Chapter 303: Fishing With One’s Life (I)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 303: Fishing With One’s Life (I)

“Is Li Hao that easily frightened?” Hu Qingfeng chuckled. “Very well, you’ll make the trip tomorrow. Take Chen Min with you. It’s best if you two can return with Li Hao. If not, there’s no need to start any conflict. Obtaining a sample of his blood will also do.”

There was no need to antagonize Hou Xiaochen at this stage of the game. The provincial government had not taken any action thus far. Hence, even if the central Night Watchers had certain plans in mind, they needed support from some of the major local figures to ensure success.

“A blood sample... Will Hao Lianchuan agree to that?” Yu Xiao frowned. “He likes to give us excuses...”

“Figure it out yourself!”

Fine then. Yu Xiao shut his mouth. It was just some blood, would there be any difficulty in that?

“Li Hao is our secondary target outside of the mission,” Hu Qingfeng continued. “Our primary mission is still Hou Xiaochen! Additionally, does the Silver Moon military elder still refuse to meet?”

An older, middle-aged man responded in a low voice, “The Silver Moon Division says that their Commander Yu’s old injuries have recently flared up. He’s been in recovery and needs a period of rest.”

More old injuries! Hu Qingfeng glowered. Hou Xiaochen’s old injuries had flared up, that old commander’s injuries had flared up, and even the inspector general of the Inspectorate said he was struggling with old injuries. Director General Zhao of the provincial government was also saying that he didn’t feel too well and that his cough had grown stronger...

Damn it, were the leaders of this vast province all sickly and feeble?! All of them trotted out the same excuse! It was either old injuries or feeling under the weather. Hu Qingfeng wanted to explode with anger. He wouldn’t be faced with this kind of treatment in the central region! He wouldn’t be met with a closed door no matter where he turned!

He was a Nova and a Heaven Favored!

Other than some of those perverts at headquarters, he commanded attention and respect no matter where he went in the central region!

Of course, those perverts wouldn’t always at headquarters. Apparently they’d gone out a few days ago to cause more trouble. Who knew what they’d stir up this time? They were the reason for the war in the central region.

Irritation gnawed at Hu Qingfeng when he thought of those people. They were excellent at creating a mess and leaving it for others to clean up. They were the bane of his existence and people like him often had to step in to pick up the pieces!

“Then we’ll ignore him for now!” Hu Qingfeng declared. “Is there anything from the three great organizations?”

“The Parity King is outside White Moon City, there doesn’t seem to be anything from Half Mountain. Apparently Blue Moon has come from the Red Moon organization...”

Hu Qingfeng inclined his head and thought over these details. “We can meet with them if need be. Hou Xiaochen is a thorn in their side. There are many secrets in Silver Moon and this thorn must be digging into a lot of people’s sides!”

“Understood!” The group was in no hurry to meet with Li Hao after their discussion. Everything could wait until the meeting concluded tomorrow. They also wanted to see if any secrets might be divulged during it. Was it hard for martial masters to reach Summoner of Spirit or not?


Quiet could be found on all sides tonight as everyone waited. Li Hao’s arrival was a pebble dropped into the lake of White Moon City. Small ripples undulated across the lake’s surface. Meanwhile, the young man was perfectly at ease as he looked around his new home. He admired massive balls of light through the window—so bright!

The house wasn’t big, but it was very clean. Plainly, someone had been by to put it in order. It was a standard two bedroom apartment, but superb accommodations in a place like White Moon. Land was at a premium in the city, yet the Night Watchers were assigned units wholly for individual use.

There seemed to be one missing, however, possibly because his teacher had taken it with him. His teacher really loved books more than life itself! The situation had been so dangerous then, but he still chose to take a book with him before that great battle. How touching it was!

Li Hao didn’t bring anything else with him other than the books. The agency issued clothes and other standard equipment. Public servants had no need to bring those with them; they were naturally issued some when they reached their destination.

Ah, he also carried a bank card. Several months of his salary was saved inside. After his promotion last month, his salary and bonuses should be sizable. There might be tens of thousands in his bank account now.

That should be enough to treat some folks to a meal, right?

Some sounds traveled from the unit across from him after the young man spent some time busying himself around the apartment. Li Hao glanced out the window instead of his neighbor. The light bulbs in the vicinity immediately vanished, even the ones in the dirt. It looked like they were still wary of Solars. If he lived alone, they’d probably stay the entire time.

Li Hao breathed out gently. While he liked looking at light bulbs, it was uncomfortable to have them watching even his business in the bathroom.

Sharp raps sounded on his front door. The young man quickly went out to open the door. A slightly weary Hao Lianchuan took a look inside the apartment and nodded with satisfaction. “It’s good that you’re settled in. I’m usually at the Night Watchers, but I come back to sleep at night if there’s nothing happening.”

“Have you eaten yet, Director Hao?”

“No, have you not either?”

“No.” Li Hao smiled and whispered, “How about my blood pearl?”

“There’s no rush, maybe tomorrow!” Hao Lianchuan rolled his eyes. “I asked Manager Yu after you left. She says that they might be able to give it to you tomorrow, possibly after the meeting.”

“How is Director Hou?”

“His injuries seemed to have worsened and he needs to be in seclusion for a few days more.” Hao Lianchuan smiled, as did Li Hao. These injuries were quite severe to still be an issue after a few days.

“I had people deliver dinner,” Hao Lianchuan continued. “Ah, your senior sister’s husband gave me a call. All he wants to say is that it’s fine if you don’t wish to go to the Tiger Wings. You can go to him anytime.”

“He’s quite sincere!” Li Hao nodded without a change in expression, plainly unmoved. Hao Lianchuan was curious about the reaction.

“You’re utterly shameless when you kiss up to me, so why don’t you think about doing the same to him? That guy would certainly help you more if you were willing to.”

“Director Hao is not a martial master,” was the only thing that Li Hao said.

Hao Lianchuan frowned. The young man didn’t explain further.

You don’t understand because you’re not a martial master. A heritage can not be randomly passed on or learned!

Yuan Shuo wished to learn the Nine Forged Force, but did either Li Hao or Liu Long teach it to him despite their good relationship? Did Yuan Shuo teach the breathing method to Liu Long?

Martial masters adhered to basic rules. One’s heritage could not be disseminated in such a manner. Even if one learned it accidentally, one could not display it without permission. Hu Dingfang had employed the Five Styles in public, and the full, official version. That was a violation of the rules!