Chapter 406: A Bustling Ash Mountain (III)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 406: A Bustling Ash Mountain (III)

As effortlessly as the Demon Hunters traveled, Tidal Wave and Half Mountain did not proceed as smoothly.

Tidal Wave shot down a suddenly descending python with a water arrow. She frowned as she looked at it. “These monster spirits are incredibly weak and attack us through sheer instinct. Do they not sense the danger that we bring?”

She and Half Mountain had been ambushed numerous times along the way. There were snakes, birds, creatures of land, panthers... The creatures were all very weak and some were just simple beasts, yet they’d dared attack the supernaturals all the same. Did they not sense the danger exuding from their prey?

They didn’t pose a threat to the two supernaturals, but fending off constant attacks was rather annoying and delayed their tracking of the target.

Half Mountain looked around silently and said after a long moment, “There might be a major monster spirit in the mountain. Tidal Wave, we should not remain here for long! We seem to have caught its eye and it’s sending the minor monster spirits against us.”

“I do sense a thing or two, but what are you afraid of?” Tidal Wave laughed. “Even if there is, that thing doesn’t dare come against us in person. It only compels minor spirits against us. Is it expecting some Starlight, Darkmoon level creatures to do any damage to us? Does it mean to exhaust us?

“If that’s the case, then that’s all there is to these major spirits and the Solars have overestimated them! If that truly is the situation, we might even come across unexpected gains instead.”

What unexpected gains?

Treasure could typically be found at any place with major monster spirits. There were either large amounts of mysterious power stones buried, artifacts from ancient civilizations, or naturally produced treasures. Some of these monster spirits were born alongside the latter.

“I hear that some of the major monster spirits in the central region protect these ancient ruins,” Tidal Wave laughed. “Ash Mountain has few occupants now, but perhaps this was a place where powerhouses secluded themselves in the past. We might come across some ancient dojos or similar.”

Half Mountain frowned. This Tidal Wave was a greedy sort. He was prudent and cautious; he’d wanted to leave as soon as these monster spirits started attacking. It was best if they could kill Li Hao, but no particular concern if they couldn’t. Celestial had lost a significant Solar, true, but it was best not to barge into an unknown land of peril like Ash Mountain if they could help it.

Tidal Wave grew irritated when her counterpart remained quiet. How could a Nova be so indecisive just because some monster weaklings had attacked them? Li Hao and his people might be far off into the distance after so long.

“Half Mountain, it’s just some weak monster spirits that’ve gained some sentience!” she snapped. “I’ll kill it if it comes. You can take all of the treasure it guards!”

Half Mountain said nothing. He bent down to examine the clues and walked ahead in a certain direction a few moments later. He chose to continue, but he also had his own considerations. He would stay for another three days at most. He couldn’t stay too long, and these were just the outskirts of Ash Mountain. Who knew if Li Hao would venture further into the depths?


The Revolution King swiftly came upon the scene with a group of Solars in camouflage paint after Tidal Wave and Half Mountain departed. He quickly assessed the surroundings and scrutinized the python that had just died.

I wonder if any of the beasts that Yuan Shuo observed back in those days are among these monster spirits. If so, this will be interesting. They were already ferocious all those years ago. They’ll be even stronger now!

“The Five Styles of the tiger, bear, deer, ape, and bird...” He Yong tilted his head back at the sky. Martial masters possessed keen vision, so he could make out a tremendous hawk circling in the upper reaches. Did Yuan Shuo derive his bird style from that hawk? That would be too much of a coincidence, wouldn’t it?

He Yong laughed and continued on his way, following the group in front. He didn’t have that many goals on this visit to the northern reaches of Silver Moon and Ash Mountain. The man was taking things one step at a time. Perhaps Li Hao would bring him some surprises. The lad also knew the Five Styles; these mountains were a chance to strengthen that method. But it was also unknown whether the opportunity would turn into a dead end.

“If the wild beasts that Yuan Shuo observed back in the day have become major monster spirits... hahaha, Li Hao will be in for a wonderful time! The old man beat up quite a few beasts in his day!” He Yong suddenly couldn’t wait for such a scene to appear. For example, if the tiger that Yuan Shuo once thrashed was now a tiger spirit, would it maul the young man to death as soon as he deployed the Five Styles?

It was no joke that Yuan Shuo’s enemies could be found all through the land. There were animals in addition to people!

He Yong’s eyes abruptly darted to the side and he looked behind him. He jumped into the air and vanished on the spot. Someone else arrived with incredible speed just as he left, landing where He Yong had just been.

“Southern Fist?” The person raised an eyebrow as they looked into the distance. What was He Yong doing here?

The guy was entirely too full of himself. Did he take everyone for a fool and think that no one could tell he’d enhanced his blood qi to the utmost? But... he could at most fight Novas. What was he being so unbridled for?

Hong Yitang kept up a long list of criticism. Pompous little bastard! Watch yourself, Northern Fist is still alive and he’ll smash you to death with one punch!

After watching for a while, Hong Yitang sighed with some resentment. What were they doing here? This was Ash Mountain! Multiple Solar level monster spirits could already be found here ten years ago. Li Hao you bastard, you’re going wherever there’s danger to be found, aren’t you? My poor daughter... Daddy’s here to save you, run a little slower!

Hong Yitang’s head ached at the thought of those monster spirits. That had been ten years ago! After another ten years... damn, they might be Nova level now or even stronger! Even he didn’t dare venture into this blasted place.

Was Great Li really dead because they didn’t send people? It was more likely that whoever they’d sent had been eaten by those major monster spirits! He’d met a few of their people a couple of years back, but they’d been running for their lives. Ash Mountain was not a good place to hide!


The Demon Hunters proceeded soundlessly. The further in they traveled, the more alarmed Li Hao was. Holy shit, have we walked into a den of snakes? Why does Ash Mountain feel more dangerous than the outside world?

He saw a ball of light again, one with some dots sparkling near it. This was far from his first sighting and they were becoming more common the further in the group traveled.

Monster spirits! They were everywhere inside the mountain.