, Lin Shu soon stopped at a position with a relatively wide view, which was used as a sniper position. At the same time, he ordered others to continue moving forward. When each team arrived at the designated position, the special operations team members responded and then acted separately. got up.

Lin Shu was not idle. He quickly took off his tactical backpack and began to set up a sniper position.

What he chose was a broken tree that had been blasted by artillery shells. The whole broken tree was a little black, and it was leaning towards the water village. The trunk was very wide, and you could effectively snipe at the water village by lying on it. With his sight locked, Lin Shu used this as the first sniper position, and the second sniper position was on the opposite **** two to three hundred meters further away.

 After setting up the sniper position.

Lin Shu wrapped the camouflage cloth around the gun body, paying special attention to the baffle of the optical magnifier to prevent reflection, and also put it down. After twisting the silencer, he put away the sniper rifle tripod. The gun body was pressed against the trunk of the tree, and the **** of the gun was placed Putting it on his shoulder, the enemy camp in the water village suddenly turned into a cross-divided world in Lin Shu's eyes!

 Through the optical sight magnifier of the sniper rifle.

Lin Shuneng could see the special forces team members working in groups of two, quickly approaching the water village in different directions.

The reason why Shuizhai is called Shuizhai is that, as the name suggests, it is a village built on the water. Most of them are bungalows with wooden structures. Stronger trees are used as foundations and are inserted into the underwater soil to fix them and put up wooden boards. Therefore, the terrain is very open. If you want to sneak in, there is no other way but to dive under the water and get closer.

  The special operations team members took the snorkeling boats and quickly reached all directions of the water village.

In the woods near the river bank, Song Kaifei took cover with a gun, and Xu Tianlong took out the drone and started to control it.

The drone is the latest one issued to the Blade Squadron by the superiors. It is only the size of a dragonfly and looks like a dragonfly. It is not easy to be discovered by the enemy. Xu Tianlong controls the joystick of the drone's remote control and mixes the drone into the water village. , investigation situation.

after awhile.

Xu Tianlong whispered into the headset: "Report, no hostage location found!"

Lin Shu heard this and glanced at his watch. The time was around 10:30 in the morning. After pondering for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Every group will wait a moment. It's almost lunch time! Let's observe the enemy first. What’s going on! They should reveal some information while they’re having lunch!”

  “Understood!”     The special operations team members waited quietly.

During this period, He Chenguang and others were always soaking in the water. This was a pool of stagnant water with a very pungent smell. Soaking in it was also a kind of torture. However, for the special operations team members, it was a common occurrence, not to mention a daily occurrence. It was a smelly pool. For the sake of their mission, even if they soaked in a septic tank, it was not unacceptable. The special forces understand a saying very well, which is called "action is greater than the sky". In order to complete the mission and rescue their comrades, what can the mere smelly water do? People who love cleanliness cannot be special forces members!

Lin Shu felt equally uncomfortable at the moment.

Lying on a tree trunk with the scorching sun on his back, the temperature at this moment is approaching 40 degrees Celsius. He is wearing a heavy ghillie suit, which is airtight. The camouflage suit on his body has long been wet with sweat and sticks to his body, with drops of sweat flowing down his body. The tip of his nose dropped "tick-tock-tick", but he remained motionless, like a sculpture, just staring at everything in the water village with sharp eyes!

Time passed like this minute by minute.

No one would have thought that the peaceful water village was already surrounded by dangers at this moment. These D-armed gunmen probably didn’t know yet that they had been targeted by the God of Death. The God of Death’s scythe was held high and would behead them at any time. Down!

 Almost more than an hour later.

Suddenly, Lin Shu's eyes lit up as he was holding a sniper rifle. He immediately turned the muzzle. Through the optical magnifier of the sniper rifle, he saw two gunmen, carrying some food in their hands, entering the second one on the left. In the house, when the door opened, Lin Shu saw a man with his hands tied and hanging from the ceiling, covered in blood!

Lin Shu whispered into the headset: "The location of the first hostage has been confirmed. In the second house on the left, the marked point is A!"

At this time, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei each controlled the drone and saw where the hostages were being held.

Song Kaifeihui reported: "The location of the second hostage has been confirmed. In the red-roofed house in the southeast corner, the marked point is B!"

Xu Tianlong said: "The location of the third hostage is confirmed, the third blue-roofed wooden house in the southeast, marked point C!"

He Chenguang also passed on new information: "The location of Country M's special service team has also been discovered, in the water prison in the northwest!"


Following the direction they reported, Lin Shu checked the targets one by one, and immediately frowned and said: "Our three hostages are easy to rescue, but the M Country special service team is imprisoned in a water prison. This is a bit difficult! We want to rescue them. They must spend a certain amount of time, I'm afraid the enemy won't give us this time!"


The upper door of the water prison needs to be opened first, so that the special service team inside can climb out one by one, but they have been locked in the water for a long time and their bodies can easily lose strength. Even if they come out, they will not be able to form a fighting force. Instead, they need sharp blades. to cover their evacuation, but this would waste too much time. It is tantamount to taking a huge risk and even putting their three comrades in danger. This is very difficult to handle!

Deng Jiuguang suggested: "Otherwise, you mainly rescue our people, and I take Shanzi to rescue the special service team?"

"No!" Lin Shu rejected the proposal without thinking. He said solemnly: "Our manpower is not enough to begin with, and we are not so scattered! Don't forget that the key target of this rescue is our people. Their special service team is just a sideshow!"

He Chenguang was shocked: "Captain Lin, you mean... to ignore them?!"

"We must control it, but there is a prerequisite, which is to ensure that our people can come out safe and sound!" Lin Shu thought for a moment and said: "In this case, don't act rashly first, I will communicate with the superiors!"

With that said, Lin Shu received the signal from above and whispered:

 “Call the wolf’s lair at dawn, please speak when you receive it.”

Long Xiaoyun’s voice soon came from the earphones: “I received it from Wolf Cave, please tell me!”


In this operation, Long Xiaoyun did not participate in the battle, but he was responsible for contacting the local officials of Country M.

Hearing Long Xiaoyun’s voice, Lin Shu said:

"Wolf's Lair! It's dawn here! We have encountered a problem and need you to negotiate with the local people in Country M!"

 “What’s the trouble?”

"In the water cellar, we found the location of all the hostages, but their special service team was imprisoned in the water cell. If we wanted to rescue them, it would be very dangerous and it would easily cause the whole game to lose! So, my The suggestion is that we can rescue the special service team, but we must wait until we have rescued the three hostages in our country before rescuing them! In other words, the follow-up troops must speed up. Once our operation begins, we must immediately attack the enemy camp. Launch an attack!"

Long Xiaoyun understood what Lin Shu meant, and she said: "I received it from the Wolf's Cave. Wait a moment, I will discuss it with their person in charge."

 It didn’t take long.

"At dawn, their leader agreed! As soon as your operation begins, he will send troops to attack!"

 “Received! End of communication!”


 After ending the communication.

Lin Shu said to the soldiers: "I have communicated with their person in charge! As soon as we take action here, they will send troops to attack! But there must be at least ten minutes of idle time! Within these ten minutes, I only have One request is to rescue our people and evacuate immediately with the hostages! Are you clear?"

He Chenguang said blankly: "What about their special service team?"

Lin Shu said: "After ensuring that all our people are rescued and safe, if conditions permit, we will cooperate with the security forces of Country M to carry out the rescue! But special attention must be paid to that at that time we will cooperate with them, not the main force Jun, do you understand?!"


 Everything is prioritized and has different emphases.

 Rescue operations are certainly no exception.

Ultimately, Lin Shu is a Chinese special operations team member. The reason why their superiors sent them to carry out the rescue operation is because there are three of their people in the water village. This is a bottom line issue and they must be rescued! However, to be honest, their local special service team was not within the mission scope of Lin Shu and others. They would rescue them if conditions allowed. If conditions did not allow, they would be treated as victims.

This sounds unfair, but it’s true.

Lin Shu is a selfish person!

He has no hesitation in saving his compatriots. Even if he and all members of the Blade Squadron are in danger and may be injured or sacrificed, there is no problem because this is their duty. But when facing people of other races, Lin Shu will First ensure the safety of his comrades and subordinates...! (End of chapter)