Chapter 419: One Step to Heaven, One Step to Hell (IV)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 419: One Step to Heaven, One Step to Hell (IV)

The three great organizations are probably going to go crazy after all these people have died here. Li Hao inwardly shook his head to himself. The organizations won’t be able to endure the deaths of so many at once, but it has nothing to do with me. The more the merrier. I can keep that wind chime as a backup plan though. If there comes a day when I’m out of sword energy and mysterious power, I can use it to save my skin.

He’d gained something else from the battle—his water aura might have benefitted from observing Tidal Wave. But the key wasn’t his water aura, it was his sword aura!

Hong Yitang’s sword!

What a pity that he couldn’t experience it for himself. Otherwise, the young man might comprehend something different from the greatest swordsman of the era—assuming he didn’t die in the attempt. Li Hao didn’t dare consider Sky Sword. Who knew what level that personage was at? And, he might be weaker than Hong Yitang.

Li Hao soon returned to where the Demon Hunters were waiting. Liu Long was standing guard outside and heaved a sigh of relief to see the young man come back.

“I thought you were dragged into a fight with the others,” he said worriedly. “The entire mountain went quiet earlier before sounds of battle broke out. Did the three great organizations clash with the monster spirits?”


“How did it turn out?”

Everyone looked worriedly at their leader. So the battle was over? What was the outcome?

“The three great organizations suffered a complete defeat!” Li Hao exhaled ponderously. “Seventeen Solars and two Novas are dead. Half Mountain, the Revolution King, and what should be a water Nova from Red Moon are dead...”

Jaws dropped and sharp intakes of breath could be heard. They were all dead? That was horrifying!

“All dead?” Liu Long swallowed hard. “Then... what about those major monster spirits?”

“They’re fine.”

“That’s terrifying!” Liu Long fought to regain calm. “Thank goodness they didn’t discover us. Otherwise... But we should go. Ah, I thought you’d made a move because there was also a sword aura on the scene. Wasn’t it you? Or are there formidable martial masters among the three great organizations?”

They were quite far from the battle site, but oscillations from Hong Yitang’s sword intent had still traveled over. Li Hao swept a glance at Hong Qing—he couldn’t see her face since it was obscured by the visor. However, he could still sense some admiration. The young man didn’t know what to say.

“It wasn’t me,” he offered after a moment. “There was another swordsman, but... he died!”

Li Hao couldn’t be bothered telling Hong Yitang’s daughter anything if the man himself didn’t say anything.

“That’s a pity...” Liu Long sighed. “But it’s good that another powerhouse of the three great organizations is dead. That swordsman must’ve been very strong. Our weapons shook when his sword intent traveled to us!”

“Yeah, he was so strong!” Hong Qing piped up. “My sword kept shaking, it was terrifying! Thank goodness he’s dead, or my sword would’ve flown away if it continued!”

Thank goodness he’s dead... You should repeat those words to your father when you have a chance.

The supernaturals milling around the valley quickly gave way. Although many of them had secretly acted against Red Moon, the three great organizations were still domineering on the surface. No one dared directly oppose them, so they immediately moved themselves out of the group’s trajectory when a group of Red Moon powerhouses barreled toward the valley.

Another party was in hot pursuit—many of them wore black armor. One of them looked to be an elder in his fifties. He didn’t wear armor and wielded a spear, stabbing it forward!

The spear whistled through the air, prompting multiple Solars of the fleeing Red Moon contingent to turn back for a counterblow. Their mysterious power erupted, but was instantly pierced through by the spear. An initial Solar vomited blood as he was nailed to the ground.

“Golden Spear!” shouted one of the surviving Solars. “You are stronger than Solar, yet still attack us! Are you not afraid of Red Moon erupting in complete hostility and general slaughter??”

Soldiers fought soldiers, generals fought generals. This was the unspoken rule. Otherwise, powerhouses on both sides would cause an uncontrollable bloodbath and far too many dead.

Eyes widened when the crowd heard the moniker of Golden Spear. This was the leader of the Three Spears of Silver Moon! He was the strongest martial master known to the public and greater than Solar. He was likely the foremost expert among the modern day martial world!

Hong Yitang and He Yong were not part of this conversation and Sky Blade had crossed over to the supernatural. Apart from close friends knowing that Tyrant Blade was still alive, everyone else thought he was dead. Yuan Shuo had only killed a peak Solar thus far; he was yet to fight a Nova in direct combat.

Golden Spear had exchanged blows with Blue Moon yesterday. Both retreated from the clash, but to emerge unscathed after encountering a Nova made Golden Spear the undisputed first among the martial world.

Since Yuan Shuo was yet to fight a Nova, his strength was impossible to determine.

Golden Spear, Yuan Shuo, Li Hao...

The names of these three martial masters were known throughout Skystar Dynasty and deterred all those who heard it. They were martial masters beyond the conventional meaning of Dominator and had truly set foot into the next level.

The group further understood the circumstances when they heard it was Golden Spear pursuing the Red Moon contingent. No wonder the Solars were running so fast. Their pursuers were the Silver Moon Guard!

“Who says I’m stronger than Solar?” Golden Spear retorted coolly. “Not to mention, you guys are the more shameless ones when it comes to breaking the rules. Who can tell me where Tidal Wave and Half Mountain have gone?”

Who broke the rules first? In that case, how dare you mention the rules!

“Kill!” Golden Spear roared.

“Kill!” Martial masters behind him charged forward. They were indomitable when equipped with black armor. This unit was stronger than the Demon Hunters as there were numerous half step Dominators. They bore down on their enemy with undeniable momentum, following their leader in smashing through the Solar blockade and killing Red Moon supernaturals.

Wang Qing, disciple of Berserk Blade, and Kong Youyun, daughter of Kong Jie, took on the Solars by themselves! This group was Golden Spear’s bodyguards—just eighty of them—and extremely mighty.

There were twenty half step Dominators among the eighty, the rest were late Sunderers. All of them wore black armor, making them true elites compared to Li Hao’s Demon Hunters. Even Solars had to retreat when facing their joint offensive.


Explosions rang out as Solars fought bitterly for their lives. A clap of thunder exploded near Golden Spear. The man roared and stabbed with his spear!
