Chapter 1366 One Last Lesson [Pt 1]

Chapter 1366 One Last Lesson [Pt 1]

The soft glow of the healing chamber enveloped Mordred and Neron as they sat facing each other, the air thick with tension and emotion. "Neron... it's too late for me, you know?"

"W-what are you saying...? Neron's brow furrowed with worry as he gazed at Mordred, who managed a weak smile despite the gravity of their conversation.

"Neron," The older man continued, his voice gentle yet tinged with resignation, "you need to understand that my condition isn't something that can be cured. It's a part of me, and it's not going away."

As the Grand Mage of the Kingdom, he had tried all the means possible—everything at his disposal—but none of it worked.

He couldn't be cured, neither could the damage done to his body be reversed. His condition would only worsen, until finally...

"With Magic, I'm sure we can find a way to do something about this!" Neron yelled out, finally displaying his childish self in the conversation.

But, the grim reality had to be uttered by his dying father.

"Even Magic... has its limitations."

Neron's eyes brimmed with tears as he shook his head defiantly. "No, I refuse to accept that," he insisted, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're strong, dad. You've fought battles that most people couldn't even imagine. You can beat this."

The boy was yet to forget his Mordred's display of overwhelming power when he unleashed his Original Magic. Even he had shivered once he turned things over using 'Inverse'.

His father was the Supreme Battle Mage, the strongest human Mage in the world.

"There's no way... no way you can't beat this too!"

Mordred's smile softened at Neron's unwavering determination, but there was a sadness in his eyes that couldn't be ignored. "Son, I appreciate your optimism, I really do," he said gently, "but you have to be realistic. My body can't handle the strain of magic anymore. It's only a matter of time before..."

Neron's brow furrowed with concern as he watched Mordred prepare for the lesson, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension swirling in his chest.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Dad?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "You just recovered from a near-death experience. Maybe we should take it easy for a while."

Based on what they knew about the Mana Burst Syndrome, if Mordred overdid it, things could get really bad.

It was from this knowledge that Neron displayed concern.

Mordred chuckled, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he turned to face Neron. "Come now, boy, where's your sense of adventure?" he teased, his voice light but tinged with a hint of challenge. "I'm fully recovered now, and I won't let a little setback stop me from teaching you one more time."

Neron bit his lip, torn between his concern for Mordred's well-being and his desire to learn from him. It was tempting, in all honesty.

"I know you're strong, Dad," he admitted, his voice soft with sincerity, "but I don't want to see you push yourself too hard. You've already been through so much..."

Despite saying this, Neron was smiling and taking his stance.

Mordred's smile softened at Neron's words, a flicker of warmth and gratitude shining in his eyes. "I appreciate your concern, kid," he said earnestly, "but I assure you, I won't overdo it. Besides, you've gotten pretty arrogant, haven't you?"

The Grand Mage's lips curled up as he displayed his teeth with absolute confidence.

"Do you really think you could ever push me to that point?

Neron's gaze hardened with determination as he met Mordred's eyes. "Let's see, shall we?" he replied firmly, his voice resolute. "I can always bring you back anyway."

With a nod of understanding, Mordred gestured for Neron to join him in the center of the field, where they would begin their final lesson together. As they stood opposite each other, their hearts filled with anticipation for an obvious reason.

They both wanted to see what the other could do!