Chapter 438: 'Answer The Phone”

Chapter 438: “Answer The Phone”

Sean, is that girl who came to say hello your girlfriend? As the city with the worst traffic jams in the UK, even before the 21st century, London often has this problem. In the drivers seat, Mr. Wallup held the steering wheel, stared at the road ahead, and asked casually.

Mrs. Wallup, who was in the passenger seat, also quietly listened.

Sean was explaining wizard toys to his younger sister and shrugged, No, shes only my senior at the beginning of school.

The Wallups gasped at the same time. Stephanie is too small, and Sean has been in school for so long, and his height has completely jumped up, but Stephanie seems to have stopped growing. She was half a head taller than Sean when Sean was in the first grade, but now she is way lower than him.

The Wallups looked at each other.

Oh, a very small girl, said Mr. Wallup.

Yes, and shes beautiful. Ive never seen a girl with that kind of hair in real life. Did she dye it, Sean? said Mrs. Wallup.

Sean sighed, No, she was born with this hair color, and there are many people with strange hair colors among wizards. Like green, white, and purple, there are all kinds of colors. You can dye it yourself with a magic spell. But why are you asking this?

Mr. Wallup shrugged, Sean, your birthday is in November, so you are sixteen years old now. Your dad started dating girls when he was sixteen.

Mrs. Wallup turned, Come on now, that would not be a good example for him.

Sean immediately leaned forward, I think Dad has a lot of ex-girlfriends that he hasnt told you about.

No, thats not what I meant. Look, let me explain

Sean successfully diverted the topic, sat back in his seat, and stretched. At the station, Stephanie didnt say much and left politely after a simple greeting, but her sudden appearance still caught the attention of the Wallups. Sean is too lazy to explain this.

On the side, Ella is playing with a flying pink elephant, which is a custom gift from Sean. Ella rubbed the elephants ears, suddenly raised her head, and looked innocently at Sean.

Sean, will that sister call you?

Uh, probably.

Can I take the phone later?

Sean rubbed Ellas head, She wanted to call me, not you.

But, Ella turned to play with the pink elephant again, I answered the phone when Hermione called you, and Hermione and I had a great chat.


After returning home, Sean first went around his home to confirm that all the magic had not been tampered with and greet the wizards sent by Lupin to protect his family.

Sir, your salary is already very high. A young wizard with freckles took the potion that Sean handed over with some embarrassment.

Sean smiled and shook his head, Compared to your work, this is nothing. My father is grateful for your protection all the time. I want to make sure everything is fine with them, given my father is an important businessman. Also, I want to make some preparations in advance so that when I enter the wizarding world in the future, I can meet more of you later.

Oh, dont say that, Mr. Wallup. Youre too generous and kind, as we havent done anything yet.

I mean, it is funny to think that you kept getting salaries, but you have no work to do, right? Sean made a joke.

Haha, rest assured, we will continue to protect them with all our strength.

Then Ill leave it to you.

Sean did the same thing, making friends with every wizard who helped to keep his family safe, and they all got a lot of things. Lupin sent the person, so there is no need to worry about trust, but the enthusiasm and generosity of the employer will always make them do better on their job.

When it comes to the safety of his family, Sean doesnt mind paying any price for it; he only needs the highest level of protection. After finishing everything up and down, Sean returned to his house. He lay lazily on the chair by the pool and closed his eyes.

It feels so good to be home.

Ella tilted her head in doubt, But sister Stephanie is really small.

Although it is true, she should not said it bluntly.

Stephanies voice came from the microphone, Please dont blame Ella. She is right. I have always known that my body is relatively small compared to my peers.

Sean gave Ella a warning look, signaling her to stop being so rude.

He turned around and said casually, I guess that makes you cute.

The phone fell silent.

It was only after Sean said that he regretted it and wanted to slap himself.

I meant, like, youre cute, but Im not like Sean tried to explain.

No, its okay.

Before Sean could say more, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[Task: Increase the favorability of five girls towards you, completed.]

[20 points have been sent.]

Sean could only laugh.

At Ollivanders wand shop, In the small and cozy room, a girl with long silver hair was wearing a vest at home, kneeling on the cold floor at this moment, holding a landline phones microphone tightly in her hand.

There are many books scattered around her; most of them are various magical secrets, manuscripts, and other materials. However, there are occasionally one or two books such as The Key to Love, Capturing Men is Another Kind of Magic, Two or Three Things Witches Should Do, etc.

There was a piece of parchment spread out in front of Stephanie, and the handwriting on the paper was not completely dried.

(Ella Wallup, eight years old, chatty, pink flying elephant, dessert pudding.)

(Sean: Likes swimming (from Ella), lemon ice drink, with three cubed sugars and less ice. He likes Chinese food, and the Wallups are going to eat at a Chinese restaurant tonight.)

There are a lot of things densely recorded on the parchment, all of which are various information about the Wallup family. It records various hobbies or life details of the Wallup family, and the source of the information is marked in detail and mostly from Ellas words.

However, the last line became a little crooked, and panicked wavy lines appeared. Stephanie clutched the microphone tightly, her chest was throbbing back and forth, and a blush had already appeared on her face.

Hello? Stephanie? When Seans voice came, she took a deep breath, and her voice returned to normal.

Yes, I accidentally knocked over a book just now and tidied it up.

Oh, I see. By the way, what do you want from me?

I found some useful information and found a new story.

Sean regained his spirits all of a sudden, Oh? Whats that?

It may not be clear on the phone, and I am more worried about the safety of this way of communication. Stephanie said calmly.

Thats right, youre in Diagon Alley. But Ive had trouble going to Diagon Alley recently. They told me that I need a certificate issued by the Ministry of Magic to enter and exit Diagon Alley.

Stephanie covered the microphone and took another deep breath. She had a piece of magic parchment with the Ministry of Magic stamping Access and Exit on it.

Well, thats true. The Leaky Cauldrons checking points are strict, and its inconvenient for you to come here.

But how about I go to find you?