Sporemageddon FAQ

Name:Sporemageddon Author:
Sporemageddon FAQ

Sporemageddon FAQ

Hello everyone!

So, I've had to take a lot of writing time to answer questions, and usually they're some variation of the same question, so I decided to just write them all down and answer them here to make everything simple.

Q: What's happening to Sporemageddon?

A: I sold it to a new publisher who bought to exclusive rights to publish the story.

Q: Will it still be on Royal Road/Spacebattles/Scribblehub/Amazon?

Q: Whatever shall we do now that Spore is gone?

A: Read... one of my many, many other stories? Both Fluff 2 and Heart of Dorkness 2 are completed on patreon and will be soon on RR/SB/SC. Otherwise, check out Stray Cat Strut or Cinnamon Bun... or Love Crafted, or Lever Action, or... you know, I can't really be accused of not providing a heap of free stories. Sporemaggedon accounts for about 2% of my wordcount.

Q: Do you have a link to the new site?

A: Not yet! I'll post about it as soon as I can!

Q: Did you look over the contract with a lawyer?

A: Yes. It's why we've been going back and forth about it for months.

Alright, if you have any more questions, I'll answer what I can. I'm under a pretty strict NDA at the moment, for reasons I can't explain because of the NDA.