Chapter 466: Sword Unsheathed (II)

Name:Star Gate Author:
Chapter 466: Sword Unsheathed (II)

He Yong considered Li Hao slightly indecisive when it came to battle, but not in terms of executing on his goals. The young man fiercely pummeled the weak, yet was overcautious when it came to the strong. Was there any point in that?

I’ll let you play with a strong guy this time!

He Yong was quite irritated that Li Hao was skilled at bullying the weak and cowered in front of the strong. He’d wanted to find an opportunity to knock the young man down a few pegs. Of course, he would naturally lend a hand if it looked like Li Hao really was going to die.

The old man nearby would have nothing to say if he pulled Li Hao out of harm’s way just once. The difference in strength between the two youngsters was too great. He would have the right to help even if this was back in the glory days of the martial world. This was a specific assistance offered to the weak to ensure that martial masters wouldn’t hem and haw when challenging the strong.


These concerns were not on Li Hao’s mind at the moment. He took a breath after killing another fleeing Solar; the longsword in his hand became ever more withdrawn in terms of presence.

There was no one in front of him anymore. Even if there was, they’d fled to the outer city for shelter. The groups of supernaturals on the battlefield had been forcefully disbanded. He wouldn’t find many targets for his sword if he wanted to kill more.

Another explosion sounded behind him.

Thirty-six! Li Hao repeated to himself. Thirty-two Black Armors, four Bronze Armors. The might of a Nova was on full display against these soldiers. Xu Feng’s target remained Li Hao all this time, but he’d still killed thirty-six Battle Heaven soldiers.

The young man paused and turned.

Xu Feng was panting slightly; he smiled at Li Hao’s motion. “You’ve finally stopped running huh.”

The Black Armors around them were either scattered or dead. The closest ones were several dozen meters away and rushing their way, breaking through the supernatural blockade.

“Li Hao, my words stand from before. Hand over the armor, I have no interest in killing you.” Xu Feng grinned. “It is difficult for martial masters to reach this level of strength. I quite value talent, so you can come help me. Of course, you can also refuse to join me, I won’t be angry. The armor does not belong to you to begin with. I’ll compensate you with some mysterious power stones if you hand it over. What do you say?”

Li Hao had said nothing all this time. “You’ve... killed thirty-six warriors!” he finally broke his silence.

Xu Feng blinked, then smiled. “Don’t be silly, Li Hao, and stop stalling for time. There’s no point to that. The Silver Armors will soon fade after their reawakening. I can let you go, but the three great organizations will not. You still have time to flee after handing over the armor. If not... you won't have time, even if I decide to show mercy!”

“I want to kill you!” Li Hao replied seriously. “Sadly, your life won’t be worth theirs and you only have one. I rarely say anything to the dead, but I’m not certain that I’ll be able to kill you later. However, I will do all that I can to kill you!”

“Stubborn as a goat!” Xu Feng snapped. “Who do you think you are?! Do you really think martial masters are that formidable? Do you think your teacher Yuan Shuo is very strong? You’re delusional! One of your so-called thirty-six is a servant for my family...”

What a ludicrous fellow! As Xu Feng snorted to himself, Li Hao made his move. He walked on the ground instead of taking to the air. Throwing himself forward, he planted one foot on the earth. Power surged into his body—that of the ancient city.

Li Hao extracted some power from the earth and tore through the air with his sword!

Up to this point, his opponent had made use of the Heart Protector, boxing gloves, and formidable ice shields to emerge unscathed despite being pierced by Stellaris a few times. Only this time, with the explosion of sword qi and ice shield, did he leave blood traces on the other’s face!

Xu Feng glowered. He grabbed the longsword with a snort and smashed his fist toward Li Hao. Bastard!

Li Hao shook his head and swung with his other hand as well. The Nine Forged Force erupted—boom!

Both fists collided—Li Hao felt like his hand was about to shatter, even though the armor. He ignored the pain and flooded his body with sword energy. Roaring like a ferocious tiger pouncing, he swung his fist again!

Bam bam bam!

The two exchanged a hundred blows in quick succession. There even seemed to be a fracture developing on the silver armor. Li Hao’s hand was a mangled mess inside the armor, but sword energy swiftly repaired his injuries. It could not regrow flesh and blood, but it could swiftly seal wounds for him so that he did not continue to lose blood.

His left hand was starting to lose strength; his right hand continued to wield the sword. Stellaris shook violently, but was unable to leave the other’s death grip.

Xu Feng gripped Li Hao’s sword and punched with his right hand. His hand within the boxing glove was also coming off worse for the wear. This guy can seriously hold out!

Panting sounded in both of their ears. Li Hao heaved for air while Xu Feng’s breathing was also heavier. It was so much harder fighting Li Hao than an initial Nova. What was with this guy?

Li Hao erupted with the Nine Forged Force again and again, punching with abandon. A wave started coming into formation and surged out, slapping Xu Feng’s fist back with nine layers of waves!

“The Nine Forged Force, is it?” Xu Feng laughed as he sucked in a mouthful of air. “So the Liu family of Silver Moon have taught you their family method. It looks like Silver Gun’s descendants are truly trash...”

Li Hao was smiling as well. It was a fantastic feeling to fight a mid Nova to his heart’s content! The two quickly exchanged another hundred blows. His arm was about to shatter as well, but it felt so good. Just as He Yong had said, to be brash was to be martial dao!

His longsword continued to vibrate, but it couldn’t break free of the other’s grasp. Li Hao didn’t mind. Stellaris had its own dignity and temper, this was good.

The wave of water grew in volume. The water aura that’d been unable to take shape when he killed Xie Gang was slowly manifesting. Li Hao breathed out gently, almost emotionally. He’d spent the longest time comprehending the water aura out of his four auras.

The earth aura had been the easiest, to think of it was to manifest it. The fire aura had been stronger, but putting himself in the proper frame of mind after observing a ferocious tiger break free of its cage was enough for success. The metal aura had easily come into existence when he broke the Broken Will Spear. Only the water aura had continuously remained out of reach.

He knew how to comprehend it and practiced the Nine Forged Force to its utmost. He’d observed the sea and watched Liu Long deploy it multiple times...

It turned out that purposefully learning was the most difficult for Li Hao!

He’d come in contact with the Nine Forged Force a long time ago. Perhaps it didn’t count as long for other people, but it was what he’d learned when he first set foot into martial dao. It took until today for the water aura to gradually reveal itself.

It’d been too hard!