Chapter 299: First Visit To White Moon City (IV)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 299: First Visit To White Moon City (IV)

Yu Xiao wasn’t much interested in the method for Summoner of Spirit, he cared a lot more about the so-called bloodline of the eight families. Even someone like Ying Hongyue cared about it. They were much more interested in Li Hao, whereas the martial masters might be curious about Yuan Shuo. Or rather, some of the higher level Red Moon personages cared, out of consideration for the entire organization.

He didn’t need to, neither did any of his comrades on this trip.

They wanted to know whether the bloodline of the eight families could offer them anything. Or perhaps the eight families could bring them some opportunities and deeds of merit. Maybe they could bring Li Hao back to headquarters as bait and tempt Red Moon members to set foot into traps.

“I see!” Hao Lianchuan raised an eyebrow; he didn’t flat out refuse the request. “I’ll bring Li Hao to meet the special agents when he arrives.”

“That’s good, don’t worry, we’re all on the same side.” Yu Xiao smiled. “We would never harm him! It’s to his good fortune that we meet him. There’s more treasures in the central region, and not even mysterious power stones are that precious if we see eye to eye...”

“Does Special Agent Yu have other business?” Hao Lianchuan had absolutely no desire to respond to those words.

Yu Xiao’s brow creased into a frown that quickly smoothed itself out. It was irritating that this fatty couldn’t wait to get rid of him, but he kept himself in check. “There is another small thing—headquarters sent us with a mission to audit the Silver Moon Night Watcher system. Everything from finances, personnel, and equipment needs to be assessed! I trust there is no issue with that, Director Hao?”

“Of course not!” Hao Lianchuan chuckled. “As things should be. After all, there’s always been a problem with ghost employees, but we’re not in that business. Audit whatever you wish and just let us know how we can help.”

“Then I’ll be frank. I hear that... there’s some sort of Silver Moon Guards... There’s no such subunit, we have no records of it...”

“Hmm?” Hao Lianchuan asked blankly. “You should ask the military, I’m not familiar with it. It sounds like a military unit just from the designation. Why don’t you ask Commander Yu?”

Yu Xiao frowned and stayed silent for a long moment. “We’ll make our investigations—that will be all. Let us know when Li Hao makes it to White Moon City!”

“Yes, of course!” Hao Lianchuan watched him walk off, the smile disappearing from his face when the young man vanished. The deputy director sighed with a bit of disdain and resignation. How pathetic! I, Hao Lianchuan, am also a Solar. That kid’s wet behind the ears, but also a Solar. And the key thing is, there’s nothing I can say about his cockiness!

He laughed when his thoughts reached this point. Li Hao...

As he thought, everyone cared about the eight families. I wonder if the kid will bring some surprises with his visit to White Moon City. His communicator rang as he pondered.

“Director Hao, Wang Ming has come with Li Hao.”

“They’re here?”

“Yes, at the door.”

“Wait for me, I’ll be right there. No one is allowed to take Li Hao with them before I get there!”


Hao Lianchuan hastily climbed into his car and sped for the Night Watcher headquarters. He’s finally here! I would’ve gone to Silver City myself to hurry him along if he still didn’t show up.


Oh for... Hao Lianchuan was completely speechless, but broke into a wide grin when he looked at Li Hao again. “Well done!”

“......” Li Hao smiled bashfully when he determined that Hao Lianchuan truly seemed to be complimenting him. “Not at all. I’m not listening to anyone but you, Director Hao! You’re my parent in White Moon, a person more worthy of respect than Director Hou. I’ll come to you with all my issues in the future!”

“Are you latching onto me?” Hao Lianchuan’s grin turned stiff.

“No!” Li Hao chuckled. “I truly feel close to you, Director Hao. You’re family! I was scared stiff just now, but relaxed when I saw you. It felt like I was at home!”

Hao Lianchuan was utterly speechless. I still thought too little of this guy. He wasn’t this shameless before, why does it seem like he’d gotten worse after coming here?

“Cut the bullshit, let’s go and sit in my office. Director Hou isn’t out of seclusion yet, you can meet him when he’s out...”

“Whatever Uncle Hao says!” Li Hao bobbed his head rapidly. Your wish is my command! I don’t know anyone or anything in White Moon. Although Ole Wang says I can go to him for anything, who’s giving a Sunflare the time of the day? A Solar is better, and one with status and position! It’s best to get close to Ole Hao as soon as possible.

Li Hao and Hao Lianchuan looked at each other with a smile. As Hao Lianchuan grinned, he suddenly sighed.

“You seem so much like my dead son!”

Li Hao’s expression stiffened. Hao Lianchuan... wut? The heck you going on about? Wang Ming never mentioned this! It looks like nothing true passes through this man’s lips either.


The name of Li Hao was quickly known throughout certain circles after the young man arrived at the provincial capital.

Heir to the eight families, Yuan Shuo’s disciple. These two identities were sufficient for him to draw immediate attention upon entering the city, even if Li Hao was just a Sunderer. He was a common topic between powerhouses, as was news that he and Hao Lianchuan were like father and son. It was quite surprising—since when were Hao Lianchuan and Li Hao so close?

Did the deputy director specifically visit Silver City a few times to bring Li Hao to his side? Apparently the two wouldn’t let go of each other when they met again...

The news caused frowns to cross certain faces.


There were six floors to the Night Watcher building. Hou Xiaochen was on the sixth.

Hao Lianchuan’s office was on the fifth floor, along with the offices of the other four deputy directors. One principal and five deputies formed the Night Watcher system. Li Hao knew two of the other four—metal supernatural Director Zhou and water supernatural Director He.

However, none of them seemed to stay at the headquarters normally. Being the first deputy director, Hao Lianchuan was the main designee for all tasks since Hou Xiaochen couldn’t bother himself. Hence, he was the main occupant of the fifth floor.

“You saw the first floor just now,” Hao Lianchuan introduced as they went upstairs. “It’s the receiving hall. The second floor is our archives, the third floor the financial office. The fourth floor is where the secretary and driver rests, the fifth and sixth floors are offices...”

“Where’s... everyone else?” The more Li Hao listened to the layout, the odder he found it. No wonder this place was so small. Was there nothing else apart from the archives, finance, secretary, and directors’ offices?

“They all have their own missions. Do Night Watchers stay at home everyday?” Hao Lianchuan chuckled. “There is much afoot in White Moon. There are a lot of residents and the Night Watchers need to go on patrol as well. This is simply headquarters. Night Watchers can go home if they’re off duty or to the Inspectorate. There’s a place for Night Watchers to rest there too. We’re not too strict here, people don’t need to clock in and out. I hear that you did that everyday in Silver City—you’re a weird one!”