Chapter 445: 'Admission Officers”

Chapter 445: “Admission Officers”

Breaking free from the feeling of the struggle from the Portkey, Sean turned his head and looked around. The walls around him were carved in. This is the only church in the town called Mill Town, and it is also the meeting point for Sean and one other person.

“The people at Hogwarts have always been always late like this.” In the shadow of the wall, a slightly hoarse voice with impatience can be heard.

Sean turned his head with a smile and saw the figure. It was a wizard with a cold face. His hostility towards Hogwarts was so obvious that he knew at a glance that he was probably from Nurmengard. This guy is like Sterling and is trying to act like Grindelwald.

However, when it comes to imitating Grindelwald, Sean ranks second, and the one who ranks first can only be Grindelwald himself. This person in front of him is not as good as Sterling, and he hasn’t learned about arrogance and a cold attitude.

However, Sean just smiled and walked over.

“Sean Wallup is currently studying at Ravenclaw House of Hogwarts and is in fifth grade.” When the tall, thin boy with a pair of glasses heard Sean’s name, his attitude suddenly subsided.

He pushed his glasses, with seriousness in his tone, “Sean Wallup? Why did Hogwarts send you to recruit students?”

Sean adjusted his clothes and said with a smile, “I suggest you ask Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall about it. Besides, didn’t Mr. Grindelwald teach you about politeness?”

“Morgan Daniels, President of the Nurmengard Student Union,” Daniels raised his brows, “The famous Wallup doesn’t seem to be as polite as the rumors say, and besides, you don’t need to worry about what Professor Grindelwald taught me. “

Sean smiled without any anger at all. If he said that, it is obvious that he is not an admirer of Grindelwald. This guy named Daniels was hostile and provocative when Sean first appeared, but he remained calm after Sean mocked him.

This guy is not as restless as he was when they first met. He probably wanted to provoke Sean on purpose so that he could better observe Sean’s character later. Of course, If his attitude changes, it proves that he is not that kind of person.

Second, this guy’s admiration for Grindelwald is that good, and he doesn’t even worship Grindelwald. This person may come from a pure-blood family and doesn’t really care about Grindelwald.

However, it’s a good thing that Daniels doesn’t have a deep relationship with Grindelwald so that Sean doesn’t have to worry about him during their work later. Although Grindelwald doesn’t care about these things, in his eyes, being inferior to others is a shameful act.

Sean asked with his hands behind his back, “About the freshmen from this family, it’s the first time that the area overlaps with the enrolment range with the other schools. Where are the people from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang?”

Sean’s tone made Daniels a little uncomfortable. Among the well-informed wizards, Sean is almost equal to Grindelwald’s only disciple.

He wanted to use a few words to provoke the Hogwarts admissions officer who had just arrived so as to judge his character, but the person who came was not an ordinary student, so this trick wouldn’t work.

Thinking of this, Daniels explained in detail, “Those two people should have been delayed at the last house, and the departure time of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang a bit later than Hogwarts and Nurmengard.”

“I see.” Of course, Sean knew the admission time of the four schools, but he just wanted to establish his dominance.

“Let’s go and take a look first.”

Sean’s words made Daniels frown, “The four schools have already made an agreement, but all new families whose enrollment areas overlap must go at the same time. You are breaking the rules.”

Sean waved his hand, “Let’s just go and see first; it’s not like we’re letting the child make a decision directly. They are the ones who are late, so what does it matter to us, Morgan?”

The way he called his name directly made Daniels a little uncomfortable, but his proposal was tempting. Although he is confident in his own words, if he can overcome the other school’s performance later on, the family will definitely not be at a loss.

“For your own good, Mr Ruth. You should drink less.” Sean said with a smile.

“Dad, is there someone out there?” A girl stuck her head out from the door.

Mr. Ruth swallowed, turned back to his daughter, and said, “Honey, it seems those letters seem to be true...”

In the small living room that wasn’t luxurious but not messy, Sean and Daniels sat down. Just now, Sean showed his hand in front of Elise Ruth again, and now she is excited beyond words.

“Oh, Mr. Wallup, Mr. Daniels, have some tea.” Mr. Ruth brought up two cups of black tea, and at a glance, he knew that it was old tea that had been stored for a long time. Obviously, he only brought it out for certain guests.

Daniels took the teacup but put it on the table without any movement. Sean took a sip and said with a smile, “Thank you.”

Mr. Ruth sat next to his daughter. He rubbed his hands and asked, “Is it really that Elise will go to the magic school?”

“Most likely is. Your daughter has talents that many people cannot possess. Going to school to learn magic is the best choice.” Sean replied.

“I have a question. Elise received four letters, but you just said that you are from Hogwarts. Are the other three schools giving up on my daughter?”

On the side, Daniels’ face froze, and he remembered that what Sean had said when he entered the door just now was that they had come from Hogwarts.

He immediately said with a sullen face, “Oh, pardon. I’m from Nurmengard, the best magic school in Europe.”

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t hear that before, Mr. Daniels,” said Mr. Ruth awkwardly.

Sean chuckled secretly, “Please don’t be so tense now. Our schools have a good relationship with each other. As for the other two schools, they may be late as they’re doing other things at the moment. Mr. Daniels here is coming with me to go with me as well.”

Daniels’ face darkened, and he gritted his teeth. Looking at Mr. Ruth’s expression, it is obvious that he is more enthusiastic toward Sean.

Just as he was about to speak, two people walked in suddenly. A man and a woman hurriedly walked in by, staring at Sean and Daniels dissatisfiedly at the moment.

“You two are a bit way off the line, aren’t you?”

Sean replied, “Before you say that, shouldn’t you introduce yourself to Mr. Ruth and Elise first?”

“You...” The girl from Beauxbatons glared at Sean, put on a kind expression, and introduced herself and Beauxbatons.

So did the boy from Durmstrang.

Sean didn’t intervene here, and after they had introduced their schools, he said slowly, “Mr. Ruth, this is my company’s private number. You can call us in the Muggle world. You can ask any questions, and don’t worry. The operators are professional. If Elise chooses another school, you can also use this phone to ask for something at our disposal.

He smiled at Elise, “Same goes for you; you can call this number if you want to know anything.”