Chapter 126 - Bad News

Ok guys, so things have not gone to plan, out of all the chapters that i wanted to get finished i have done a total of.... 1. Yeah you read that right, i have only written one chapter since my last post and honestly i can't keep dragging this out, so here it is.

I have lost motivation, have a writers block, am too tired, ect, ect, ect. The main point of the matter is i just can't be stuffed sitting down for 1-2 hours (Time it takes to write and edit a chapter) and do that multiple times to get all these chapters done.

Now i would lean towards having no motivation instead of somethings say as Writers block as i have a plan for this next arc as well as the Ultron arc all sort of laid out (If anyone who follows my star wars novel is wondering, same deal. I have the whole chapter planned out but no motivation to write it.) Work has been busy the last few weeks/months, along with RL i really don't have the time or want to write.

Over the last 3 weeks i have only had one day where i had more than 8 hours of sleep, averaging only 6 hours asleep or less for the others. Along with the full work day, when I get back home all I'm thinking about is putting up my feet up and relaxing and then on the weekends i've honestly been busy with other stuff.

Having said that, why was I waiting off on posting this even though i knew probably 2 weeks ago i wouldn't be getting much done. Honestly i was hoping that this would turn itself around and i would easily get back into it. I have had motivation issues in the past and worked through it to put out more chapters. Right now that hasn't happened yet, worst case scenario, it doesn't happen.

The other side of that coin, is i really don't want all the hate this post is likely to get. it has been a long while since the last proper chapter and i understand that quite a few of you will be annoyed, rightly so. I've been stressing about trying to write chapters so much that i think it has negatively affected me in that regard.

So what am i going to do?

Well as i said, i have had motivation problems before, and last time to get out of that rut, i focused on writing something else to reignite my passion! Obviously I'm not going to go and create another novel, I've already got too many on my plate.

What i am going to do, is post the chapter i have done tomorrow morning some time, because you guys have been waiting so long. As well as that I'm going to each day after post a few Prompts i have stored, which are story ideas/prologues that i have done in the past. These will be small and be of novels I'm thinking of doing in the future, as well as novels that i will never actually write (because i don't have confidence to write them fully, just the idea).

After those run out, I'll probably expand on them every now and then or just thrown in other Prompts as they come to mind. I'm hoping that by doing these small prompts it will help me get back into writing and make everything easier.

Once i have finished the current arc for spider man i will promptly post that, before working on Ultron. though i will probably try and write the next chapter for Star Wars between them.

Zevren out.