Chapter 443: Picking Up Money From The Streets (IV)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 443: Picking Up Money From The Streets (IV)

Holy shit?!

Not only was the mysterious power stone bigger than their heads, light danced inside it. It was clear and translucent throughout—a far cry from the dim murkiness of usual stones. One might even suspect that it wasn’t a mysterious power stone!

But after the trio probed it with their senses... they found that it did seem to just be a mysterious power stone!

Hong Yitang took a sharp breath. Hot damn! What did I do? I just randomly walked around and somehow picked up a storage ring with the huge stones inside it. No, huge treasures! Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

He could barely process the development as there were three stones such as this one inside the storage ring. Three of them!

Not only that, but there was also a small sealed flask of liquid. It seemed quite precious; he didn’t know what it was and wasn’t inclined to open it yet. A baffled state of mind was all he could manage at the moment.

Hong Yitang peered around him and suddenly raised a cupped fist salute. “What a paradise of treasure! Battle Heaven is my second home and perhaps my ancestors were once part of this place. Li Hao and He Yong, pay your respects to the city! This place is incredible!”

He Yong was still gaping at the stone. He swallowed hard and finally forced out, “This... is an ultimate mysterious power stone... It should make for three thousand pieces if it’s cut, should it not?”

One piece from this rock was possibly the equivalent of three typical stones that they were familiar with in this day and age, so Hong Yitang held ten thousand stones in his hands! He Yong was truly shocked out of his wits.

Li Hao was also inert with stupefaction. He couldn’t help but look at the turtle in the distance. To be honest... did Old Hong finding wealth on the ground have anything to do with the sentient creatures inside the city? Why had this happened? There was nothing in Battle Heaven; its streets were clean and the ground absorbed whatever was on it. How could a storage ring still be here after it was dropped endless millennia ago?

What the heck??

This was possible if there were conscious beings still inside the city, but why give something to Ole Hong?

Li Hao scratched his head, finally wondering if it had something to do with the man’s words. Was that speech of his worth cities? Had it resonated with a being in the city? The young man sank into deep thought. He didn’t mind the massive hunk of mysterious power stone. To each their own fortunes. There was no rule that Hong Yitang could not have his fair share.

Li Hao simply considered the notion that if existences within the city found these words valuable, then perhaps those were his greatest gain on this expedition. He looked at Hong Yitang again, suddenly finding the indolent and raggedy man rather mysterious.

A wide beam split Hong Yitang’s face as he put away his newfound riches. What kind of good day was this? He was so happy! The city was wonderful!

“Come, let’s go to my lodgings. Since we’re here already, let’s rest and walk around...” Hong Yitang chuckled and looked at the buildings around them. “There are so many schools for such a small city. I think I’ve seen at least five on our way here. Did the ancient city sense my proposition of building more schools and rewarded me for my thoughts?”

All of it was a pale shadow to the shock that the storage ring brought to him. He was rich! Therefore, Hong Yitang was wreathed in smiles. His bleak melancholy of moments ago was gone, replaced by joy and excitement. He’d ever seen so much money in his life. How blissful he was!

He Yong was quite jealous. Li Hao smiled as well, a crafty curve to his lips. Would Earthturner Sword look to him for help? If he did and was so rich... should the young man demand two thirds?

Ahem, alright, one third. Two thirds was too much. One third would be a tip for the little sword. It was Stellaris, after all! Was it right not to exact any payment if it was put to work?

The three reached the southern streets as they chatted. Fragrant Cloud Pavilion of Hibiscus Garden. Fifth street of the southern quadrant.

The southern quadrant was the commercial district. There were some tall buildings here, but not that tall compared to the outside world. The streets were broad here and storefronts were found everywhere. Tea, Wine, Meals, Clothes... Flags fluttered in the wind as large sign boards enabled patrons to clearly identify where they wished to go. The stores were almost all shut, so Li Hao looked to and fro at the banners.

He led them in a certain direction moments later. He Yong was completely lost as he didn’t know anything. Hong Yitang could recognize a few ancient words, so he could barely keep track of where they were.

The massacre continued in the outer city. All was particularly peaceful on the quiet streets in the inner city. A manor of ancient flair loomed in front of them after a while. Hong Yitang quickly took out his key, matching the words on it to the ones on the signboard.

“Hibiscus Garden?” He looked at Li Hao. The young man nodded and looked around them. All was very quiet. The garden occupied a large plot of land and some rooftop eaves could be seen over the walls.

The enormous doors were closed. Could they be opened? Fragrant Cloud Pavilion might be just one of the houses in the garden and not the entire complex.

“Martial Uncle Hong, take a look inside,” said Li Hao.

Hong Yitang shoved the key at He Yong. “Ole He, you go.”

He Yong brooded! This key might only access the Fragrant Cloud Pavilion! The garden’s gates are closed! Will I die if I open the doors?

“It should be fine,” Li Hao speculated. “Hibiscus Garden should be a welcome center for guests. We’re entering a public area and not private property. Nothing should happen to us according to Battle Heaven rules. Martial Uncle He, try pushing on the door.”

He Yong looked at Li Hao and then at Hong Yitang. Why... aren’t you guys trying? If it’s fine, why are you sending me?

Both Hong Yitang and Li Hao looked silently at him. Of course you’re going! Li Hao is too weak and Hong Yitang can stay back as a contingency. You fall in the middle, so who else if not you? Not to mention, we got you safely into the inner city. It’s time for you to take some risks or you’ll share none of the treasure we find later.

He Yong had nothing to say in his defense. Although no one said a word, he understood their meaning. He took a deep breath, cursed inwardly, and screwed up his courage to push open the door.

It gently creaked open, seeming to have just been slightly closed as opposed to fully shut. The doors opened as He Yong pushed on them.