Chapter 453: 'The Vow”

Chapter 453: “The Vow”

He didn’t feel any change, and the Pride in his body didn’t react at all, but Sean found that the nature of his magic power had changed. He didn’t know how to describe this feeling if it was an inappropriate way to describe it: his magic had evolved.

But why did this change happen just by fighting against someone with The Sloth?

Sean was puzzled. He didn’t know whether this change was temporary or permanent. But for him, the changed magic didn’t seem to cause any hindrance to him. The black hooded figure didn’t seem to expect it at all. He, who was still suppressing Sean, lost all his advantages in just a split second.

The huge magic power rushed towards his face as if Sean had thrown him into a storm.

A roar came from the other side. Thomas let out a roar through the steel mask. It was the kind of desperate scream. They share the same consciousness, and in a critical situation, the thing that happened to one person seems to be reflected in Thomas.

A thought popped up in Sean’s mind, but instead of relaxing, he increased his magic power even more. The black hooded figure held his wand tightly and stepped on the ground with both feet, but he still couldn’t stop backing away.

Something pulled out of the ground, and the black-hooded figure resisted. The wand made a cracking sound, and cracks appeared one after another on the wooden wand’s body, shaking.

A dazzling light burst out, the wand was completely broken, and Sean’s spell hit the black hooded figure’s chest. He was thrown down and landed on a tombstone. He went into the ground without any further resistance.

Thomas whimpered and made a painful sound. Dumbledore had been watching this scene and gripped his wand tightly, showing a trace of surprise and doubt in his eyes.

He looked at Sean, and just when he was about to speak, he saw that Sean calmed down the fluctuation of his magic power. Sean immediately waved his wand, and Binding Curse, Petrification Curse, Stunning Curse, and many others were used toward the black hooded figure.

While Sean was pouring a potion into his mouth, he held up his wand and pointed at Thomas, who hadn’t passed out. Dumbledore smiled and shook his head.

“Sean, if you do a few more spells, he may not be able to speak for the rest of his life,” Dumbledore said.

Sean was about to give Thomas the strongest Acupunctinternus, turned his head, and looked at him.

“Should I, Professor?” He wiped the corner of his mouth and put his wand down.

Dumbledore came down from the sky and walked to Sean’s side with wonder and admiration in his eyes.

“Normally, you don’t, but Mr. Thomas is an exception.”

Sean glanced at Thomas and said, “Because he is one of them?”

Dumbledore didn’t shake his head or nod; he just smiled, “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”

Sean glanced suspiciously at him. The magic power on Dumbledore’s wrist was still about to move, but it was somehow suppressed. After thinking about it, Sean put aside other doubts and walked to the side of the black hooded figure.

The half-damaged hood was lifted, and Sean’s pupils shrank suddenly. Hidden under the hood is a boy’s face; his eyes are closed tightly; he is pale; it’s not known whether it was originally like this or because Sean severely injured him.

There were traces of bright red blood flowing from his orifices, but there was still a breath.

What shocked Sean was that the boy’s head was not a normal skull and hair but a hole that someone had opened. Inside the hole is a wriggling unknown black substance somewhat resembling the Obscurus’ oily substance.

Sean tried to take a look inside, but just as soon as he cast his gaze, he had a feeling of being sucked in. He quickly took a step back, his eyes surprised and terrified.

Dumbledore came to Sean’s side and glanced at the black hole above the boy’s head.

He didn’t feel any discomfort, he just sighed, “So that’s how it is.”

“What’s going on, Professor?” Sean asked.

Dumbledore shook his head, “I don’t want my students to be in danger.”

The old man showed a frightened expression, “I was terrified.”

Dumbledore’s answer made Sean startled.

He thought he was in great danger. He risked his vow to eat him to save Sean because of that magic that can interfere with the Portkey.

“Professor, do you think someone interjected the Portkey?” Sean tried to ask.

Dumbledore didn’t speak, but he looked at Sean. Sean understood; Dumbledore thought he was being targeted by a higher-level person, probably the person Thomas had said before. But he just happened to discover this situation and didn’t expect it to become like this.

Thomas and the others did not pose too much of a threat to Sean. The power from The Sloth did shock him, but Sean still had a lot of backup plans that he hadn’t used. Of course, Dumbledore’s arrival allowed Sean to subdue these three easily.

While Sean was thinking, Dumbledore looked in a certain direction and said, “Sean, it’s time to go.”

“We’re leaving now? Does someone want to come now?” Sean asked.

Dumbledore nodded and said, “It’s unsafe here, and it’s easy to be discovered. Remember, I didn’t participate in the things you did today, understand?”

“What about these three people?”

Dumbledore smiled, “Someone accidentally touched the trap, and those who planted the trap came to check. But I didn’t expect that the person who accidentally touched the magic was a powerful wizard. The wizard defeated the three of them and used an unknown method to take them away without leaving a trace.”

Sean glanced at the three and at the Lloyds, who were still unconscious.

What on earth are Durmstrang and the Returners doing to make such a plan for an ordinary Muggle couple to be involved? Could it be that The Sloth is the son of the Lloyds who has never shown up?

Dumbledore urged from the side, “Sean, as the admissions officer, it’s time for you to return.”

“Okay, but does the Portkey still work?”

After getting an answer, Sean stripped off the three and stuffed them into the ring. The basilisk had already put on its glasses and was ready to petrify them. Sean took one last look at Dumbledore, who had not moved and had disappeared.

The cemetery returned to silence, and Dumbledore was the only one left. He looked in the direction where Sean disappeared and pursed his lips, wondering what he was thinking.

After standing there for a while, the vow magic on his wrist gradually calmed down and disappeared. Dumbledore waved his wand, and a strange wind blew in the cemetery.

The wind gradually calmed down, and the magic fluctuations suddenly became chaotic. Dumbledore swung his wand again, and this time, his wand movement was the same as the boy in the black hood trying to do.

After doing all this, he stood still and waited. For a moment, the air fluctuated, and several dark figures appeared in place.

“Dumbledore, are you the one who sent the signal?” the dark figure’s leader said in a hoarse voice.

“What are you all doing right now?” Dumbledore asked instead of answering his question.

The dark figure fell silent, looking at Dumbledore.

“Dumbledore—, he began slowly, “Don’t you think you should tell me what happened here first?”