Chapter 449: 'Weird Couple”

Chapter 449: “Weird Couple”

This small house is the dream residence of many people, although most people can’t afford the cost of living here. The spacious and luxurious living room has bright lights, all kinds of electrical appliances and furniture are there, and the combination of white and black colors is harmonious.

However, the owner of the house completely ruined the atmosphere of the house.

On the sofa, a man wearing glasses and a smoking shirt sat on the left side. From Sean’s view, the man’s figure was slightly bent, but his hands were meticulously placed on his knees.

Beside him is his wife. The woman is wearing a floral long skirt, her legs are slightly tilted together, her hands are placed in the center of her legs, and she maintains the same expression as her husband.

Opposite them was an unturned TV, and the dessert on the table was opened, but the dessert inside was not even touched.

What was even weirder was that Sean came down from upstairs and observed the room and the couple for three or four minutes. During this time, they did not move a single bit, not even blinking. If it wasn’t for their chests still rising and falling, Sean would even think that these two had lost their lives.

“The Imperius Curse? Or an amnesia?” Sean thought secretly.

However, he has seen many people in this situation, and no one is as weird as these two. The most important thing is that these two people are just Muggles.

Sean continued to hide his figure and let Dave continue to sense with all his strength. After getting the news that there was indeed no other person in this room, he began to investigate carefully.

The wand was waving lightly, and after a while, Sean withdrew the wand in doubt. There is no defensive magic, no trap magic, or anything.

With Sean’s current strength and his keen sense of magic, most of the magic can be detected. If it is magic that he can’t detect, it would be too much to be used in a Muggle’s house. But something was wrong now, so Sean didn’t relax his vigilance. After casting a few spells, he slowly walked towards the couple.

After getting closer, Sean frowned.

He didn’t see it clearly from a distance just now, but now I realized that the faces of the Lloyds had appeared pale. It seemed that they had spent a long time without enough food.


Sean sniffed his nose and looked down at the dessert box on the coffee table. Inside the box was an untouched dessert, and when he got closer, he could smell that it had become sour.

Obviously, this box of desserts has been here for several days. After Lloyds bought the dessert, they just opened it and put it on the table.

Sean looked around again and found that in a corner of the room, that was not easy to be noticed. There were all kinds of expired desserts and fruits. The room seemed to have been sprayed with air freshener. He can’t smell the rotten smell of those expired products easily.

Sean walked to the dining room opposite the living room, and a stronger sour smell rushed straight to his forehead.

Looking around, there are all kinds of ingredients on the floor, including fruits, vegetables, steaks, and whole chickens. These ingredients have one characteristic: they all rot.

Sean walked into the restaurant, pinching his nose and looking at the ingredients.

The packaging of the ingredients has not been opened. Apparently, they were bought and placed on the ground. In such hot weather, the ingredients fermented and rotted in the packaging, and disgusting green water dripped on the floor.

Enduring the stench, Sean checked the time labels, and he could see that the ingredients are purchased every two or three days, which is the normal frequency for a normal family to go shopping.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

Sean walked over the ingredients all over the floor and gently opened the refrigerator. The refrigerator was full of things. Looking at the labels on it, he saw that the box of tomatoes was purchased half a year ago.

Sean looked around carefully and found that the oldest ingredients were basically purchased half a year ago; that is to say, this phenomenon began to appear half a year ago.

The man searched around the door, but in the end, he didn’t find the guest, so he closed the door and walked back into the house.

“No one.”

Mr. Lloyd’s words were like a power-off button. Before the words landed, the smile disappeared without a trace in an instant. They returned to the sofa with blank faces and once again returned to their original poses and expressions.

The two seemed to be watching the TV, but the centers of their pupils did not focus on it at all. No one picked up the remote control that was close at hand to turn off the TV. The box of expired desserts also lay quietly in the corner.

Sean watched the scene silently. He now knows how the food placed in every corner got there. Sean can’t even describe the situation.

One moment, they went back to their normal form. When they meet guests, or someone walks into them, they will greet them with the attitude of a normal person. One moment, they will turn into lifeless dolls.

Sean now suspects that the only way for them to eat was on their way to work, or the two might have starved to death by now. Everything they did was to maintain their former appearance in front of outsiders, and once there were only the two of them left, there was no need for them to do anything.

The source of all this is because Durmstrang accepted their son. In other words, the source of all this is Durmstrang’s doing.

Dumbledore’s words made sense now. Durmstrang must have been doing something.

Sean looked at the complete couple and felt worried. He had never seen this kind of magic, and he didn’t know how to save this couple.

“Forget it. I’ll just go to Hogwarts.” Sean thought to himself.

He raised his wand, “Stupefy.”

Sean was able to suppress the magic power, and two red lights hit the Lloyds. The couple didn’t make any movement and passed out in a deep coma.

“Dumbledore should have a solution.”

Sean used a magic spell to bind the husband and wife together as gently as possible. He grabbed the two and put them near the Portkey he had set up.

The air twisted, and the familiar feeling of weightlessness surged up.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven...” Sean used to count the time, which was his usual habit when using the Portkey.


The countdown stops abruptly when it reaches three. Sean felt that the huge force of the Portkey dragging him was attached to a huge force in another direction. That force surprised Sean. It directly pulled him and the Lloyds out.

The Portkey was intercepted.

Sean immediately thought of this and forcibly suppressed the sense of weightlessness. Without any hesitation, he waved his wand the moment he landed.

“Protego Diabolica.”

After that, blue magic flames soared into the sky.