Chapter 426: South Below and North Above (IV)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 426: South Below and North Above (IV)

“If we enter the other side of Rift Canyon from this direction, we will be afforded maximal concealment.” Li Hao gave it some thought. “If we head down the mountain from here, we might run into others and give rise to unforeseen developments...”

It wasn’t that they must remain on their path, but that it was easier to hide when they did. That would avoid some trouble, and if Hou Xiaochen and the others weren’t there when the Demon Hunters finally reached the ruins, that also meant there would be no large-scale battle taking place.

But now that the three great organizations had lost a batch of powerhouses, they might not have the strength to stand against Silver Moon. It was Li Hao’s estimation that the ruins stood a ninety-nine percent chance of opening this month. Given Hou Xiaochen’s personality and the fact that all sides had sent representatives, he would want nothing more than for the ruins to open so these guys could be cannon fodder.

Thus, given these considerations, Li Hao decided to try to make it back in time for the ruins’ opening.

“Let’s exit the mountain from here then. We’ll conceal our tracks and hide where we can. If we continue on our original path, we might not make it in time.” He decided to make the ruins their priority. As for why Half Mountain and the others didn’t emerge when the Demon Hunters did... Well, what did that have to do with him?

The young man put everything out of his mind after assessing the situation. The Demon Hunters quickly threaded through the mountain forests to leave. Their escort, the giant hawk, followed them until they passed through the forests and exited the mountain range.

When day broke, the Demon Hunters entered a modestly sized city. It was one of the sixteen in Silver Moon’s northern territory. Here, Li Hao commanded his people to take off their armor and place it in a large car. This turned the Demon Hunters into a team of martial bodyguards that ran missions throughout the province’s northern territory.

Transport became a complex issue upon the rise of the supernatural. These days, martial masters and some weaker supernaturals might choose to become bodyguards and safeguard the wares of large corporations. Thus, this became the Demon Hunter’s disguise. They were escorting a car of valuable cargo toward Rift Canyon.


At the same time, inside Rift Canyon.

Hong Yitang and He Yong left without a backward glance when they saw the hawk return. The four major monster spirits watched them leave. The two humans had said that they would stay for just one day, but they lingered for multiple! It made the monster spirits too apprehensive to split up, lest they be eliminated one by one.

“They’re gone!” A ripple traveled from the golden eagle when the two humans were out of sight.

“The demon’s heir is gone too.”

“It looks like these Silver Moon martial masters are all connected to each other.”

“......” The major monster spirits conversed for a while. That the two stronger humans had waited until Li Hao was gone made them realize that Silver Moon martial masters were sometimes very united.

Of course, it also had to do with Li Hao helping them suppress the catastrophic changes in their body.

“Silver Moon... is a place we should tread lightly!” came the tiger’s ripples. “The situation is very complicated there and there may be even more powerful existences present than those guys!”

“There certainly is,” responded the golden eagle. “There might also be monster spirit experts too! I once flew beyond Ash Mountain and entered Silver Moon territory. There was a stifling presence there not long after I entered the province! It was everywhere, so I suspect that there are many preeminent powerhouses present in Silver Moon. There are also noble monster spirits present. I seem to see a giant turtle somewhere...”

“Slayers and Starlight who wish to enter must pay ten cubes of mysterious power. Sunderers and Darkmoons must pay thirty cubes. Dominators and Sunflares must pay one hundred cubes. Solars must pay one mysterious power stone and Novas ten stones. The three great evil organizations are exempt from this requirement. The funds will be used to maintain the operations of the ruin entrance!”

His words caused a general uproar. The price was fine for the weaklings—even one hundred cubes wasn’t that expensive. But mysterious power stones?? Solars had to pay a stone to enter, that was too expensive!

A Solar within the canyon asked, “Director Hao, isn’t it too much to require a mysterious power stone from Solars? According to what I know, Battle Heaven is divided into an inner and outer city. There are almost no treasures in the outer city, just the inner. The inner city is dangerous beyond belief and we put our lives on the line when we explore...”

“Then don’t go inside!” Hao Lianchuan looked down his nose at the man. “Why enter if it’s that dangerous?”

The speaker glowered, but kept a firm grip on his temper because this was the other’s territory. “Then does this mean entrance is free for three great organizations and Silver Moon authorities?”

“Of course! The three evil organizations will be paying another price. You need not worry about that!”

“Then what about the Night Watchers or government agencies of other provinces...”

“Pay up!” Hao Lianchuan yelled gruffly. “You can avoid paying if you join the Silver Moon Night Watchers. The situation is unclear in the other provinces. To prevent the admission of malevolent forces, you can join my Night Watchers first and submit to a background check. Once you pass that, your entrance is naturally free!”

No shit! The crowd looked at him wordlessly. What background check? The real trouble began after one joined the Night Watchers. Would they dare not listen to a superior then? They would be turned into cannon fodder without a choice!

“Then what if we don’t have mysterious power stones?” yelled a dejected Solar.

“One thousand cubes will do too!”

That was also expensive, it was almost the value of a mysterious power stone. And if one didn’t have the mysterious power... then the answer would be to not enter the ruins. What else could they say?

The loud hubbub of anticipation immediately quieted down.

“Is there a limit on the number of people allowed in?” asked a smiling young man.

“No limit!” called out Hao Lianchuan. “Additionally, the entrance will not be open until three days later!”

It used to be that the entrance was open once a day at midnight. That had been key for many people’s survival before. The announcement caused another furor of discussion. Some supernaturals frowned with dissatisfaction.

“We only want to explore for a day or two. Doesn’t that mean we have to wait until the final moments to exit?”

If they happened to lay hands on some treasure in the first couple of days, it would be much safer to exit first. If they all waited until the final moments, what good would there be for wandering supernaturals who’d obtained some treasure? They would be squeezed in with all the powerhouses at the exit and not even know how they’d died!