Chapter 363: Understood (I)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 363: Understood (I)

At the same time, in another manor.

“Milord Blue Moon,” a Ghostface ventured timidly. “Someone just went to our previous base.”

Blue Moon wasn’t surprised—he just asked casually, “The Night Watchers?”

“No, it was the leader of the Sword Sect.”

“Earthturner Sword?” Blue Moon blinked with surprise, then smiled. “Does he want to join our banner? The Sword Sect is caught between the Night Watchers and us three. Is he finding it too difficult to maintain and looks to seek shelter? What a pity that he is no longer the mighty Earthturner that he once was. Initial Solar is someone powerful here, but no one in the central region.”

Blue Moon shook his head, not interested in Earthturner Sword. He would only consider it if the other showed up with the suits of armor in tow. He also couldn’t be bothered to meet the man. It would be worth it if Earthturner was a Nova or peak Solar, but for the moment... they had to keep a low profile so that Hou Xiaochen wouldn’t discover them.

His mood lifted when he decided there was no need to see Earthturner—his previous bad spirits were swept away. Blue Moon smiled. Following one’s heart was the most natural state of being, alright! He might be even more uncomfortable if he went to meet the man.

Blue Moon thought of nothing else when his thoughts traveled here. It was no big deal that their previous hiding spot had been discovered. They hadn’t particularly concealed their traces over the past couple of days and even wanted to lure Hou Xiaochen over. He gave up the idea only after Hu Qingfeng changed his mind and swiftly withdrew from their previous hideout.


Li Hao did not return to the Silver Moon Guards after leaving the Sword Sect branch office. Instead, he headed for the Night Watcher headquarters. He mulled over some of Hong Yitang’s words.

Was Earthturner Sword truly crippled?

The young man didn’t think so. Repeated instances of probing the man yielded martial knowledge in abundance, but no other chinks in the wily old fox’s armor. Li Hao couldn’t immediately place his condition either.

If he wanted to conceal his strength, why not just keep quiet on everything and play dumb? Based on his performance in the ruins, the reality of the situation was that Hong Yitang had emerged safe and sound, if a bit bedraggled. Though he’d been besieged by danger and nearly died a few times, nothing happened in the end.

There are quite a few hidden powerhouses in Silver Moon, but... why? Li Hao sank into deep thought. Why did so many mighty experts in the province choose to conceal themselves? Could it be that there were too many powerhouses in the central region that were stronger than them?

There must be a reason for so many hiding their strength. It wasn’t all to play the pig! As a fellow martial master, Li Hao knew full well that continuous concealment and prolonged lack of battles might one day turn one into a real pig, despite a high cultivation level and powerful strength.

How would these veteran experts of Silver Moon’s storied past not understand a concept that even he knew? And when it came to rebellion, strength was needed even more there. Who among the nobility of the lands would think well of them if they all hid themselves?

Would the people? Would the supernaturals?

This wasn’t the right course of action, even if one only considered a potential rebellion. With so many titans, some of them should’ve been known throughout the lands a long time ago. Li Hao shook his head as he turned over the conundrum.

Forget it, this has nothing to do with me. A small smile appeared on his face. At least his trip hadn’t been in vain. He’d confirmed some of his thoughts and obtained a great deal from the Sword Sect. One hundred sets of black armor and thirty martial masters!

That made sense. Upon further thought, the secretary said, “It’s your first time building a one hundred person team, so some basic requests can still be satisfied...”

“That won’t be enough!” Li Hao answered. “I want some other things, but they aren’t that important. I’d like some honorary low level chief commissioner positions. I want to use them to entice some sponsors—I won’t be giving them out randomly, of course!”

As for the sponsors he obtained, that would naturally all go to him.

Manager Yu frowned slightly. Even honorary positions couldn’t be given out lightly as chief commissioners were an executive position. After some thought, she shook her head. “That won’t do—chief commissioners also need to be approved by the various ministries. How about this, I can give you some commissioner inspector positions. Only an internal report is needed for those!”

Chief commissioner was out of the question. There were many commissioner inspectors, they didn’t matter. Apart from Slayers, almost everyone in the Guards was a commissioner inspector. They were all the low level kind, which made the position worthless. As for whether or not Li Hao could trade the title for some benefits... that was up to him.

Li Hao found the response troublesome and thought for a while. “Alright then!” He finally nodded. “I’d wanted to wave a chief commissioner title in front of Wang Ming. His family has money and they’re part of the military. Maybe they could’ve offered some funds. But if it’s commissioner inspector, he’s already one.”

The young man sighed helplessly. A speechless Manager Yu suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. So you wanted to trick some sponsorships out of Wang Ming? The Wangs do have money, but they need to develop their own people too. How much can they give you? What are you plotting?

Upon thinking of Li Hao’s network... Manager Yu didn’t think that the young man would receive much support either. The key point was that he’d been in that tiny town all along. Only Liu Long possessed some strength in Silver City, yet strength didn’t necessarily mean support.

The young man’s two points weren’t outrageous, but neither were they truly meaningful. Manager Yu smiled to see the frown on Li Hao’s face. It put her in a good mood to see Li Hao fret over this matter.

“Do you have any other requests?” She didn’t mind giving him some real support at this stage.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Li Hao didn’t hold back and ventured carefully, “Manager, can you give me usage of a treasure that contains sword aura? I know the Guards possess them, but they’re all under Senior Golden Spear’s control. I’ve only just arrived and need to establish some authority. Having a treasure like this will help convince people!

“For example, late Sunderers can sense the aura only once every six months in the Guards. But I’m penniless and strapped for resources, can I wait for half a year? I can entice them only if I draw on these benefits ahead of time. What do you think?”

Manager Yu raised a brow as she listened. “These items are rare even in the ruins, not just any item will do! The kind you want is obviously the ones that are multi-use instead of using them once or twice...

“Treasures that we can comprehend the aura from are labeled dao comprehension weapons. They facilitate comprehension of dao and are exceedingly expensive. There’s no market for them as they’re hard to purchase even with mysterious power stones...”

Li Hao nodded continuously. Manager Yu was in a talkative mood today, which meant that there was room for negotiation!

Indeed, the secretary suddenly smiled. “I can give you one as the director thinks highly of you. It wouldn’t be right not to offer you any support. But, it comes with a request.”

“Please speak frankly!” Li Hao hastily said.

The woman looked at him for a while and smiled... “You must seize the origin weapon in Battle Heaven for the director!”

Li Hao paused and looked quizzically at the secretary.