Chapter 346: Joining the Silver Moon Guards (I)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 346: Joining the Silver Moon Guards (I)

Within the plaza.

Li Hao took a step forward, looking around with a lilt of his head that was the height of arrogance!

Of course, that wasn’t his true attitude. No matter why Hou Xiaochen wanted him to join the Silver Moon Guards, he simply didn’t want to bow his head in a place that was filled solely with martial masters. His teacher was Old Demon Yuan Shuo!

Having defeated the heir of Mountain Ax with two punches, his blood frothed and the tiger aura manifested.

“Director Hou wants me to join the Guards, but I don’t really want to!” Li Hao announced. “I think none of you can compare to the martial masters of the glory days, so I don’t see the need to join you! If I am to fight and vie for glory, I will do so against the old guard! New n0vel chapters are published on

“Some of them have gone to the central region, some have become supernatural. I once saw the late Solar Qimei Staff King. Although he’s no longer a martial master, I feel that he still had the heart of a martial master!

“It would be happiness incarnate to fight with such martial masters!

“I visited Senior Southern Fist He Yong at noon, wanting to spar with him. He refused as either I would kill him, or he would kill me. He did not want a fight to the death because he wanted to battle my teacher! I find it a regret that such a martial master is not willing to battle me. It is my regret!”

Li Hao looked around him. “I know that the older generation thinks little of us, that we are young and far less than their era despite decent strength. Even when their strength reached Dominator, they were held at Sunderer!

“Therefore, I am very happy to sense your enmity and battle intent. I feel that while the old guard thinks nothing of me, if I can sweep the Silver Moon Guards, I can add you to my list of accomplishments!

“When someone asks me what feats have I achieved in battle, I can answer that I single-handedly defeated the entire Silver Moon Guards—the Guards that have people shaking in their boots!”

Killing intent soared into the air after he finished speaking. A woman dressed in a black combat outfit jumped out.

“Li Hao, do you think you can make a clean sweep of us?” she asked frostily.

“I think I can!” The young man nodded with a smile. “Not only can I do that, but I don’t think there’s anyone here who can take ten moves from me. None of you can!”

“Xie Lan of the Jade Sword Sect! Please show me your skill!” shouted the woman as she swung her sword!

Li Hao was blatantly humiliating all of them—not just one or two of them, but every person in the Guards. His defeat of Mountain Ax’s heir allowed everyone to understand that he was strong. Martial masters, however, never admitted defeat. Even when they knew full well that they did not measure up to the enemy, they still refused to concede that they were inferior.


The sword pierced through the air; a flash of arctic sword light illuminated all directions. The martial masters were nervous. Li Hao had defeated Chen Jin as soon as he arrived—they dearly wished for Xia Lan of the Jade Sword Sect to find victory.

The young man swiftly moved forward with a majestic gait. He leapt into the air and stomped down, shoving the longsword beneath the ground with a thunderous step!

Xie Lan’s fingers nearly split from her hand. She wanted to control her weapon, but found it impossible to shift.

Li Hao punched out with Tiger Roar Through Mountain and Woods, his momentum was undeniable!

Too strong!

A dismayed Xie Lan hastily backed away, but Li Hao flung himself forward with Birdshot! He broke through the air and instantly appeared in front of his opponent. Xie Lan quickly kicked out, but the young man’s fist was already in motion!

Zhang Yang’s blade was sent off course from Li Hao’s head. The young man twisted to the side to evade the rest of the swing. He pushed off from the ground and hovered in the air like an ape for a split second. With a flash, he vanished before his opponents.

“Be careful!” exclaimed Zhang Yang. Wu Yue’s expression also shifted and he wanted to dodge, but felt pressure around his neck. Li Hao had descended from the sky like a monkey and wrapped both legs around his neck.


His spine cracked; Wu Yue thrust his palm at Li Hao without another word. The young man tightened his legs around his opponent’s neck and suddenly swung upside down, punching the backs of Wu Yue’s legs!


Wu Yue sank to his knees, in too much pain to continue standing!

Li Hao adroitly jumped down and pushed off his right leg, bounding up like a monkey flying through the air. Flicking the leg forward, he punted the kneeling man!


Wu Yue crashed to the ground. A long spear stabbed at Li Hao’s waist sans disturbance or mighty roar, just ruthless determination!

The young man snorted and grabbed it with his hand, running his grip along it like a little snake climbing a branch and drawing near to the heir of the Luos. Li Hao suddenly reached out with both arms and lifted the other in a bear hug. He was as if a bear hugging a tree to rip it up by the roots. The young man raised the heir of the Luos up and smashed him down onto the ground!


A humongous crater appeared in the ground. Li Hao had a death lock on the heir of the Luos; the man couldn’t move. Thanks to the tremendous impact, Luo Qizhao was slammed straight into the ground.

The bear style!

The young man had demonstrated the tiger, bear, bird, and ape styles in short succession... Other than the lightness of the deer style, he’d fully displayed everything at his command. The deer style focused on lightening the body and was more often used to escape. He didn’t need that for now.

The newcomer had swiftly defeated his opponents in the blink of an eye. Luo Qizhao and Wu Yue were quickly rebuffed, leaving the bladesman to look around in dismay. Three powerhouses had teamed together for joint effort, but one was below the ground and the other sent flying. This was astounding!

“Kill!” He raised his blade and rushed Li Hao.

The young man punched again, it was like the waves were upon them. Seven layers of massive waves churned through the area, visible to the rest of the crowd.

Rumble! A wave reared to the sky. Clang!

The enormous blade broke in a shower of fiery sparks! Zhang Yang’s hand fractured and blood sprayed in all directions. He stared incredulously at the punch. Was that... the Nine Forged Force?

Silver Spear’s Nine Forged Force was very famous. The name had just floated into his mind when a punch emblazoned itself onto his chest.

Wham! Bang!

Zhang Yang flew backward; this punch was noticeably stronger than the rest. His chest caved in!

Defeat! Three Dominators working in tandem had only lasted moments before being thoroughly defeated!